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Everything posted by Chetzee

  1. I dot think the UK SUBSIDICES milk .... but I'm absolutely sure that the supermarkets drive a very very hard bargain with the farmers who earn a few pence per Lt . Milk often a loss leader for the supermarkets .....
  2. ..... reminds me of the old joke about the fishing vessel sinking in the North Sea ....... the English captain on the radio " we are sinking ....we are sinking " the German coast guard " yes all very good, but WHAT are you sinking ? "
  3. slightly off topic ..... but . in the early 80's in the days of paper pushing and Don Mueang ,if you stayed here for more that 180 days you had to do something called " Tax Clearance ". I did it a couple of times .... but have no great recollection of it .... I used to life around Khao San road those days and I think went to an office in Ratchadamneron Klang to get a paper stamped ( possibly in the passport I just don't remember). But I am sure that people got turned away at the airport who had not got their paperwork in order ..... Anyone else remember that stuff ? I mention it because I could see people trying to exit, being stopped if they didn't have proof of having made a tax return ....
  4. all very straight forward I though last month ..... colour photocopies ..... no accompanying neighbours .... . Hoping next weeks collection is as straight forward ....
  5. current Civil service... so unlikely ! But point taken Spoling never my fing at Skool 555 !
  6. total waist of time ...... most of the types this advise is aimed at can't read ....
  7. just keep lapping up the coolaid ...... wikipedia so much easier than critical thinking ......
  8. life in the Uk test IS easy .... my ex wife passed it .... she bought the crib book like everyone else does to help her pass it ........ also 80% of asylum seekers are successful in the UK ..... maybe take the rose tinted glasses off
  9. yea right coz everyone arriving on a boat goes that route ! I think u need to think a little more out of the box ...... like crims do the life in the UK test is a piece of piss for anyone you can remember a few historical facts ..... as for the English test .... its beyond easy , and the institutions that the test is farmed out to have a vested interest in candidates passing ..... And I'm not basing this on hearsay but lived experience
  10. I think its fair to say we did not invade Pakistan .... what we did was help invent ,and draw up the map when India was sick to the back teeth of it .....
  11. talking of which Frits ......
  12. ...... until it comes to Consular services !
  13. UK passport available to pretty much everyone these days ..... on the plus size he's not drenched in Tattoos and been in a fight .....
  14. my grandmother always used to say " boring people get bored easily " ....... just sayin" !
  15. Chinese airlines serve little alcohol ... maybe a glass of wine . likewise Chinese airport are not flush with bars . I often find my Visa card does not work there .... and some places only take scan payments and RMB so be warned . as for your ticket , can I assume before you searched that you deleted all cookies from the websites you are looking for tickets on ? it can and does make a huge difference in cost . also china Eastern and southern very small seats ...
  16. so China created it ...... and you paid the bill ... is that it ?
  17. I spend lots of time in china ... tomorrow is not coming quickly I assure you ...... in the mean time the factories that supply me continue to insist on payment in $ and one in £ primarily so they can deposit their profits in Hong Kong .... and elsewhere for safe keeping .
  18. out of interest Mike .... how do you account for the fact that when global events happen .... how come the flight is to gold and the US$ and not to RMB ?
  19. clues in my post .... no one in their right mind ....
  20. no one in their right mind is going to trust the CCP to deal in RMB. when they have a long history of using currency manipulation to prop up their export economy every time the *hit hits the fan ..... just sayin' !
  21. nothing to do with Iran ... more a comment on Thailands ability to run with the Fox and Hunt with the Hounds .
  22. 5 day Pride celebration ..... 3 day Butcher of Tehran celebration ..... TIT !
  23. yawn .... dull Monday too perchance ?
  24. International shipping procedures are just that, " International " there is a shipping shedual and a traiff book . I was offering my input because it maybe helpfull. And I have an awful lot of experience in it , I have experienced a lot of the pit falls over the last 40 years . You comment however has all the marks of someone having a dull Sunday afternoon !
  25. I had read that the period was 6 months ..... and the the customs would account for that by use of 90 day Non O ... and or tourist visa consecutive stay prior to 12 month extension being issued . electronic goods will be deemed dutiable even within that period . I have not shipped but plan to but it will fall out of the 6 month period . You need to allow for shipping time of course ..... I personally know of one container going the other way which will take over two months Port to Port in the uk ..... both Rotterdam and S'pore are very congested right now .... and you will find as a single unit shipper , that you will be short shipped at any time there is a delay .... I speak from experience of shipping container from many places in Asia over the last 40 years .....
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