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Everything posted by PETERTHEEATER

  1. The crocodile farms breed the reptiles for their skins. Clearly they kill and skin the beasts and dispose of the carcases. Perhaps at least one got washed out into the Gulf and beached far away.
  2. This could be most useful to citizens who wear those chin sling cloths..... Since the label does not contain the word 'serum' I shall give it a miss.....
  3. This could be most useful to citizens who wear those chin sling cloths.....
  4. No, but Quasimodo does....
  5. When I first lived in Thailand in the early 70s there was a colloquial expression. A Thai, when asked how far it was to a place by road would say "About twenty dead dogs" (based on one dead dog each kilometre)
  6. I hope the jetski was examined on arrival to ensure thre were no scratches.....
  7. Cue to start digging the Kra Isthmus Canal again........
  8. Oh good. Can we take the masks off now?
  9. The latter would have an advantage in a bowling alley....
  10. ???? Oh sinner man where you gonna run to all on that day ????
  11. How do you know 'he' is not a 'she'? Which asylum are you in? ????
  12. Define 'heavily armed' Did they have howitzers on their backs? What are those rags wrapped around the perps throats?
  13. Useless advice. Closed cicuit air breathing sets might help. No have? Head for the hills!
  14. The current owner didn't buy it.He borrowed it from a friend.........
  15. Yes. her new car had repeat faults and had spent more time at the dealers than with her. As a final desperate act after refusal by the Dealer HQ for a new replacement car, she alerted the Press, made a banner, drove her car to the brand HQ in BKK and parked it outside putting up the banner which decried the Company. Overnight, the Japanese company flew an executive to BKK from Japan. He fired the BKK HQ manager (Thai) gave her a new car and made a bowing public apology thereby winning back the bad press. Despite first rate quality control at build, now and then, a 'lemon' rolls off the line which produces fault after fault. There is a cutoff point at which dealers are told to return the unit to the factory.
  16. Cutting the throats of all those poor little prawns is sickening.....
  17. I'm confused. If this lane is on private land (Condo ownership) under what law can it be policed by the municipality?. If the condo committee provided the lane for their disabled residents they are responsible to police it. Just erect a low fence to prevent motorcycles from parking......????
  18. All suitable candidates have gone to ground?
  19. Give the man a break. He's angling for a Directorship with TAT.
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