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Posts posted by Krenjai

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/thailand/11313714/Koh-Tao-murders-suspects-in-killing-of-David-Miller-and-Hannah-Witheridge-say-they-were-framed.html

    Prosecution documents seen by The Telegraph allege the two men “repeatedly smashed and chopped Mr Miller's face and head many times, which resulted in his death”.

    They are then alleged to have beaten Ms Witheridge until she was unconscious before raping her. Finally the men “smashed and chopped” her head with a hoe in order to kill her and cover up her sexual assault and Mr Miller’s murder.

    His head wasn't smashed was it?

    I thought he was drowned too?

    Who was restraining Hannah at this gruesome point, or was she waiting politely?

    How does smashing splitting her skull almost in two cover up a sexual assualt?

    Are these guys the strongest Hobbits on record?

    What a complete ant utter sham!!!

    "How does smashing splitting her skull almost in two cover up a sexual assualt?"

    It leaves no witnesses, for both the rape and the, murder of Miller.

    As for the strength of the accused men, you could try an experiment, find some similarly built men and ask them to hit you in the head with a blunt object, a garden hoe or a bottle, as hard as they can... how do you think you'd fare?

    Smashing her skull will NOT cover up a sexual assault as has been proven in this very case! Did you fall asleep?

    Re. the hoe and bottle: Well it would seem he wasn't hit with either of those !

    Do you work for the Thai Police because you certainly sound and act like one of them! You know, like making stupid things up as you go along without thinking things through!

    People that say David was hit with a hoe or a bottle like the pancake translator said are not sane, they are insane. Even the "early" RTP recognized that and pointed out a fight and wounds on his knuckles. On top of that the pictures of David his wounds, which are clearly to see on a certain FB page, show beyond any doubt multiple stab wounds. This fact alone will blow away the prosecutors case if they stick to their hoe theory. I am a 100% convinced they were from wannabe bad boy push knifes with one of the attackers being left handed. I heard Mon & NS are both left handed........coincidence?


  2. @Atomicalandy Zaw Lin/Wei Phyo words today: 'before we had no chance to prove our innocence, we are victims of influential people'

    Did they say who this influential people are?

    Just be patient we will get to the bottom of this......

    Koh Samui court sets full witness hearing dates in Koh Tao case trial: 8th July to 25th Sept 2015. Total 18 days of witness hearings.

    yes, The trump card will be shown at the appropriate time.

    No bail I guess, fell sorry for these B2 , another 9 months in jail for a crime they did not commit.

  3. Metropolitan police had 'observer status only' on visit to Thailand

    The Metropolitan police have confirmed that British detectives who travelled to Thailand to look into concerns that had been raised about the investigation into the murder of Jerseyman David Miller and a fellow Brit, had observer status only.

    During their visit at no point were the detectives given access to any physical or forensic evidence or interviews and statements that had been collected.

    The police will release a report detailing their observations in January 2015, but will be for internal use only and will not be shared with the Thai authorities


    Yes, observer status only....... never ever they questioned the integrity of the evidence ............they only observed. They might as well have used Skype. What was the point in going there in the first place? Never ever had they access to any physical or forensic evidence, they never interviewed one single witness nor did they meet with anybody from the defense team. What were they doing there? Eating Fried Rice with Som Tam? And the parents were happy with the results? C'mon! They will publish their findings in Jan, but only for internal use......yeah what else? There can't be lot in that report other than "we observed", "we were presented", "we read", "we were showed"..... and based on those observations the evidence appears to be powerful and convincing. Anybody knows the SkypeID from the RTP? I thought is was kohtaocoverup.

    And does this also mean the coroner did not do a full investigation of dna

    No, I am convinced the UK coroner did a full investigation of the bodies & DNA (if still traceable), your question therefor should be, did the UK coroner obtain fresh independently collected DNA samples of the B2 and did he compare this against the DNA of the repatriated bodies (if still traceable)?

  4. I cannot believe this thread has gone on for so long.

    This aint rocket science.

    The family are confident the police have the right people after the UK police investigated the case.

    If people think the family are in the conspiracy as well then that is a logic that is way way beyond PTP logic….

