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Everything posted by MarcelV

  1. Hat Yai is apparently the fourth biggest city and it's the closest big city to my residence. Strangely enough, Hat Yai does not have a taxi service of any kind. Here in the Deep South you really are on your own when it comes to transportation.
  2. Think of it as a poor man's Grab, which you haven't heard of either I guess.
  3. No, mate, the Bolt Taxi App. In Hat Yai, a city of 100k+ people, there is NOTHING.
  4. I have lived in that area of Thailand, the Muslim Deep South, for over five years. Besides a few crazy towns the rest of the region is quite normal and boring. Those nightlife enclaves like Betong, S.Kolok, where I do my immigration duties, and Dannok are all dead as a dodo now. Haven't been to Dannok in years myself but the few vlogs I saw about it showed it to be totally abandoned. Happy partying! ????
  5. The Chinese prefer to bring over their own girls. Dannok was full of PRC girls before Covid hit.
  6. Is there a list of towns or cities where you can find a Bolt driver? Even in Thailand's fourth biggest city I got the "not available" message.
  7. I can confirm that flying to or from Narathiwat, you require an RT-PCR test result AND a certificate of full vaccination. Basically, if you don't have either Narathiwat is off-limits and so is Bangkok for the unlucky souls who live in the deep south.
  8. What's up with all those bar owners breaking opening rules? Many bars are opening and serving alcohol already. Is this a case of civil disobedience or what?
  9. A few years ago I had to travel to immigration twice as the dates in my employment contract weren't correct. Immigration was unrelenting and sent me back the 70 km to my home with an "under consideration" stamp. I was a bit concerned there, but the second time, with details still incorrect, they pitied me and extended the visa for a year. Strangely enough I didn't get a multiple re-entry permit though, which I managed to get in another province without hassle.
  10. In my region of the deep, deep Muslim South no school has been open since April. We have been told that insh'allah we may open on January 1. However, with the new Omicron variant about I put my trust in Allah to guide us.
  11. I haven't been back to my home country since May 2019 and can barely imagine anything I'd like more than to visit my family and friends. However, returning there to live? No thanks. I'm happy to live and work in LOS and have my home, partner and job here.
  12. I'm hoping for a quick reopening of the Thai-Malaysian borders. It's been a long time since I was able to cross. 18 March 2020 was the day Malaysia closed its border checkpoints.
  13. Well, according to Martin of NDTVi Pattaya, the Africans must be up to no good or selling their big asses on Beach Road.????
  14. Disgusting headline, which has fortunately been addressed in today's CCSA briefing.
  15. My well-off, homeschooled students in Narathiwat certainly had difficulty telling the time as well. Maybe you and I are just getting old.
  16. We use Google Meet in my school. It works well in combination with Google Classroom and Forms.
  17. Are we sure William isn't Bryan "Expert in Everything" Flowers in disguise?
  18. Indeed. The money comes rolling in and this dude is good to go.???? I say again what everyone knows I always say: the best class is a class without students at all.
  19. My private school will be closed until at least 1 January, but probably until April '22. As a teacher I am fine with it.????
  20. In the deep south, more precisely the southern border provinces, 99 percent of the people wear a mask outside. I do the same. It's a natural thing for me now and I don't want to stand out, when I stand out enough already, being one of very few farangs here.
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