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Everything posted by ChumpChange

  1. When you are paying them for a service, usually you get about 80% of what you were expecting. Not so bad. Otherwise, forghettaboutit.
  2. Welcome to the land of smirks smiles.
  3. Ah, let the adventures begin. The surprises should be nothing short of surprising.
  4. I agree. That's why I normally refrain from trying to help or advise them. Normally it's hard to tell what they are really thinking or even if what they are telling you is the truth. Maybe what they are saying is also just for conservation purposes, especially when you don't know them closely. So I avoid it all completely unless it seems like a real emergency.
  5. She doesn't want the job being offered. So she is delaying instead of rejecting your kindness and causing you to lose face. 2 months from now she would have another excuse why she's not ready or she will say she found another job already. Forget it, cut your loses and move on.
  6. Sorry, I just realized that seller is now out of stock, but I had bought from them before. But just search for "speed stick men" on Lazada and you will find others. Just avoid the 51g size. You want the normal, standard sized one which is 85g.
  7. Last thing we need is gamma stinking up the place even more. Here, speed stick yourself to death: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/speed-stick-100-usa-i4450030188-s17885503726.html
  8. The first ฿150,000 of income per year is not taxable. Then you are entitled to a Personal Allowance deduction of ฿60,000, thus totaling ฿210,000 of non taxable income. Nothing to do with age. Everyone is entitled to the same. See here: https://www.thethailandlife.com/income-tax-thailand
  9. I believe the code is 25JANHB. Try that.
  10. Can search for discount codes on RetailMeNot.
  11. That is the correct word in Thai. Go into Google Translate and put in American Indian in English and see what it gives you as a Thai translation.
  12. OMG, GunkaGlobs just got dunked! The only thing missing from the OP are the unrelated 70's music videos from YouTube and some hopelessly useless diagrams from Wikipedia sprinkled in.
  13. Thank you. Well, I guess I'm not your traditional monger because I'm not out there to party, get involved, spend much time with anyone, etc. I'm just there to scratch an itch and then leave. In real life I have had all types of meaningful, long term relationships imaginable, if there is even such a thing, and I've figured out (after decades) what works best for me. It's not a perfect system, and it may not be for everyone, but what is/does? But it's also good that I have a few bad experiences (like last night) from time to time to help me always keep things in perspective and remind me that they are not there because they want to be. It also helps me from falling down that rabbit hole and ever thinking that there is something more to it. I guess to keep yourself on track with it you also need to take a glass half full approach and always look for a silver lining in it, even when it wasn't a good experience. As for your situation and not being able to pull the trigger most of the time, I deal with that quite often too. I'm not sure that it's for the same reasons, but often I'm fearful of a bad experience and that's what causes my hesitation. But knowing that 1 out of 3 is likely to be really good, I plonker on. In your case though, I can't understand how you would be driven to pull the trigger with a 60+ year-old woman? For me, it is so much easier to pull the trigger with a 20+ year-old brain dead sex worker than a post menopausal grandma. Anyway, best wishes with it all.
  14. Hitting it off emotionally is far from priority number one. It's getting onto the green and putting it into the hole that counts. And hopefully that is where it's a good hit for you. But you do get some duds. It's part of the territory. I had one of the worst experiences last night that I can remember. Maybe I offended her in some way of maybe she was just a bad choice. Who knows, but also who really cares. Just go back at it again and reload. Normally 1 out of 3 is usually worth repeating from my experience. I have some I've taken a couple dozen times and they are stellar. But I still keep changing because eventually it gets boring, repetitive, too predictable, too personal, or they start telling you about their problems, none of which I'm paying for. So eventually they all have a beginning and an end. It's the nature of the game. Once you grow accustomed to the normal course of things then you take it all in stride, take the best from it, and just keep going. The mistake that many people make as they try and turn it into something more that it isn't supposed to be. And that's when they set themselves up for problems. You gotta be strong and know when it's time to cut bait. You're paying. So it's a service and should always be treated as such. It should always be good for you, otherwise cut it off. In many ways it's far better than any relationship that requires a lot of work.
  15. You are in Thailand FFS. Just rent a young local twice a week to burry the bone with and, on the in between days, go hang out at one of the expat slums and have intellectual chatter with over-the-hill white women you desire until you are blue in the face. Best of both worlds and no blue balls!
  16. Ah-Ya! Thoughts and prayers.
  17. That's all good. But my point was that you fancy the guy. That's why you are obsessed with how he reacted to your strange gesture and that's what this topic really is about. Why not just invite him out for a meal or a drink and maybe you can powwow with him all night!
  18. Rule number one, never date an overweight, middle-aged, white woman. There is a good reason why she's still single. Rule number two, never forget rule number one.
  19. I wouldn't because I'm not gay. Alright, I think we are done here.
  20. Good idea. No need to put him on the spot for a possible lose face situation.
  21. But you wanted to give him a rinse, right?
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