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Everything posted by pegman

  1. As bad as Trump was he never baited Putin into war by advocating NATO membership for Ukraine like Biden did soon after being elected. Same as Bush with Georgia which resulted in that country losing 2 provinces. Clinton's involving the USA in the overthrow of the democratically elected government in Ukraine lead to it losing Crimea and much of the Donbas. The Republicans have a couple of things that will make it very difficult for them to win in 2024. That's besides not winning the popular presidential vote for 20 years. The court's abortion decision will increase the voter turnout against them. Young people in general hate the Republican party. If the Democrats run Biden again the GOP could win with a more moderate like the Georgia gov.
  2. But majority of voting Tory members thought the person pledging to give the billionaires the biggest tax cuts was the way to go.
  3. Care to explain that statement? I've lived most of my long life in Canada and unless your a conservative things have never been better in my view.
  4. Bad news for you fascists. Trudeau is only a year into his 3rd term. It will be nearly another 3 years till the Tories lose to him again.
  5. "The HUV has the particularity of offering interchangeable hydrogen tanks. Six interchangeable hydrogen tanks are added to the main tank and provide a range of 800 kilometres (500 mi). This system makes it easy to exchange the six removable tanks in a station without refueling the main tank, service stations for hydrogen being rare." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NamX_HUV
  6. The Chinese car manufacturer is producing a car that's swaps out batteries in about three minutes.
  7. I'm about 50/50 which way it goes. There is a chance it's a mixed result but that usually isn't how these things work themselves out. The railway I spent my career at has done extensive testing of a hydrogen fuel cell locomotive. They make their own hydrogen using a solar panel farm to produce the electricity to run the hydrogen production unit. It worked so well that they are now going to build a facility to produce hydrogen on a large scale. It looks very promising. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/bakx-hydrogen-ira-2023-cp-1.6713038 Congratulations to the German Social Democrat party for their very fast action in finding a solution to their energy needs.
  8. Yes the Yank empire is in it's twilight. Their corporate media propagandists can't change that as hard as they may try. Nothing illustrated that more than Biden's humiliating trip to Saudi where he left with his cap empty. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/15/world/middleeast/biden-mbs-saudi-visit.html
  9. He was likely hiding in plain sight like Kamnan Poh. When the Chonburi Godfather was supposedly on the run I saw him pull up in a Mercedes and park on Soi Diamond at Walking around noon. Got out and took a wealthy looking European man into a GoGo that was for rent. Business as usual while a nationwide manhunt for him was taking place.
  10. Sure sounds suspicious. I bet Ron will have a banging good time housed in a mental health facility.
  11. No doubt they will all fall in line once he wins the first few primaries
  12. Merica! The only part that surprised me was the father getting arrested
  13. Greetings from the Great White North, safeguards are in place. My understanding is 2 doctors are required to sign off on each case. I find a few isolated instances were inappropriate comments may have been made in the country of nearly 40m not very concerning. With the ideological and Christian right looking under every rock for evidence to discredit the law I'm surprised more hasn't come to light. What needs to be kept in mind is that this hasn't been in place all that many years. There obviously is much pent up demand. The one person I know of that followed through with this was my daughter-in-law's aunt who suffered from Parkinson's disease for over two decades. Everything went as well as could be expected. Her family was very grateful that her suffering had finally ended. For as I'm concerned countries like the U.K. that don't have this procedure are just being plain cruel.
  14. So better to let people die a slow death in agony? How about the BBC do some reporting in their own backyard concerning that? How many in their UK are in excruciating pain waiting for the end to come? I live in Canada and this law was long overdue and is very popular. I've seen no huge debate taking place. Some religious crackpots maybe but like their whining about us having no abortion law no one in the mainstream pay any attention. Acceptable procedures are in place so that no one is coerced into entering the system. As for the case officer that suggested this way out to veterans that person was tracked down and given the boot.
  15. In no particular order, a combination of: 1.a)- Tories 2.b)- Brexit 3.c)- Tabloids
  16. Well seems all those Royal Court eunuchs defaming & leaking about the warrior Prince to the British gutter tabloids have accomplished is making his book the fastest selling nonfiction book in U.K. history. 400k copies sold already.
  17. In military culture there is no pushback when an order is made. This is all foreign to the top jaunta leadership. Regular Thais were never in favour of these clowns governing. Did you miss all those guys with guns in the streets when Yingluck was being toppled? It was my first coup so I won't soon forget.
  18. Just maybe a motive should be sought out before he is given any merit badges
  19. He owned and operated brothels. That's like Al Capone ratting on Bugsy Malone
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