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Everything posted by MarcelV

  1. I think you're confused with Dannok village. Betong caters to much more than pleasures of the flesh.
  2. Betong is about 130 km south of Yala and is the southernmost town in Thailand. There is a border crossing just south of town, connecting with Pengkalan Hulu in Perak State. Betong is really remote, so an airport makes sense. However, a majority of tourists are from Malaysia and most of them drive across the border themselves.
  3. I live in the south and things are not at all they way they seem from the outside. Shame this airport was opened at the tail end of the Covid pandemic. It could have been an instant success otherwise.
  4. I checked the Nok Air website and there is no way to book a seat without contacting the airline directly by phone. Beyond March 14 there are no flights mentioned at all in the online booking system.???? I start to think this is a one-time flight, which is only flown for the PM, his entourage and some other invitees as a show of accomplishment. Not sure if there will really be regular flights after this one.
  5. The location of the new airport might stimulate people to travel to the other two provinces on their way back to Hat Yai. I guess that's the idea. Even the trip to Yala takes well over two hours, so anyone wishing to travel to, let's say, Narathiwat, would just fly to Narathiwat directly.
  6. The Middle East, Ukraine, Russia, Korea, Japan, etc. are all crapholes with no respect for women, let alone Thai girls. These Isaan girls should stay in LOS where us good farang men take care of them like gentlemen. Thai girls belong to us white guys!
  7. No, he just went back to Saudi Arabia. He wanted to be a dawah (=strict Islam) teacher in Yala, but immigration in the south made it too difficult too stay there in his opinion. He flew back home yesterday.
  8. Still, that seems like a non-valid reason to refuse. If someone decides to possibly get blown up, it's still his choice.
  9. Both Yala and Pattani Immigration refuse any Covid extension. My friend, who is on a tourist visa, went to both and they literally said "We do not want foreigners here. It is dangerous here for you so you must go back home." Such bullsh*t.
  10. I live in Narathiwat and it's basically a never ending rainy season here. When people ask me what the best season is to come visit the area, I always tell them it never is. Insurgency, rainy weather all year and the fasting month of ramadan when everything is closed for a month. You should only visit if you have actual business here, like I have my work in town.
  11. I don't have children of my own, but as a foreign teacher in Thailand I can say I would prefer not to send my own children to any public or private school here. No way. Thank God I am not saddled with that burden.
  12. Thailand Pass + Day 1 and day 5 PCR test = FAIL. This ain't gonna be no success. I can tell y'all already!
  13. All I know is that it's been bloody hot here in Ban Nong Pan for the last week. Crikey! It ain't never gonna be no colder in this joint fo' sho'.
  14. I expect a massacre some time in the next years. The blood of the martyrs will turn the streets of Krung Thep red insh'Allah.
  15. Are we non-Pattaya dwellers not welcome? ???? I saw posts from Isaan and Northern Thailand expats already. Just wanted to chime in from the Deep Restive Muslim South.
  16. I mean the other side of Thailand, the coastal areas of Songkhla, Pattani and Narathiwat in the Deep South. February's supposed to be the driest month in this region. November and December are the wettest ones traditionally.
  17. Heavy rains on the Southern Gulf Coast the last weeks, when it is supposed to be the driest month of the year.
  18. Most men visiting Sungai Kolok don't even spend the night there and cross the Kolok River illegally using small boats. No, let's face it. Malaysia has been closed since March 18, 2020. Both tourism and cross-border trade here are DEAD for a long period to come. I live in Narathiwat Town, which sees very few Malaysians as it's too far from the border, doesn't offer nightlife entertainment and is generally considered very dangerous because of the insurgency. Consequentially, we haven't been hit by the lack of tourists. But for the many border towns this current ordeal is a true nightmare.
  19. Yes. This current testing regime is pretty much a fail. No Malaysians will come like this.
  20. I live in Narathiwat Province, bordering Malaysia, and - before CV-19 - crossed the border to Kota Bharu City at least four times a year for a quick shopping trip or, at most, a one-night stay. I could never wait until I got back home though. Always breathed a sigh of relief upon returning to restive, insurgency-ridden Narathiwat. No matter how life is here and how cheap Malaysia is to go shopping, Malaysia just doesn't appeal to me to live there. It feels soulless and boring.
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