I hope the operators of floating raft accommodations on rivers and lakes in country will be shamed into installing waste colllection tanks on their WC outlets...😋
The meeting of the two was shown on Thai TV yesterday. The lady ambassador embraced Anutin like an old friend so she is clearly not on his dirty foreigner list.
Stopping for 30 minutes would allow the brakes to cool before continuing the descent. The report states 'mandatory' which I suggest is the bus company acknowledging brake fade as being a problem that they are the mandators.
Yes, and it looks as if the kid had been laying down on the floor asleep. I suspect he climbed into the back of the van during boarding and did not fully close the rear door due to the cramped space.
I assume the additional penalties are the total of individual law-breaking offences. Given the relatively small fines mandated the number of offences must run into scores.