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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. And a copy of his Excess Baggage receipt. 😀
  2. I'm suprised that 5 men could occupy such a small space already containing several large drums.
  3. The article is about Thai Immigration Police. Not allowed to interfere with Thai Traffic Police responsibilities.
  4. But, it would seem, many fatal accidents can be attributed to tuktuk drivers being distracted by a cameraman filming at least two transgender passengers arguing over who should do which into whom. 😋
  5. Authorities are investigating the incident to ensure proper safety protocols were followed during the repair process. Should have the answer by tomorrow then.
  6. How were the attendees assessed as being 'gay'? Where did the 31 found to be in possession of drugs conceal them? Under Thai law, what constitutes 'an illegal gathering'.
  7. I'm still here on my hands and knees loo,ing for those damned bullets that were fired at Trump.......😋
  8. I assume all those asylum seekers in UK can now return home?
  9. Trump is still trying to figure out how this Indiana College could afford to build a new chapel.
  10. I cannot see damage to the driver's door window of the truck.
  11. From the OP image I thought it was a man on steroids.
  12. A three storey convenience store and the attack was witnessed by the staff of the store on the third floor?
  13. What does powdered ketamine look like? It must be very distinctive if can be identified as it was scattered by people in the club.
  14. Yawn. Such a big fuss over such a little thing.....
  15. It was dark. Perhaps these 'shouted warnings' were, in fact, cheers of encouragement. Is there an attachment available for mobile phones which will facilitate video in infrared? Asking for a friend.
  16. It has a metallic steel-like flavour......
  17. 11 in the cabin of the pickup yet only 7 in the tray! The most people thar I have witnessed emerging from a Thai plated pickup was 22.
  18. I reckon that is very likely. Of more interest is the fate of the Myanmar nationals in the crew. Are they too being detained for fishing in their 'own' waters? And why would a simple fishing boat have such a large crew of 31?
  19. Presumably he paid any taxes due on these earnings.
  20. Interpol are still actively pursuing her. I predict that it wont be long before they have a positive fix on her location. You can run but you cannot hide! Next week, an update on the location of well known F1 spectator........
  21. In the US they have self-driving cars. In Thailand they have self-fleeing cars. Selectable via the infotainmemt system.
  22. Direct Debit? Is she saying that, up until that date, their system could take money direct from customer accounts without authority?
  23. Ironically, the noodles are, predominently, made from wheat flour. Not too many fields of waving wheat in Thailand.
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