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Everything posted by MarcelV

  1. I am not an ESL teacher, nor am I from a native English speaking country. Plus, in my country you need to have proper qualifications as a teacher, meaning a four-year B.Ed. I have about zero percent chanceof becoming a teacher in my country of origin. I am currently on my fourth waiver and still have until Oct. '24. Last year I finished St Roberts' diploma in teaching, but apparently that is not recognized in Thailand. I was advised to become a teacher in The Philippines with it, which is impossible for a foreigner anyway.
  2. Does it matter how we call these people? The violence continues anyway and it needs to stop. There must be a political solution.
  3. There's enough to do in MAS. Sure, if having no bars, girls or alcohol is boring to you, then by all means, don't visit Malaysia. But for people who value a modern, organized country, that is rich in culture (Islamic and Chinese), where people speak excellent English and locals aren't spoilt by tourism, Malaysia is avgreat choice for a holiday destination or to live in.
  4. Good luck getting pre-approval by Malaysia. These refugees are not wanted by Malaysia and lead hidden lives there. Once MAS Immigration gets a hold of them, they'll spend months in immigration detention centers all over the country.
  5. Send your son to a UK boarding school, mate. Much better value for money than whatever you can find here.
  6. I'm afraid it is. The lovely ladyboy at Jomtien Imm. also wanted to check my body orifices, which I had to decline.
  7. No, they are all closed. Only Myanmar and Thai citizens are allowed to cross. Better get used to it, because the Burmese government isn't gonna open the borders anytime soon. My guess is at least not for three to five years.
  8. I met all my girlfriends online. Mostly Tinder, but one on TF. I've been together with one of the Tinder ladies for over 5 years. No dead buffalos or sick grannies involved, and my missus makes more money than I do.
  9. Once all 3 or 4 2-year waivers have been used, and the teacher license has still not been obtained, is there any way to continue teaching at a Thai private (junior) high school legally? I'm talking as a "teacher", not some other made-up staff name. I may find myself in that situation next year, and I'd like to find out already what my options are?
  10. The insurgency ethno-nationalist in nature and is based on grievances the local population has with Thai rule and being discriminated against with regards to employment, language, and being treated as second-rate citizens. Religion plays only a small part in it.
  11. I'm in Kho Hong tonight and haven't seen any sign of floating gas canisters anywhere. Or flooding, for that matter. Hopefully the locals have the worst behind them.
  12. Never ridden a manual bike, as I learned to ride in Thailand and have since used my trusty automatic Fino. Closest I ever came was riding a semi-automatic with the foot gear switch.
  13. Be careful not to use the word Taiwan to a Chinese person's face. I almost got my teeth knocked out three years ago. The correct term is Chinese Taipei.
  14. Sad for all those people who have seen their house flooded. Soosoo!
  15. I'd say removing part of the railway tracks is definitely related to security.
  16. Last weekend I re-entered Thailand at the Ta Ba border crossing and, to my surprise, I was asked to fill out the arrival card (TM6) again. Have they been reinstated? I thought they had been scrapped.
  17. I can confirm that the provincial capital is still not flooded, at least in the town itself. However, with the way the rain has been falling the last days, that might eventually change.
  18. One day, hopefully soon, there will come a time when you look into the mirror and say to yourself: "I am Captain Steve. What do I want to do in this phase of my life?" You'll then realize that it may be a better idea to retire and enjoy the latter years of your life in peace and away from any pipe dreams of investment schemes.
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