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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Well said. He does, doesn't he? Hehehehe,
  2. I need you to read on what he did to innocent people ' champ '
  3. He's not P' Thaksin to me, he is a man who ordered the execution of many innocent people in his war on drugs. He is currently under investigation by the ICJ. He should be on trial for crimes against humanity P' Thaksin, what a load of Shi ite. Are you trying to pretend you are a Thai now? ............with all your Pee this, that and the other. I bet you go out wai ing everything such as children to trees in a desperate attempt to be local. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/prime-minister-of-thailand-is-accused-of-crimes-against-humanity-tn5v7m7pgjn
  4. It's all just a complete Thai farce. They might as well just let him out. He has no intention of spending any time in jail and this was obviously pre-agreed before his return. The rest of it just makes the government and corrections system look like fools to think they are being believed in any shape or form by the Thai people. This is why the Move Forward party slaughtered them in the elections. However, rampant corruption wouldn't allow the people's choice into power. A royal pardon takes years, he got it in a week! To achieve a prisoner's exemplary status takes a minimum of 18 months, and he got it in six hours.
  5. I don't think Thaksin is in need of free healthcare!
  6. I agree with what you say. However, with eyes, I decided to put my trust in this company with a long record of success and explained in English. It's a personal choice but I wasn't prepared to take any risk with happenstance in eye surgery. I did put my trust in Thai doctors with Throat cancer in 2004/2005 at Bumrungrad and they saved my life. I have total respect for Thai doctors. To be honest, I thought I was just going for a consultation but when the opportunity came up to do it within two days, I jumped at it. And the price for the UK is not far away from your quote at Rutnin. I know Rutnin, we had my partner's mother's eyes done there in 2003 for cataract removal. She's still here alive and kicking at 83 years old and has good eyesight.
  7. No, they don't respect them, not in my Thai family anyway. They go along with it as not to ruffle feathers and because they never know when they might need them in the case of government employees. Regarding Police, they are polite to them but avoid them in all matters. Even disputes in the village are sorted between families where I live, the Police are neither welcome nor required as a rule unless it's a rare case of extreme violence.
  8. Agreed, It's silly when you can't buy at 7-11 during those hours but you can at Mom and Pop shop next door.
  9. I was in Nana last week and they closed at 2am. I stayed at Nana hotel. A few street bars with food pushing their luck but no main venues and the police came along with lights flashing at 1.50am!
  10. I went to the UK on business last month and flew with Qatar Air. I was on the A380 from Bangkok to Doha in economy and then on the 787 to Manchester in business. I am definitely of the opinion that business is not what it was but I may have been spoiled previously with the Q suites on the 777's. The food and service were better in economy on the A380 than in business on the Dreamliner. That's how I found it to be. Whilst in the UK I went for a consultation at a place in Wetherby called Custom Vision. My eyes have been shocking lately and I was wearing varifocals and then needing a magnifying glass for small print on top of that. I was able to obtain surgery two days after the consultation. They had had a cancellation and I was just in the right place at the right time. I opted for Refractive lens exchange and it isn't cheap at 3800 GBP per eye but a very well-renowned eye surgeon. His name was James Ball and a corneal specialist. I can now read messages on my phone unaided. I can play pool again and see everything perfectly well. My distance vision is three grades above the UK driving standards required. I had actually stopped driving as my vision was not good. At 61 years old, it was a good decision. If it assists anybody this is their website. https://customvisionclinic.com/refractive-lens-exchange/
  11. Yes, And for all prisoners entering the prison system go in as ' satisfactory ' then this is reviewed every six months. The scale is satisfactory, good, very good and exemplary. They have two more which is bad and very bad and those people don't qualify for any reduction in their behavioral sentence. So it takes 18 months minimum to reach exemplary status. He's managed it in six hours! What a guy he must be!
  12. You know are you off your meds or just drinking on an empty head?
  13. Isaarn is an area of land not a province. So, if that was sarcasm I missed it. I chose to live in Isaarn, Kalasin to be precise, I was formerly in Pattaya with a good business. I sold due to ill health from which I have recovered. I have been in Kalasin now for nigh on 16 years. Yes, I settled here due to Thai family reasons but I love it. It's not the ridiculous dreamland of boozing and bar stools of tourist areas and nobody claims to be anything they are not not.
  14. If you had read the thread Visas and many other issues at that time were covered. It was a very long thread dealing with many aspects of Thailand and the Philippines. Nobody is talking about ' we expats in Thailand are better ' as you are suggesting, this is based on mine and other posters extensive travels throughout South East Asia and covering the good and bad points of all the countries that we visited. It did used to be far easier for under 50s to stay in Thailand but for various reasons, those days are gone. Stop looking for friction where there isn't any and going on the defense when somebody offers up a different point of view.
  15. I did a very popular thread on this a few years ago now on Thai Visa forum and the overwhelming opinion was, with the exception of English speaking women, nothing much else to go for. Also, plenty of scams from the women there as well as Thailand, they just do it in a different way. There was the odd poster who liked it in the Philippines but they were very much in the minority. Far more unpredictable and volatile than Thailand. Complaints included terrible food, expensive to rent very basic accommodation, utilities expensive, bad living conditions and rampant poverty, too many guns with people more than prepared to use them.Guards with machine guns and metal detectors at shopping malls. They also said you must remain very vigilant. Many of these countries such as Philippines and Cambodia get people that cannot afford the rules and regulations to stay in Thailand. I rent a house to a Filipina lady working in Thailand, she does not have a very high opinion of the place but loves her family of course. She doesn't run the place down, it's more a case of what she doesn't say. I have never inquired much other than passing pleasantries but she just says he is happier working here. For great local food, fruit and vegetables, you will be hard pressed to beat Thailand in this region.
  16. If they continue to not assist, get him to nip to another province or office and take it there. Chonburi centre or Rayong. Mind you, @bbko has already put all the answers and test questions up above in this thread.
  17. I live near the Mukdahan/Laos border and I don't need border bounces at my age unfortunately, as I used to love the adventure aspect of them, but I still fly out to Cambodia and Vietnam every so often for the different vibe. I don't understand why people are so adverse to nipping out of the country for two or three days, and so desperate to find shortcuts to stay in. It's not as though they have any desperate need to be here 24/7. Everything will still be here when they get back.
  18. I don't need to enter and exit but was interested in what you said, It's a long time since I have been up your way but I did like the change of environment and scenery. I thought they had closed the Myanmar/Thai border for now? Obviously not.
  19. Exactly what I was thinking and are they expecting an influx of HIV + gay people with a good sprinking of STDs. for good measure? This has nothing to do with GAY people and everything to do with PEOPLE full stop. They do come up with some ill conceived ideas without thinking them through. I think gay people would find this touristic gem of an idea that they have come up with, downright insulting
  20. The stuff some people will do for a bit of publicity.
  21. They would have given without a doubt far more leeway had it been one of their countrymen in that condition. I have seen it and see it regularly. He may have been a drunken clown, probably was, but the response seems way over the top, but it usually is in the likes of Pattaya and Phuket etc.
  22. I've done my best as a person of average intelligence to try to answer your post the best I can with the information available. I find you have granted yourself a lot of leeway interpreting what actually occurred without evidence. What is apparent is the guy was heavily intoxicated. However, for his trouble he now has a broken nose, he is minus three teeth and has a cerebral hemorrhage. Is that adequate punishment for you? Maybe, they could have allowed for the fact he was very drunk and done what they normally do with Thais in that condition and totally ignored him.
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