    "The family are confident the police have the right people after the UK police investigated the case." ????

    The UK police did not investigate anything, you know full well they only observed the evidence the RTP showed them and based on those observations the evidence appears to be powerful and convincing to the family. The family never said they are confident the police have he right people. You are a word twister Koh Tao style!

  5. Metropolitan police had 'observer status only' on visit to Thailand

    The Metropolitan police have confirmed that British detectives who travelled to Thailand to look into concerns that had been raised about the investigation into the murder of Jerseyman David Miller and a fellow Brit, had observer status only.

    During their visit at no point were the detectives given access to any physical or forensic evidence or interviews and statements that had been collected.

    The police will release a report detailing their observations in January 2015, but will be for internal use only and will not be shared with the Thai authorities


    Yes, observer status only....... never ever they questioned the integrity of the evidence ............they only observed. They might as well have used Skype. What was the point in going there in the first place? Never ever had they access to any physical or forensic evidence, they never interviewed one single witness nor did they meet with anybody from the defense team. What were they doing there? Eating Fried Rice with Som Tam? And the parents were happy with the results? C'mon! They will publish their findings in Jan, but only for internal use......yeah what else? There can't be lot in that report other than "we observed", "we were presented", "we read", "we were showed"..... and based on those observations the evidence appears to be powerful and convincing. Anybody knows the SkypeID from the RTP? I thought is was kohtaocoverup.

  6. Well there we have it, now officially a monk...............obviously decided to leave University and everything else behind him, his karma is in obvious need of some input from above

    I can't help thinking he wants to hide...... The Sangha:

    Becoming a Monk in Thailand


    Serving in the monkhood is an ideal for all males in Thailand. Although many young men continue to become official members of the Sangha, as the monkhood is called, for many others it is not practical or not possible due to family financial obligations. The three-month Buddhist Retreat is a time when the new monks are initiated into the order, and it is a time when many young men, and older men, who can not become full-fledged monks engage in a short period of service. We'd like to give readers abetter understanding of what becoming a monk in Thailand means and what the Sangha represents.

    The formal name for a monk in Thailand is Pra Piksoo and comes from the Pali language where it is pronounced Bhikkhu. In the present Thai vernacular, most people, however, address a monk as Pra Song. Becoming a monk in Thailand is an intentional act to make merit, especially for one's parents and most particularly for one's mother since she, as a woman, cannot make merit in this way. Although you will see Buddhist nuns in Thailand, called Shee, who have shaved heads and wear white robes, they are lay people who are not fully ordained and who follow eight precepts instead of the227precepts that an ordained monk must follow.

    The decision of a young man to become a monk, and thus to make merit for his family, is an extremely important act. The making of merit should not be looked upon lightly in this context because Thais believe that merit (boon and kwam-dee), plus demerit (bap), is always rising and falling and that one's future, in this life and in the next, can change at any moment. Together, merit and goodness determine a person's level of existence at any moment in time. This is what is generally known as a person's karma. Thais see both their suffering and enjoyment at any time as a result of their own karma, and making merit increases their level of existence in Thai society and hence their enjoyment. By entering the monkhood, a young man can make merit for himself and for his family.

    Entering the monkhood is called "buat pra" In order to become a monk, a man must be 20 years old, he must be able to read and write, and he must study the rules and precepts for novices. He is given an examination, and if he passes, he is given a certificate of entry to the monkhood by the district head in his province. In most cases, a new monk is ordained just before or at the beginning of the Buddhist Retreat.

    On the day of ordination. his head and eyebrows are shaved, he dons a white robe, and he is accompanied to the temple by his family and friends, Once he arrives, he becomes a 'naga', a name out of Hindu mythology which is used because according to a story, a naga (member of a Hindu serpent race) entered a monestary in human form once in order to be ordained a monk and there fore take a quicker path to becoming a real human, subverting the paths of reincarnation.

    During the ordination ceremony, he is asked a series of questlons :

    • Do you have Leprosy? (No)
    • Do you have boils? (No)
    • Do you have ringworm? (No)
    • Do you have tuberculosis? (No);
    • Are you epileptic? (No);
    • Are you human? (Yes);
    • Are you male? (Yes)
    • Are you free of debt? (Yes);
    • Are you released from government service? (Yes);
    • Do your parents permit you to become a monk? (Yes);
    • Are you 20 years old? (Yes);
    • Do you have your robes and your alms bowl? (Yes).

