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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. Correction. Standing on a pedestrian crossing the policeman would be on his way to hospital or a morgue before he has chance to issue a ticket.😋
  2. Did she really do it herself or undergo the procedure by a medical professional
  3. Unmarked junction. Give way to traffic coming from the right.......
  4. Yes, I understand the image is 'for reference only, but since the object was to inform that Thai Airways had leased Airbus A321neo one would expect an image of that type and not a different type.
  5. Presumably the BY2 has been used on fruits to enhance the yellow colour of the segments. This would require an injection through the outer thin skin and near impossible to detect prior to shipment. Surely Thai growers would not do this?😋 As to the Ministry's 'Four Nos) what is 'no unauthorised use'?
  6. My admiration grows. If the OP image is to be believed Thai Airways, presumably in the interest of safety, have insisted their new planes have extra engines. 😋
  7. Where on the Hin is this 'facility' located?
  8. .....in the sun-drenched haven of Pattaya,...... Gawd!
  9. I disagree. Too many images of Napoleon show him with his hand hidden inside his jacket. Who knows what devious practice he's up to!
  10. If the former residents had been consulted and agreed to the demolition being conditional on the erection of a memorial the confrontation could have been avoided. The real problem here is that the affected people feel their voices have been ignored not only by this administration but also by the previous government.
  11. ..........He did not leave the shop immediately but stood outside for a few minutes before walking away......... The video contradicts that statement.
  12. Well, she and her pack did promise to DOB, DOB, DOB DOB.
  13. Thailand is now officially on the first 11 team?
  14. The child in the OP image looks to be younger than 3 years old.
  15. Which one of your parents was a chameleon? 😊
  16. Prison library's most popular title 'I Dismembered Momma'?
  17. Durned foreigners!.........What was that? Thais?
  18. I didn't realise that people drink that stuff. I read that some sniff it up their nose.
  19. She also urged parents and guardians to remain vigilant when watching over their children. "And what were you doing at the time Yai?"
  20. The sign in English is along-winded order for NO PARKING on any day.😊
  21. From the OP........and a larger model, 2.3 by 6 meters, seating six, priced at 320,000 baht.
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