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Posts posted by chang35baht

  1. As CRU progress thru the Leagues limbo. The competition obviously gets tougher. Playing against more experienced teams/players/coaches.

    We must not expect too much from this season, after the euphoria of the previous season.

    I think that maintaining there place in this division will be a good achievement for the year. Then we can build for the future.

    Jai yen yen Na Khrap.

    Just enjoy the spectacle of better quality teams coming to play in Chiang Rai.

    Hopefully, when I get back from my working trip this time, I can join you in the stands with my orange colours flying.



  2. "I've decided to report any shortchanging from now on - right when it happens, regardless of how quick the correct change is given, and regardless of how charming and/or apologetic the thief is."

    Well, we can all feel safer in our beds now. After all the years that you`ve live in Chiang Rai/Thailand, you`re finally starting your one man campaign to stop shortchanging. Managers, shopkeepers,cashiers and frail,fat,pretty young girls/boys are about to feel the wrath you are about to rain down on them.

    I envisage a poster campaign throughout the CR retail society, "DO NOT SHORTCHANGE THIS MAN"

    During all these years, you really haven`t learnt anything about the country you continue to live in(but continually put down).

    Ok Brahms, you win.

    Till the next time. :)

  3. Your wit underwhelms me. If you want to crank up your wit and find fault with anything a particular person says, it's not hard to do. Try it with me. Tell me anything about yourself, and if I so chose, I could tear it down with pseudo wit. Let me guess, you're one of those people who think in black and white / all right and all wrong. There are some people in your life who can do no wrong,( only me )......and there are other people who you preclude can do nothing right. Am I wrong?

    Yes. Guess again. :)

    Unfortunately Brahms you fail to post-22300-1269199544.gif

  4. `At the hardware store, a fat lady gave me change for Bt.500, when I had handed her 1,000. `

    Fat girls are the worst. :D

    `At Boots, the pretty sales clerk handed me change which was 100 baht short.`

    Can`t trust those pretty one either. :)

    `I'm a middle aged farang, so am a prime target for such scams.` :D

    ` If I were doing that, I'd pick on elderly farang (or elderly anybody)`. :D

    Have another look in the mirror Brahms.

    `Even if it was an honest mistake, :D I think it's incumbent on the customer to make a fuss. :D That in itself would alert the manager (if there is one) - that something is wrong.`


    Chiang Rai isn`t safe anymore. Luckily for me, my wife takes all my money to ensure I never get ripped off. Aint I lucky.

    Message to self; GIVE WIFE MORE MONEY.



  5. Good news comrades and fellow workers, my little finger and I survived the night with no apparent permanent damage.

    Still a little pins and needles around the fingertip but the swelling has gone.

    PS. chang35baht, I'm off into town to buy some gloves.

    Very sensible. I wasn`t trying to be a smart#rse. I learnt the hard way also.

  6. Like Limbo says, get the real report, before posting :D

    Get it yourself!

    I am puzzled!

    What do you mean 'rijb'?

    If a journalist quotes a press release of an organisation that sends armed people into

    the field with obviously the 'right' to kill people I think it is a legitimate question to

    ask for details about the "we killed someone and we found a gun, some heroin and 3 million

    Baht" story.

    Why, by all means, you expect mumbojumbo to come up with the answer?

    Do you understand that your reaction can be considered very negative and not adding

    anything to where this is all about?

    Even insulting towards mumbojumbo?

    I think you own him an apology, even if you didn't intend it to be insulting.

    Everybody has the right to be stupid, but not in the way you did ...

    Sorry to say so.

    Limbo :D

    A little less sensitive please Limbo. :)

  7. I doubt very much that they are mercenaries. Just a different division of police or army. Probably more likely to be seen working up country or in the jungle/border areas. Either looking for immigrants or Drug runners/routes

    I think that you were just subject to a random search because they may have had a tip off that a farang was doing a run that day. Either that or you`re just a dodgy looking character Jubby :)

    Nothing to do with the "Black Hand Gang" as a simple google search will tell you.

  8. I personaly never indicated that it was a problem. On the contrary i tried to entice others to provide the answer to his query. I didn`t read any other post on this topic that indicated anbody had a problem receiving PM`s from this member

    Nevertheless, thanks for your really helpful and waste of time post. Please feel free to return to the CR forum at anytime with more of your really helpful and waste of time posts. It will really help to raise your post count. If nothing else.

    C35B :)

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