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Posts posted by chang35baht

  1. Apparently the 85-year-old Australian, Richard Jackson Kennedy, had argued with his Thai wife who had left him a few days earlier. She refused to return while she tended to her father in hospital.

    The paper said he became crazed slashing his own wrists with a knife and setting fire to the house. When neighbours tried to enter the premises to extinguish the fire he held them back at knifepoint. One of the neighbours was president of the the local Tambon Administration Organisation who ended up getting shot by the elderly farang. He was taken to hospital but died.


    From what I could manage to understand from the news this morning(my Thai is way from perfect). In an attempt to stop the Aussie from burning down his house, the Poo Yai Bahn shot the Or Bor Tor by accident when he tried to shoot in the air with his shotgun pistol.

    Racked with guilt, he then hung himself.

    A real tragedy indeed.


  2. Firstly. I Have just came back to Thailand from a working trip, so know nothing about the 5000 yearly fee and pay caddy fee only during the week.

    Waterford did have a 1500Bt year 1 and 1000Bt per year afterwards membership. With that you paid only 700 Bt per round inc. caddy fee. I think this type of membership is still available.

    By Mae Koh, I assume you mean MaeKok golf course. Which is the army course.

    I have a 1 year Non O A I think. Which I get once a year from the Thai consulate in Glasgow. By virtue of the fact I am married to a Thai national. I pay a flat fee of 90 pounds for this

    If you want to obtain your 1 year Visa inside Thailand, that is a different kettle of fish.

    There are many posters here who can tell you the requirements doing it that way.

    This is my understanding of your 2 other choices. I am sure I will be corrected if I am wrong.

    Even if you are married to your girlfriend, you will need to show 400,000 Bt in the bank. Deposited no less than 3 months prior to your application. Plus monthly income of around 40,00 Bt per month.

    Or if you are old enough and want to stay singlewink.png (used to be 55, but I think 50 is the minimum age now), you can apply for a 1 year retirement visa. For this you will need to show at least the same as mentioned in option 1.

    I await the corrections to my advice.

    Good luck anyway Mike and I am sure you will enjoy your stay i Chiang Rai.

    Just do not read the Chiang Rai forum without contributing or the posters who always have to say something even when they have nothing to say will give you a slap on the wrists.


    Hope to meet you soon,

    Stuart. welcomeani.gifmellow.png

  3. Mikekim, if you want to play golf twice a week, you can say you will spend around 3000 Bt. That will probably include fuel, greenfees, tips for caddies and usual golf ex,s.

    That will get you a round at Waterford and Santiburi. The two best course we have here.

    Cheaper if you play with 2nd hand balls like me LOL. Or more, if you are as bad a golfer as me, as I normally end up on the losing teams.

    Overall, I think you should start to think of around 40,000/ month minimum.

    You may need to show that anyway if you are planning on a Non O visa plus I believe 400,000 in the bank.

    I,m not up to date on the financial requirements, as I obtain my Non O visas from outside of Thailand at the moment, being married to a Thai national.


  4. ps, wife still likes gambling so she will continue buying and selling kee, today was buying at 38 baht and was going to sell to a another small buyer for 43 baht. She might make 150b on her tiny buy today. #$%^& More Laotian whiskey please.

    Think I told yopu years ago buying and selling is not as easy as it looks, very small margins. All should remember that buyers are playing the water content game. Liquid latex for rubber gloves etc is 60% rubber and it is liquid.

    Local price from Government buyers Wednesday was 56 Baht a kilo dry weight. Never believe what a private buyer tells you. If in doubt leave to to dry and sell to the Governmet. Jim

    In an ideal world Jim that is what I would like to do, sell to the government. But up here in Chiang Rai there is no Government buyer in the vicinity so at the moment we are forced to phone around 3-4 middlemen and sell to the one who gives the best rate.

    This morning the best we could get was 42Bt per kilo of kee yang.


  5. Anyone remember an old Game I used to play on the Amiga 1200. Was a role playing puzzle type game where you looked for keys, swung around on ropes and jumped /somersaulted gaps etc. You were visulized as a small guy.

    i am pretty sure it was a persons name that was the game title.

    Cant really remember too much else unfortunately.


  6. Heard this devastating news this morning. I`m currently in the UK.

    Tony was one of my best friends and I will miss him Immensely.

    My thoughts are with his wife and kids. And I know he will be sorely missed by many people in Chiang Rai. A real character who would not think twice about going out of his way to help you if he could.

    I`ll miss you mate. I know you`ll be up there still trying to help people swing that thing properly.


  7. Hey Bargash, welcome to Chiang Rai.

    In your opening post you say that you are going to start a business in Chiang Rai. What type of business?

