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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Again a disconnect between the headline and the report. The headline implies an increase in tax. The report is that the Revenue Department is increasing its target for tax collection.
  2. Today, the suspect's face is pixellated yet the handcuffs are not. Both index fingers extended...Score... 2 points.
  3. Concerned citizen scuba divers with water-resistant GoPros?
  4. .......eventually laid down, drank beer, ......... A difficult feat which should be applauded and offset his other misdemeanours.....😀
  5. The country’s clear skies in certain areas, like Doi Inthanon ...... 55555!
  6. You forgot the new Russian lady next door....Getcha Keksoff...
  7. Who is the person seen in the second image with eyes in the back of their head? It doesn't look like a policewoman.
  8. Considering the number of locals who carry the nasal inhaler (Poy Sian) on their persons, some with one stuffed into a nostril, I should have thought they would be able to tolerate infrequent doses of ammonia gas.
  9. Thanks, it's cunningly hidden. I do, in fact, have defective eyesight especially viewing PC monitors. I should not be suprised if the image was pixellated to cover up the shameful condition of the interior!
  10. It's difficult to identify much at all in that vehicle interior. Is it a mobile gynaecology unit? Where is the oxygen bottle? I had read the Siam Rath linked report (Google translation) but no mention of a rescue vehicle only that a rescue team attended.
  11. Is the 'tunnel' aquarium freshwater or marine? Are life preservers provided to visitors?
  12. I see speakers in the roof but not in a door. Where is there a mention of it being a rescue vehicle? In the Thai language report?
  13. I think a 'GoFundMe' should be launched immediately to get Tony out of Chiengmai before the flames reach his private jet. He's also down to his last 2.5 filter mask. Can any AN member local to him help out?
  14. The OP report incudes: ............17 out of 153 hotspots were detected in the city yesterday.
  15. As stated, the Government intend to push Contractors to complete construction by June next year (!) and will pay them compensation to do so. Unbelievable.
  16. Because it did not come from China. It is the residue from a Chinese owned factory in Tak. My understanding is that approved disposal of the slag consists of mixing it with cement or concrete in a 'pond' presumably as landfill. Some was but has now been dug up, bagged, and shipped to the southern warehouse. Other slag was bagged and shipped direct. This would appear to be because the commodity value of Cadmium in demand for EV battery manufacture has risen and the unwanted slag now has considerable value. Ironically, I suspect the intention was to ship it to China at some point. 😀
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