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Everything posted by ArnieP

  1. Unlikely to be wheelchair bound, he reported his tour of Isaan a year or so ago. Checking entertainments available. Didn’t sound like an invalid (well, not a physical one).
  2. Currently, there are a number of western restaurants in Udon city centre including Italian, German, Danish, Australian, hybrid Thai-Western along with fast foods such as Burger King, McDonalds, Pizza Hut and Pizza Company. Non-western include a host of Japanese eateries in UD Town and some Chinese dotted around the city.
  3. This Thai government site uses the designation ‘winter’ https://thailand.go.th/issue-focus-detail/009_142
  4. Why do people make things like this up? It’s totally incorrect. Eden was a full service place that offered a certain specialty.
  5. Alan Price’s “The Jarrow Song” in the 1970s included, “My name is little Alan Price, I tried to be nice all all of my life but I’m afraid that up to date it doesn’t work”. Only too true, sadly.
  6. Plenty of racism and Thai bashing on these forums. If posters find so much wrong with Thailand why do they stay here?
  7. I wondered if he was serious too. But good recommendations by Champers. However, he says he needs to know if there’s not only the best British pub that does a English breakfast but also an English dinner. Not asking a lot then.
  8. I’ve just read this and now feel sick 😞
  9. These read as though they’re posted as a wind-up :(
  10. Tawandang. All three varieties: Weizen, IPA, and Rosé.
  11. Not quite, there’s also the one that cannot be mentioned, ends in door.
  12. They started to lose their smiles a couple of decades ago.
  13. 5 star classified ChatGTP phrase.
  14. The OP is just another one of the many trolls who have joined the forums recently and who are posting long-winded opening posts.
  15. Proof of this is where?
  16. susanlea’s posts are remarkably similar to those of Sparktrader aka BigNok aka dolf.
  17. Unlikely to be either of them. IIRC they’re not Brits they are Aussies and, although they’re eccentric know-alls, they are not hostile nor aggressively unpleasant.
  18. Cashiers are often bar girls on ‘cashier duty’, same same when they’re on ‘bartender duty’.
  19. He says in another thread that he’s 53 at the moment.
  20. ArnieP

    Bangkok vacation

  21. They’re now acceptable and OK with the fashion cognoscenti in the UK. But you’re in OZ so it won’t affect you. Best of luck anyway.
  22. Certainly the OP sounds that way. Otherwise he’s a complete fantasist. Ludicrous questions by the dozen (well, not yet).
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