    Then in another post you say you are looking for work. Will you not be participating in the business your and you wife will be starting in town?

    Hope your move goes smoothly.

    P.S. How did you come up with your Thaivisa Name?


  8. I had to ask the expert about this :lol: . Our Kee Yang is the "run off" after latex is collected in the morning. ie the bit that is still running out. So we try to sell 200 mats at a time, and usually get about 15Kg of Kee Yang with those 200 mats. So it will be quite dry. We are currently tapping about 800 trees, and if we get a good run get 20 - 22 mats per day tap 2 rest 1. As others not many good runs this year, and we are still getting rain in Ranong.

    Thanks for that mate.

    Same cost up here for dry Kee yang. We are currently tapping 2 on 1 off also. Around 1300 trees. Only started tapping around 5 months ago and started 1 on 1 off but have changed now. We will not start making mats until after 1 year when the output increases a bit.

    To be honest it is not easy finding someone here who will buy mats at the moment anyway. So hardly anyone is making them.

    Regards C35B.

    P.S. Ours are RM600.

  9. Hi Mosha. Can I ask you How long after collecting did you sell your kee yang? Was it dry or did you sell it after 1 day for instance. I am just interested in comparing prices from your area and here in Chiang Rai.

    Thanks in advance,


  10. His great friends in England only had to put up with him for 3 days. It would only have been a matter of time!!!!!

    Wow, you really know how to sink to the depths.

    These friends I have known for 15 years or more , before I left for Thailand, are not just friends but family as well.

    You have just slurred my friends in a way that is unforgivable Mr c35b.

    Can u please tell me what I said to slur your friends. Re-read again and take in what is written.

    The comment was about you letting people down John.As is clear for all to read and understand. So do not try to turn it around. Do not let you new found dislike for me cloud you vision John.

    Mr C35B.

  11. There are two sides to every story/post. John is lonely because he lets himself down all the time. If he`s sad, the that is the consequnce of his actions.

    The only reason I am posting is I may be one of the people he may be referring to in his OP.

    None of the friends he has/had in CR have commented on this topic. That speaks volumes. The only people who have commented are people who don`t know him, with a few exceptions.

    Felling sorry for himself. All self inflicted.

    His great friends in England only had to put up with him for 3 days. It would only have been a matter of time!!!!!

    I didn`t want to post on this topic but after re-reading the OP and seeing the "you know who you are" part I felt I had to post.


  12. no comments or questions?


    1 - Did you change your TV ID?

    2 - Why?

    yes, I did change my TV ID. I can't say why because I might be breaking the rules to talk about moderator issues. However, one of the moderators figured it out and wrote to tell me it's ok, as long as I don't break the rules (or words to that effect). If you want to know details, contact me direct.

    More important than that, Since starting this post, Boomerang got a new manager. He's an Aussie fellow who has considerable climbing experience. We're beefing up safety apparatus and proceedures to an already very safe place. Thus far, hundreds of climbers and zippers have enjoyed the place, and not one injury - I don't think many of the local taverns can even say that.

    Yeah, but how did your meeting regarding insurance go Brahms?

    Because that would be my concern b4 I bring my kids along.

  13. As it happens, the myanmar side ( tachilek) has been flooded only once this year, to the extent of total flooding of the market . Foot boards were put out so to keep people walking around . The flood was quite extensive , covering both sides of the border, flooding a few places including some restaurants directly on the overflowing river on the Thai side of Mae Sai.

    Within a day or so all was back to normal on both sides.

    As for currency, 2 tourists tried to pay with used $10 bills and were refused by th Myanmar immigrartion office ,they demanded Thai baht but when a crisp $20 bill to cover them both was shown, it was accepted.

    Do youself a favour, take a 500 bht note and just pay it, theres no hassle , no bank charges and no crap from Myanmar immigration tourist authority.

    Came out of retirement eh?. As usual extensive information based on??????? Personal experience or not SHS??????

  14. To be honest, if I thought my 1400 30 year old trees were only worth 400,000-600,000 baht as lumber then I would seriously consider paying someone to cut and trim them myself and sell them on alone. I am sure more baht could be acheived. The figure of 300-400 baht per tree does seem ridiculous even in Thailand.

    Or I would rather keep them myself and use them for firewood than let some lumber manufacture make 800/900% profit from them.

    I would guesstimate that 2M cubed could be the mininmum achieved from an average 30 year old tree.

    You still have the remaining task of removing the base/roots after the tree has been felled. I guess thar would eat up any money that is made from the sale of the lumber.

    Don,t think I will be around for the sale of my trees either. Just as well, because it would be really annoying to see them go for such a pittance.


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