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Everything posted by roo860

  1. Fortunately the UK especially London doesn't seem to export the usual knife wielding suspects to holiday destinations.
  2. In 19th century Persia, mustaches on women were a symbol of beauty. Princess Fatemeh Khanum “Esmat al-Dowleh” was the daughter of King Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar, and one of his wives Taj al-Dowleh. Her father ruled Persia, modern-day Iran, from 1848 to 1896. You can see why, what a beaut!
  3. Just keep an address in the UK and don't tell them where you are, seems alot do that.
  4. If you notice alot of Thai kids and adults do a 'doggy paddle' style, if it saves your life that's good enough!!
  5. They'll more than likely commit suicide after you've bored them to tears.🤭🤭
  6. Absolutely, he was like that before being made a mod.
  7. Seems like it's the 'Mullet' style, very popular with Germans with their cut off denim shorts and sleeveless denim jackets.
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