    If these questions are answered truthfully and correctly, he is ordained.



    Monks must observe 227 rules which govern their behavior. The five basic precepts, which ordained monks as well as lay men staying at a temple during the Buddhist Retreat must follow, are:

    • Refrain from destroying living beings;
    • Refrain from taking what is not given;
    • Refrain from sexual misconduct;
    • Refrain from false speech; and
    • Refrain from taking intoxicants.

    For the ordained monk, there are four cardinal rules which, if broken, result in his expulsion from the monkhood. These are:

    • Engaging in sexual relations,
    • Committing theft,
    • Committing murder, and
    • Cclaiming superhuman powers.

    monk2.jpg A monk in Thailand is treated with great respect, and the institution itself is highly revered. The Sangha is the officialOrder of Monks. It is part of a hierarchy headed by Thailand's Supreme Patricarch, who is named by the King and remains in his position until death. The Sangha is governed by the Ecclesiastical Council, a semi-governmental organization, and monks are given official identification cards and give up the national identity cards given them by the Thai government at the age of 15.

    Becoming a monk in Thailand requires a rigorous life of moral precepts. The making of merit is emphasized in Thai Buddhism, as opposed to the goal of transcending karma as the Buddha did. Making merit, especially when it is merit given to someone else. such as family, is both legitimate and widely practiced in Thailand.

    The monkhood, like all other aspects of Buddhism, is not necessarily a promise for life. Becoming a monk is intended as a way to attain a goal, for one's self or one's family. Any ordained monk may leave the order at any time he chooses simply by informing the abbot at his monestary.

  7. Nobody can imagine the pain the parents of David & Hannah are going through! Nobody, unless you have been through a very similar event like losing your beloved children by a brutal horrific murder. I am sure that they want justice done, like 99% of the people on this forum or any other social media platforms. We all want the same, that the real killers will get what they deserve. It will never bring back David or Hannah, therefore it is so important the real culprits get caught.

    I am glad the statement of the parents contained the word "appears". Indeed and of course the evidence appears to be convincing & powerful, it was the RTP evidence that was presented to the British investigators. However, now that we know the Brits did virtually nothing to question the integrity of that evidence what is the next step? Watching these boys get convicted and probably killed by lethal injection? That can never give any closure to anybody, it is murder too! I want to stop this murder!

  8. In the "early" days before the RTP head-investigator was released they clearly were zooming in on the culprits. The RTP believed to have positively identified 2 suspects on the CCTV footage. Suspect 1: M, the manager of the AC bar & brother of the local head man & Suspect 2, NS, the son of the village headman who they believed fled to Bangkok. The police also stated that (and I quote) "
    "Police earlier said the men are believed to have been in a bar and involved or watching a confrontation involving the British woman (Hannah) and followed the tourists as they left."
    As mentioned before, my scenario will ONLY change if I can see independently verified DNA from the victims against fresh B2 samples, if that will not be case, I think THIS is what happened:
    I believe the above statement by the RTP to be correct. Hannah was "targeted" the minute she walked in (possibly for a date rape) and was involved in some kind of hassle in the bar (maybe she saw people tried to KO-drop her). She left and was probably followed to "teach her a lesson", this is why some stories have popped up, the place where she was found is not where it all started. She was dragged to the beach by probably 4 or 5 wannabee bad boys.
    As things evolved, David came home and must have seen/heard something, and tried to save her (right Sean?). He paid with his life, his injuries (on his body & face & his knuckles) showed he fought with his attackers, as per the RTP own statement.
    He was drowned, stripped naked (they forgot one sock) , dropped a condom and painted a lovers rage scenario with Hannah put in position with her knees/legs up 45 degrees, I tell you, Picasso couldn't have done a better job. This also explains no DNA from David on the hoe, it explains his wounds (push knifes), it explains water in his lungs, it explains everything. Hannah was savagely hit with the hoe to paint the rage scenario or as some have said to "revenge" the loss of face on what happened in the bar earlier. They escaped KT by speedboats (Lucky Duck probably being one of them), M stayed behind to tamper & paint the crime-scene and also to oversee the investigation on what they knew.
    The above is what I think happened, it is IMHO.......and I hope (although unlikely) some eyewitnesses will come forward to get these punks!
    M & NS, they will get you!
  9. http://myanmarinternationaltv.com/news/koh-tao-murders-update-next-trial-set-december-26

