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Everything posted by nikmar

  1. I keep singing this to myself. Started singing it just after the last coup and havent stopped
  2. Actually, that's something I neglected to say in my contribution to this post. My in laws' contribution to my sons life is and has been immense.
  3. just curious George, but do you have a sense of humour at all??
  4. I have, on a couple of occasions, gotten a friend to give me an "urgently needed on business" call and make my excuses. Couldnt do it too often as it would be a tad suspicious. To be fair to the outlaws though, theyre really not so bad. It s just when the ol' fella starts his political rhetoric and everyone starts shouting at each other at the same time!!!
  5. Thaksin exacerbates the existing problems
  6. I give my 16 yr old 160 bt for school, this includes transport. He gets 500 bt every week but he has to earn it. Cleans house, toilets etc. Does shopping and general chores we ask him to do. He gets "cuts" if he shows attitude or does a duff job. he s learnt that money doesnt come free and if you want money - you need to earn it. Like respect.
  7. This is just down the road from where i used to live. Truly shocking
  8. He s been about a fair bit for someone residing under parole at his mansion.
  9. I can never take these type of lists seriously - like someone who believes, rightly or wrongly, that they have superior taste to everyone else and therefore they are in a position to dictate what the best music / movie is. I stockpile music and books to read but do my own research first. Still, each to their own. I hope you enjoy the time Bob. Maybe let us know when you find a "gem".
  10. Im the opposite. I have a very fast metabolic rate. If anyone knows ways to reverse that rate then I'm all ears.
  11. I talk to my cat all the time. I know Im too high when she talks back!!
  12. "doggy go pee pee - NO! BAD DOGGY - DOGGY GO"
  13. nice skin 🙂 There s obvious cultural differences. My welfare is of importance to her. One thing that endears Mrs Nik to me is that she always takes good care of me, even when were not talking. Whatever the state of play, there s a good meal on the table and a clean house.
  14. I guess there are good and bad wives all over the world - regardless of nationality.
  15. Bobby Latchford - he walked on water!!!
  16. Our boy's got older now, with a girlfriend, so he s occupied. Which leave s the wife and myself. We ve started having date days. A movie, an italian meal or just a walk in the park. But it s been lovely. Last Saturday - a bottle of red, a spliff and some slow jazz. Beautiful!
  17. Only ever had one flash point in my 19 years here. Getting out of a taxi in Bang Na once, I nearly caught a motorbike taxi guy coming from behind on the inside. He shouldn’t have been doing that but I should have looked. He had a wobble on the bike and stopped, squaring up to me as I got out of the taxi. I took the blame, wai’d and apologized in Thai. He smiled , wai’d back and we shook hands. This was a few years ago, but I still see him around . We say hello, he even sometimes brings my kid back from where he gets off the bus and brings him home from the main road. I’ve never had or seen the same frequency of violent incidents that you seem to do Bob. Lucky I don’t live in Phuket, eh?
  18. When I worked at a government school in Bangkok I had to interview two candidates for the position of teaching assistant in the MEP classes. They had to do a little English test and sit with me for a formal interview. One lady was great. She aced the test, had excellent English skills and a strong desire to work with children. She expressed her ambitions to work in education very clearly. The other girl turned up with a cheat sheet. She even managed to get all questions wrong because she couldnt even use a cheat sheet. She cried in the interview because she couldnt even speak the basics. "How are you?" ---- "Huh" "Sabai dii mai" ----- " Uh, yah, sabaii dii kha" "Why do you want to be a teacher?" ----- tears. The second candidate got the job, as she was the sister of another teacher. Her students spoke better english than her. She had a degree in English Communication from Buriram Uni. Everything in the education system is wrong!
  19. I pay for my son’s Muay Thai lessons. He s been going for a few years and is familiar with everyone at the gym so get s to work out longer and even helps out a bit with cleaning etc. During his last school break, he had 2 months off school so, I arranged daily workouts, sparing etc for 3000 bt each month. He could go everyday at arranged times which he took good advantage off. That’s 100 bt a day for 1 ½ hour tuition and work outs. Bending the topic a little, overall, boxing lessons for the boy has been the best money I ve ever spent. He s fit, strong, healthy and it s been great for his self-confidence. It s also instilled good healthy behaviour. Good diet, good sleep / rest etc which he adheres to.
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