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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. 5 hours ago, bradiston said:

    "Sittra says there is no evidence against General Surachate"


    This from the lawyer chasing the corrupt cops. Read the whole article here. No more I hate him therefore he's guilty blah.







    Why get worked up about corrupt cops fighting each other because one believes another has been taking bigger cuts?


    How does it affect the average long-stay foreigner, ? it doesn't.

  2. They are a nest of vipers starting at the top Police General down to the newest recruits in 2024.


    They are strangers to the truth and poorly trained with little knowledge of the law.


    They garner positions by family associations, brothers and cousins already in the Police, they pay for promotions and positions and are corrupt as hell.


    I don't trust or like any of them. I smile and am polite to them with the same sincerity they afford me. After that, I stay out of their way.

  3. 2 hours ago, brianthainess said:

    What skin problem would warrant that ?


    Severe Acne and a few other skin defects, but most people do it for the mid-life crisis to look younger, and removal of wrinkles and fine lines, which are a natural product of ageing.


    A refusal by some to grow old gracefully.






    • Sad 2
  4. 6 hours ago, JimTripper said:

    Sihanoukville was the worst I saw in Cambodia. They call them 'deathpats'. People who have washed up in the last place that accepts them. Maybe they have been pushed along by now with the Chinese development.


    Saw one room with bloody swabs all over on the pillow and bed when looking to rent a room.


    They seem to be preyed upon by other expats and maybe locals as well. They just go down hill with booze and drugs and end up in a tiny cheap room, usually close to a grungy entertainment area like Victory Hill, or one of those places near the water where there is nothing. Not the same as Pattaya and similar, it's much worse.


    Strange things blowing in on the wind there, strange smells, especially along deserted dirt roads. Could feel something in the breeze. Felt like...lack of hope, for lack of a better word.


    Siem Reap and PP was Ok for me if you stay in a decent place.



    The Chinese ruined Sihanoukville and left it unhabitable and suffering even more lawlessness than before.


    There are partially constructed buildings that have been left and will never be completed once the authorities clamped down on Casino gambling, which in turn was replaced by call centres, slave labour and racketeering.


    The original Cambodians were pushed out and relocated years ago when it became unaffordable for them. Anything that Sihanoukville had to offer, which wasn't a great deal, has now gone.


    Quite a large number of failed Thailand expats now trawl the streets of Phnom Penn and Siem Reap as the visa arrangements are much easier and no need for cash in the bank.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 53 minutes ago, Excogitator said:

    I wonder what it is about Thailand that attracts deranged lunatics on such a scale?


    I've been an expat in five countries now. None of those places came even close to Thailand in that department (although Bali gets an 'honorable' mention for it's everdrunk bogans and a few crazed russian and indian nationals..)



    I've seen a lot of lunatics in Phnom Penn and Siem Reap also, especially these last couple of years.


    Local Cambodians have noticed and commented about the foreigners who can no longer maintain the financial conditions to stay in Thailand.

    • Agree 1
  6. It does seem by the reports that attempted murder charges would be justified.


    Members have commented that this German has attacked multiple foreigners.


    It seems to me he has a screw loose and seems to think he is above and beyond the law, a common misconception when they get away with extreme violence a few times.


    And so much for his highly skilled martial arts which involved attacking a 63-year-old Belgian man from behind.


    We have ways of dealing with these people where I come from.


    I hope the Belgian chap recovers well and gets the justice he deserves, nothing warrants this type of behaviour when they say the attack was completely unprovoked.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Sig said:

    Of course not. The probability is low to begin with, and in this case, nonexistent.
    What does that have to do with the fact that it is completely unethical?



    We know it's unethical, but it is impossible to change this system, it's in their DNA.


    It is rotten to the core.


    This Deputy PM, who doubles up as interior minister had decided and made his decision on the matter of the Swiss guy.


    So, it's game over, and he has more or less announced that by saying ' Go home and don't waste your time on an appeal '


    The Swiss guy's goose is cooked as far as ever operating that business again and whatever other restrictions are put on him depending on, and decided by the courts regarding re-entry.


    I think we can be fairly certain phone calls by influential figures will be made to the Judge handling the case too, rightly or wrongly.





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