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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. His position of Lt Colonel in the RTP paid well and gave him a good start......????
  2. Ah! But which one of the three pedals is the brake? Now you know why an expert is required......
  3. An elephant can lift twice its own weight. An ant can lift 350 times its own weight. Despite this amazing fact, an ant cannot lift an elephant.
  4. And what are Thailands' sustainable development goals?
  5. Thank goodness he wasn't wearing gloves..........????
  6. .........The intervention of General Prawit is reported to have drawn a mirthful response from ministers around the cabinet table....... Career advancement for Cabinet members is now on hold. ????
  7. Nothing, I'm deff but my sites gud.
  8. I tried hang gliding but passed out from pressure of the rope around my neck.....
  9. Check if a drone with dangling grenades was sighted in the area.....
  10. Nice touch mentioning the 40k slipped into her black purse....
  11. The 30/1202 hazard plate identifies the load as Diesel fuel, gas oil or heating oil.
  12. I am constantly surprised at the skill of the media editors ability to digitally delete zimmer frames......
  13. I have had to bookmark this for later. Right now I am busy leveraging soft power to enable a smart city.....
  14. Meaningless gobbledegook.
  15. The new train line will also help to drive the country’s economy toward stability, prosperity, and sustainability. Bravo Sierra!
  16. He had a license but it wasn't a 'proper' one?
  17. Unregistered and uninsured for public roads.
  18. Will foreign competitors ship in their own racing shells? If they rent them here from the we'll known Pattaya beach brigade they will find themselves liable for every scratch found on return (rubs hands in anticipation)
  19. Easy mistake to make. He did drive like the wind.......
  20. The billboard has been erected illegally and should be demolished at owners cost.
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