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Everything posted by pegman

  1. You act like being gay is a bad thing. It's not. Trying to hide the fact you are is hilarious and should be treated that way. Graham has taken a terrible position on gay marriage so his being vilified in a humourous manner is well earned.
  2. No surprise Ms Graham voted no or did she miss it while hiding in the senatorial cloakroom?
  3. Canada just announced it will start taxing Bay Street corporate stock buybacks. No one jumping off skyscrapers as of yet.
  4. Try looking in mirror and you will find. Of course course she was her brothers puppet. That is exactly what her voters wanted. Prem was much more subtle as a puppet master. As for Bangkok a good portion of the people living there vote in other provinces
  5. Apparently she will hold onto her congressional seat so that she can continue to contribute to the family's insider trading efforts
  6. Funny then that Yingluck crushed him in the vote count. Abhisit was nothing more than a figurehead/puppet. Aside from some hardcore royalists and fringe fascist farangs he had no real base of support
  7. That's a low blow. After 160 years my people left there once the domestic terrorists took over.
  8. Fastest game on ice. As for soccer tactics it's more embarrassing than anything. I rate it on the boring index about even with checkers or chess.
  9. The part I don't get about soccer is when a player goes down to the ground like he has been shot when an opponent comes within 5' of him. Game is seemingly devoid of any sort of dignity. In ice hockey our players continue playing even if they break a bone or two.
  10. Another group paying a price for Musk playing a clown in the public eye are Tesla shareholders. The company's value has plummeted >50% from it's high. Another 4% drop just today.
  11. My guess is Tesla needs the Dems and their EV friendly legislation more than the Dems need Musk.
  12. So Biden is saying in essence that people only have one option to vote for. If that's democracy I don't really understand the logic.
  13. Lula was widely respected when he was previously president. His approval rating was an astronomical 90% at the end of his last term. This is a great victory for regular Brazilian citizens. A very bad time coming for the country's elites and destroyers of the environment.
  14. The only fortunate thing was that it didn't happen in a state with easy access to hand guns.
  15. 555! Do some research. https://www.inverse.com/article/16830-tesla-s-non-disclosure-agreements-about-defects-are-unacceptable-say-feds
  16. Apparently Musk has given himself the new title: Twit in Chief
  17. So how long before someone angers Musk and he tweets they are a pedo?
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