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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 6 hours ago, scorecard said:

    Plus at least a couple of the adopted kids have moved out of the 'circle' and are successfully making their own way in life using their own skills.



    And of course, they've achieved this all on merit and not the slightest bit of name-dropping about who their adoptive parents are, or did they just bypass the interview after a phone call from Angelina?


  2. 10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:



    It seems in Thailand the police at least try to catch the bad guys - except of course those rich influential people.




    Who are indeed, the bad guys, using money gained from corruption to stay out of jail and putting innocents in jail, Koh Tao Godfathers and their offspring, for a prime example.







    • Agree 1
  3. From all I and everybody who read and followed the proceedings and ridiculous amounts of evidence produced, including buying the boat he used to dispose of some body parts, there is no way in a million years he can walk away with this as a not guilty.


    It makes me wonder what kind of advice and representation he is receiving.


    It is a strange affair.

    • Agree 1
  4. I am with Krung Thaio and you can no longer do online transactions on a website, it's a mobile app only.


    For any large transaction, I had to present myself in the bank and send it the old-fashioned Swift transfer method.


    When I was transferring smaller amounts I used Dee Money, but found them very slow and cumbersome compared to Wise transfers, but you can send money out from Thailand using Wise.


    I have just signed up with two other companies for money transfers, NETELLER and SKRILL, to see if they are any better.


    Does anybody on AN have any experience with these two?

  5. 45 minutes ago, PoorSucker said:

    Samui prison is not for lifetime prisoners, Klong preem



    Last I knew the Burmese two were in Bang Kwang.

    • Thanks 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

    A farnag is a same as a farang. A Falung. A fareng, a fring or even a forlong. 

    Do you have a record of arrests or convictions for serious crimes or social offenses in the UK?





    I used to steal horses and ride furlongs.

    • Haha 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Captain Monday said:

    A farnag is a same as a farang. A Falung. A fareng, a fring or even a forlong. 

    Do you have a record of arrests or convictions for serious crimes or social offenses in the UK?





    Let's see.


    Are you for real?

  8. 19 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    Sure there are some people who were wrongly convicted and innocent 


    But why should anybody give a toss about criminal scum that drag all farnags down? 


    What's a Farnag? Is it the same as a Farungun?😆


    The majority of prisoners are homegrown Thais.


    Yes there are foreigners and yes the majority are indeed scum, but you do get unlucky people, and those in the wrong place at the wrong time, or meeting the wrong people that also get caught up in the web.

  9. 50 minutes ago, Jaxxper said:

    I know the Hand to Hand foundation do visits to prisons here in Pattaya. Contact them and see if you can join one of their visits.





    And take your books!

  10. On 4/7/2024 at 12:22 PM, rexpotter said:

    You're living in the wrong country. They didn't get there by accident.



    Oh yes they do!

    • Agree 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Will27 said:

    Apart from boxes/cubes, I couldn't fine one.


    Why don't you just get the free trial and play around with it?


    1 hour ago, bubblegum said:

    No channel list



    Same story, just get a free trial and/or email them any queries.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Will27 said:

    I'm reasonably happy with my IPTV service but always on the look out for a new one.


    It would be nice if they had a list of channels, unless I missed it. 



    Click on the link, it's all there I think.

  13. On 4/6/2024 at 10:02 PM, riclag said:

    A bunch of us falangs where at a bar with our wives up here in Sakon Nakhon

    dancing , drinking and listening to A Thai band . The place was full of Thais and us .All was going well.

    We been there for 3 hours suddenly my wife said the guy over  there is getting loud & angry about Thai women being with falangs , so we all paid up & left . 
    This also happened to me in Dominican Republic 20 years ago.

    I think some natives get a little p’ed off

    And jealous.



    I think that's more a case of a drunken Thai that can't handle their booze than the norm.


    He's pissed off with life and his menial job, lack of money and his boring existence, and looking for someone to blame.


    But, looking at the subject of foreigners with Thai women, is it any different from how White men used to view black men with white women, to me, it's a non-issue and none of my business but others don't see it that way.

    • Like 1
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  14. 28 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:

    I've been following Keto for the past 5 years.

    In the first year, I dropped from 115 kilos down to my goal of 72 kilos.

    I've maintained 72+/- kilos for the last four years, while eating foods I enjoy, without a thought about reducing the amounts of those foods. Never feel hungry. Eat as much as I want of good, healthy vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts, cheese, breads, meats, chicken, fish, etc., and even have desserts when I want them. I eat in restaurants 6-10 times a week, just being careful what I select.  Annual health checks at Rajaveg tell me I'm still healthy.

    It isn't that hard to be healthy.
    Keto works, not as a diet, but as a lifestyle.




    Well done on the weight loss and Keto.


    How can you eat bread on the Keto though?


    I get all the other stuff and I previously have been successful on Keto.


    I go for annual health checks in Khonkaen, but they told me on the last visit that they don't like Keto or any diet that misses out on food groups.


    I suppose it's a balancing act where you weigh up the benefits of weight loss, ( less stress on organs and body joints) to the levels of nutrients in the body.

  15. He got out of the frying pan once when he was Chief of Immigration, now it looks like he's jumped into the fire.


    Even if it is by association, Bosses are responsible for those who serve under them.


    Perks of the job, he's rubbed several people up the wrong way, that is obvious.


    With those lot, it's not down to honesty, because NONE of them are, it's about which group you are affiliated to and who is the flavour of the month.

    • Thumbs Up 1
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  16. @Rampant Rabbit


    To be fair, I love those bathrooms on Emirates. I haven't flown business with them since the days you could smoke cigarettes on board, and I stopped smoking twenty years ago.


    A big pal of mine swears by Emirates for BC, but he loves the Chauffeur pick up from his home.


    Two or three years ago, I flew business with Etihad which was fine, since then, I've been chasing my tail trying to get the best deals possible with Qatar, paying for tier bonuses etc.


    As I said in a different post, after this trip, my next one I will use up my Q points and Q credits and then next year I am shopping around for the best deals.


    On my last business A380 flight with Qatar, we didn't have doors on the business cabin, I am fairly sure we didn't.

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