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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. My cousin did it recently in the UK after he succumbed to cancer. I'd never heard nor thought about it.
  2. I'm with you on this, surely leaky roof is for the owner and just short of 700,000 baht buys a helluva lot of furniture. You could have it handmade to measure for a lot less than that.
  3. It is true that people can be taken outside from the Medical corrections hospital when they don't have the equipment ore facilities to care for them properly. They of course do not appoint six doctors to take care of their well being nor do they use a helicopter for the transportation.
  4. It isn't the fact that he is getting preferential treatment as an ex prime minister and controversial character , it's the fact that they are denying it, when it's as plain as the nose on your face. Those walking around waving placards as token resistance to this treatment need to stop wasting their energy.
  5. Then why use Bang Kwang as an example instead of using Klong Prem prison where he actually was supposed to be incarcerated? It's also fairly obvious to any being that walks upright that as an ex prime minister he wasn't going to be treated like any normal criminal the majority who are in prison on drugs offenses. A point that most posters understand. His offenses would be considered to be white collar crimes.
  6. But why would he be referring to, or even reference Gambian women when it's Gambian males selling themselves?
  7. I have managed to be in the country and run a successful business and been here 30 years and also managed to be with the same partner for 27 years. Further managed to get myself educated and learn the Thai language and also managed to educate two girls , one who has finished university and the second, just about to finish this next year. I didn't need sin sod, I think I have managed to assimilate myself reasonably well. Ladies have value? Does that mean that males don't? What a weird thing to say. And here you go again with your posts,..... back to petty or snide insults. Can you not debate without sliding into insults or pretending you have a superior intellect or background? Because I doubt you do.
  8. You and the other guy resort to the name calling when other people do not share your views on tipping, you then try to force these views but belittling people who have different or opposing views. Why don't you start a forum?
  9. No, I don't accept. Government as in PM and DPM , males, cabinet nearly all males, military all males, Senate- males, house of representatives - males, Province governors nearly all male.
  10. Ranting? Bigot? only your opinion matters?
  11. Thailand is a matriarchal society? I don't think so.
  12. Even shabby counter top beer bars in Bangkok, where they are blaring counterfeit movies out in fan cooled walk ups expect tipping nowadays. For what? Getting a beer out of a fridge and put it on the table top. What are they there for? Upcountry they would look at you stupid for tipping for something like that. I like the UK system, order beer, pay beer, walk away. Finished.
  13. in your opinion!
  14. Yet, Who are you to dictate to the rest of us the rights and wrongs about tipping? Bigoted, a person who sees no views other than their own and refuses to acknowledge any others and that is how I find your responses.
  15. A bigoted response.
  16. No way in the world is any new government in this country going to allow the cannabis rules and regulations to continue unchecked leading to such things as this and other types of behaviour.. Even in Isaarn, Cannabis farms have sprung up all over under Western ( Dutch) control producing large amounts. So, the big players from Europe are now well and truly here jumping on the bandwagon.
  17. Uncles advice, A Euphemism for orders from Prayut or Prawit.
  18. Even in the UK now in average restaurants it is common practice to add service charge and leave it to the customer to then deduct it if they think it not acceptable. I find this in poor taste to put the onus on the customer and making them look like a ' cheap charlie ' if they don't tip. It has crept in to UK society and we should kick back to the practice of ' service as at the discretion of the bill payer ' There are livable minimum salary rates set in the UK for staff involved in the hospitality trade. In Thailand I personally do tip bellboys, car park attendants in hotels, room maids but that is my personal choice, I do not think it should be the norm or expected.
  19. No it doesn't and you are putting western values on it. Over here you are forgotten as soon as you walk out the door. Tipping was not an expected thing and WAS brought here by the Americans. Let's not go down the American values system about ' they are working their way through college and blah blah ' this is not the USA. Nor is tipping common in Vietnam or Cambodia and certainly not in Singapore and it's insulting in Japan. If it makes you feel better, then do it, however it is not the norm. You also now, because of these ' imported traits ' may have noticed all of a sudden, the not so subtle boxes, in the back of taxis announcing ' tips ' and appearing at reception areas in hotels and even bars. We have moved from ' gratuitous to expected ' They've jumped on to something and the natural state of progression is then to pull faces at the person behind their back when they don't give or live up to expected tipping practices for what can be at times, poor service.
  20. He means Leave Americans at home, not just Americanisms. BTW don't shoot the messenger.
  21. Majority if not all expats relocating to Cambodia from Thailand is due to Thailand's visa changes and extension of stay requirements.It's very easy once you've got your yearly visa, no checks, no money in the bank, etc as you can imagine with the ease of visas....................., it attracts plenty of dregs. I am in Cambodia very regularly. Once you've done the temples that's it for Siem Reap unless your teaching down there or similar ' survival job ' A lot of do gooders, NGOs and those that have fallen off the planet. Healthcare extremely limited, any Cambodian I know with any funds seeks medical attention in Thailand. Cheap beers and cigarettes and all night bars, if that's your thing. Women better in PP than SR, but I give that entire scene a wide berth. Boring after 3 days unless on road trips or there for business. There are always cheap apartments available in Cambodian cities by looking around. I find Cambodia has a lot more action and more going for it than Laos and I live an hour from Laos. So, the comments that Laos is action packed compared to Siem Reap is absolute garbage. Food is up and down in Cambodia but they do have a very wide choice of different cultures and cuisine. Vegetables and fruits, you will find a great many imported from Thailand.
  22. I've got the ' front ' to tell any of them, it isn't that. I'm just never satisfied with a few beers, it has to be a lot of beers or no beers. And I can go months and months when I stop, but when I start again, it's months before I stop.
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