    Inquisitor, Special Representative Committee, Kyaw Thaung: We have some evidences. But some witnesses are migrant workers. They need protection for safety from Myanmar Government so that they can show up on trial. Most of them are afraid of their bosses and polices in Thailand. I'm confident to say the two accused Myanmar Migrant workers are innocent according to the evidences we have.

    • Like 1
  10. Are you so incensed by conspiracy theories that you have taken it upon yourselves to crusade against it?

    Yes, yes I am; the kind of behaviour and groupthinking displayed by the people advancing this conspiracies is a bane on humanity, in case you missed there have already been calls for vigilante "justice".

    If people take offense at me insisting in rationality and objectivity, they can try and argue against that, or continue to make the issue about people and their motives; as the quote goes: "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

    I think many people argue against the police statement. What makes you think the police statement is true? Have you seen the report, if you have not, then you can't say it's true. That is not rational thinking. Please do not make that mistake.

    Therefore you can't make a statement that any of it is conspiracy theory especially without weighing all the evidence. And if you have, please provide the proof.

    The bottom line is that not even you know the truth. So you and your pals need stop accusing others of posting conspiracy theories. In affect you are guilty of spreading false rumour that the police report are true. They maybe true as posted in the news, but so are the two suspect making the statement that they are innocent. Is it true that both of these statements appear in the news? No one is issuing any claim that these two suspect are innocent, just that things don't logically fit. But you on the other hand blindly believe that the police statement is true. If that is the case, then you must blindly believe that the two defendant statement is true. I think most of the world sees this.

    To debunk any conspiracy, you need to have solid evidence. Do you have it to do that? If you don't, then it's not a conspiracy.

    By your many flaws in your logic, please do not start posting quotes to try to defend yourself, because great ideas are being shared here. But thank you for sharing that with us.

    You logic is flawed, "you don't know if it's not true" is a fallacy. I don't know that you are not, let's say, a bank robber, should I then assume that you are as the default position? Of course not, it's a ridiculous line of reasoning.

    The people claiming that there is a conspiracy to hide the truth and stitch up the Burmese have the onus of supporting their claim, it's extremely easy to make things up and then ask people "prove me wrong", but the only thing that proves is that they can't prove their case using actual evidence and facts.

    Okay, start with viewing the re-enactment scene (video posted on the LA site) which was unlawfully directed by the RTP. (You're probably aware that the RTP are not permitted to engage with the suspects during a re-enactment). Unless the B2 are very good actors, there is enough visual evidence to conclude that they knew nothing about how they were supposed to have committed the murders. for example, striking the David actor with a dustpan hoe is a fallacy as the actual hoe didn't have any of David's DNA on it, as admitted by the RTP.

    I would suggest any reasonable person watching this would start to question the integrity of the RTP. On the balance of probability, two scapegoats were found to carry the can, and wrap up the investigation.

    Just thinking out loud. Is it safe to assume that the parents of David & Hannah are fully aware of what the Social media criticism is all about? Why so many things are questioned because of utter disbelieve the way the RTP has handled the case? I think they don't read these forums but I think they know more or less what are the issues discussed and why. IMO, that is why in their statement they say it APPEARS the evidence is powerful & convincing (based on Sherlock's observations).

    I also think it is safe to assume the parents must be fully aware of the coroners reports, which MUST show the murder weapon on David was with a 99.9% probability not the hoe. So I think that is why they also refer in their statement they hope the trial will be fair. If the B2 are found guilty (which I think will happen) I cannot imagine the parents will be happy with the outcome if it is not a 110% clear the B2 really were the culprits. I do fear however that Sherlock will observe the trial and brief the parents it was all fair and that the guilty verdict was just. Scary!

