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Everything posted by MarcelV

  1. I think the last syllable tends to have a higher pitch too. It's like they like to stress the final syllable of a word or sentence. But, on topic, high tones sound like they're rising in the end for sure to distinguish them from mid tones.
  2. I have plans, but I wouldn't call them resolutions. Just the usual things: smash an average of 2 new girls per week and get wasted at least once a week.
  3. Neither where I live, in the Southern Border Provinces region. All schools are closed, 100 percent.
  4. As a teacher I object to that statement. You clearly don't have a clue.
  5. I live in the Deep South, the majority-Muslim part of Thailand. Generally the air is pretty clean. Last year we even hit 0 PM2.5 values for a few days. However, some nights see a lot of trash burning in the countryside, pushing values way up.
  6. We are far from God's Chosen Ones. As a human race we are doomed anyway. Our extinction will be brought upon us by our own doing. Google the Fermi Paradox and the theory of life destroying itself. But I believe everything happens for a reason and if it's our time, perhaps it might come very soon.
  7. Make it happen, God. Please! Mankind needs a proper kick in the rear.
  8. There is no way the Thai authorities can contain the spread of the Omicron variant. No way.
  9. One solution: don't buy crypto. I don't trust that stuff anyway and am eagerly awaiting the global crash of all those fake currencies.
  10. Lockdown is gonna happen again. Soon. My guess is New Year festivities will be canceled.
  11. My feeling is that the extensions will continue well into 2022, probably even into '23. Good news for many, that's for sure.
  12. No, it doesn't. See the difference between plurality and majority. A majority is always a plurality, but not the other way around.
  13. Give me my 5 feet short, dark-skinned, flat-faced, square-jawed, inked up Isaan spinners any day over these barbie dolls.
  14. Interesting to read other experiences. In my province the reopening has still not been greenlighted. It's gonna stay online until the next academic year, that's my guess.
  15. If you've been to Kota Bharu a.k.a. the most Islamic city in Malaysia you would know why they like to enter Thailand for a weekend blow-out. I miss going to KB for its shopping opportunities, but every time I did I was always happy when I crossed the Pengkalan Kubor/Tak Bai border and re-entered Thailand. Home sweet home! ???? And in case you're wondering, I don't care about nightlife at all. It's just that KB (and the rest of Kelantan State) is a pretty dreadful, boring place. Not even movie theaters are allowed.
  16. True dat. Never seen more than two customers at the S.Kolok Immigration office in my five years in Thailand.
  17. Yes. The songthaews are golden for intracity travel. At least they got that there. When you leave the city, you are on your own.
  18. As a resident of the Muslim Deep South, I can safely say that there is no nightlife here anymore. The few karaoke bars that used to exist have a been converted into hair or beauty salons or restaurants. For the good people of Narathiwat there is nowhere to go anymore after (or before) sunset. Alhamdulilah!
  19. I ain't travelin nowhere for sho. Why would i risk having to cancel my trip again just like so many times in the past 2 years. Ain't takin no chances with that anymore
  20. True. Good luck just picking up one in the city though.
  21. Well, it is the 'plurality' of people that want to stay at home. The Thai must read that as meaning most.
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