Be aware that the blue plastic pipe used in Thai plumbing can soften and collapse if boiling water is trapped for a short time especially if the pipe run is long and unsupported.
Next week FB users will be praising the foreign tourist spotted at dusk picking up trash on a Phuket beach when, in fact, it was a couple in the Wheelbarrow position.😋
These reports usually state details of the vehicle's registration plate but none visible in the photograph. Surely it was not being used on public roads without tax and insurance?
What fuel is used to power the incinerator?
Where in Kanchanaburi will the residue go into landfill?
What happens to the excess energy from the steam turbine?
How will the sub-zero temperature be utilised? Refrigeration?
How will the trash be sorted before incineration?
PWA installed meters have a Serial Number which is recorded against the billing address of the supplied property. Perhaps the resale value is in the non- ferrous metal content.