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Everything posted by pegman

  1. Only to be pulled out when anyone left of ctr are characterized as communists. As someone who actually worked with quite a few communists I know their viewpoint is that even social democrats like myself are fascists.
  2. The Guardian is widely known as the best and most reliable English newspaper in the entire world. It is also one of the very few British publications which did not cheer on Liz 'Twas and her disastrous economic policies. Obviously fascist readers of the Daily Mail, Express, Telegraph, The Sun and the like would not see it that way.
  3. Their connection to Thaksin is all they need. If Thailand were a real democracy the party would have easily won every election in the last two decades.
  4. The vultures are circling. This will not turn out well. Time to sell, sell, sell before the floor drops out.
  5. The Tory party members who voted for this clown show ought to apologize to the British people.
  6. I don't think taking every red cent this vile creature has is good enough. He has to go on criminal trial and do a lengthy stretch in prison to make up for his despicable actions.
  7. Don't forget all the Trumpers headed for the Big House.
  8. My people left there after the domestic terrorists took over.
  9. What absolute nonsense. Why not vote for a politician or party you are happy with? Seems you would have to be some sort of moron not to. In my home country I've voted for the same party for >45 years. If they anger me I just don't vote. Most people in democracies do the same. FDR won 4 straight elections in the USA and had he lived longer would have won more. The illegitimate superiority some expats think they have over Thai people is utterly unfounded
  10. A monster for what ever reason. I feel so sorry for those families and the people of Thailand
  11. You really don't have any understanding of how things work there do you?
  12. It's the height of irresponsibility that the state and it's counties allowed subdivisions to be built on manmade canels, at sea level, along the coast of hurricane alley. Gov should help those on the margins but the others who made ill-conceived decisions on where to build should be on their own.
  13. The devastation shows why flood insurance is impossible to get in hurricane alley.
  14. What was said by people like you prior to the end of Roe. Something or other about precedence. Seem to remember some court nominees mentioning it also.
  15. Nearly 4,000,000 people voted in favour of these rights for gay people in Cuba. Shortly six judges on the Supreme Catholic Court of the United States will take away those rights in it's neighbour to the north.
  16. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has stated he will be doubling down with more borrowing to give tax cuts to the super rich so I would be careful.
  17. Some talk of that happening in the USA which is turning into the new Cuba.
  18. Our company pension has the age provision. The survivor's benefit deminishes each year after 10. A female union staff member coined it the "Trophy Wife clause". Our bargaining committee got a good chuckle out of that.
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