    • Like 1
  11. The RTP have said the Burmese raped because they became aroused when they witnessed the British couple been intimate on the beach.

    Insulting lies, Hanna and David were never an item, indeed all the evidence shown by the RTP ie cctv and released photo in the AC bar show quite the opposite. At no time were David and Hanna shown to be together.

    The truth is David was walking near his accommodation and heard Hanna in distress, because he was a conscientious gentleman he went to her aid and was brutally murdered.

    Double post

  12. They would have been tested at the first round, no doubt in my mind about that. That's how it was possible to frame them with the initial DNA sample they had already taken from them. The phone would already have been planted at their accommodation by then. Whoever committed the murders would have seen them singing/playing on the beach and hey presto the perfect scapegoats. Take note that after they were interrogated and police said they had enough evidence to indict them, (Oct 2nd was it?) the only thing police were waiting for to 'prove' (the next day - and within 14 hours was it?) they were the guilty party were the DNA results. If the B2 had not had confessed to the murders then the police would not have announced a match. Then they forced them to humiliate themselves in front of the world by re-enacting what they had supposedly done. The puppeteers guiding hands, along with their directions - the perplexed faces of the B2. The hard hats and body vests for God's sake. Did any of the onlookers attempt to harm the B2 in anyway? No. If the RTP had have had more time before the rushed re-enactment no doubt they would have been able to pay some bystanders to chuck a few things at the B2 and scream obscenities.

    Of course they were tested at the first round (see link below), as you say, they worked at the AC bar and even admitted being near the crime scene at the beach. There was NO MATCH period! Anybody that thinks different is IMO completely out their mind. Unfortunately they were the perfect scapegoats for Captain Eureka.

    It has been pointed out here how easy it is to swap DNA samples and IMHO these B2 are 1000% not guilty. B3 said they were sleeping like babies around 5.00am, they didn't flee the island, just went on with their work the next day and had no bruises or scratches whatsoever. Not one microscopic bit of blood was found on them nor found at their room ever.

    Anybody involved in this cover up should be locked away for a very very long time and the people responsible for this crime, I expect around 3 to 4 wannabee badboys partying with Mon & Nomsod, should be locked away for-good. Free the B2, NOW!


    Sorry to rain in your speculative parade, but you have absolutely no idea if the results of the DNA samples were completed before they were arrested, as I have pointed out over, and over again.

    Second, just because you want to believe the DNA was swapped it doesn't make it true, specially because the samples taken from them didn't include semen; third, one of the accused tried to flee the island and finally you also have no idea if they had any scratches, bruises or clothing with blood.

    Based on that big ball of bo**ocks you want the men to walk free without going through a trial were the actual evidence, as opposed to your make believe world of fantasy, will be presented and examined.

    Same for you, if they had scratches, bruises or clothing with blood, Do you really believe the RTP would NOT have mentioned those facts if true, after all they have said in the media? Pretty naif! They should be freed because the trial is a charade, it is fixed, and a disgrace!

  13. Of course they were tested at the first round (see link below), as you say, they worked at the AC bar and even admitted being near the crime scene at the beach. There was NO MATCH period! Anybody that thinks different is IMO completely out their mind. Unfortunately they were the perfect scapegoats for Captain Eureka.

    It has been pointed out here how easy it is to swap DNA samples and IMHO these B2 are 1000% not guilty. B3 said they were sleeping like babies around 5.00am, they didn't flee the island, just went on with their work the next day and had no bruises or scratches whatsoever. Not one microscopic bit of blood was found on them nor found at their room ever.

    Anybody involved in this cover up should be locked away for a very very long time and the people responsible for this crime, I expect around 3 to 4 wannabee badboys partying with Mon & Nomsod, should be locked away for-good. Free the B2, NOW!


    I think that we can safely say that no blood (from either of the victims) were found on them (presumably, they would have had showers / baths from the time of the crime till their arrest) but we do not know for sure that the RTP did not "discover" blood in their rooms.

    This could well be another piece of "evidence" that "appears strong and convincing"

    p/s: note that use of apostrophes (hope I got the spelling right) and make of them whatever you will

    Do you really believe the RTP would NOT have mentioned that fact, if true after ALL they have said in the media? Pretty naif!

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