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Everything posted by pegman

  1. You really don't have any understanding of how things work there do you?
  2. It's the height of irresponsibility that the state and it's counties allowed subdivisions to be built on manmade canels, at sea level, along the coast of hurricane alley. Gov should help those on the margins but the others who made ill-conceived decisions on where to build should be on their own.
  3. The devastation shows why flood insurance is impossible to get in hurricane alley.
  4. What was said by people like you prior to the end of Roe. Something or other about precedence. Seem to remember some court nominees mentioning it also.
  5. Nearly 4,000,000 people voted in favour of these rights for gay people in Cuba. Shortly six judges on the Supreme Catholic Court of the United States will take away those rights in it's neighbour to the north.
  6. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has stated he will be doubling down with more borrowing to give tax cuts to the super rich so I would be careful.
  7. Some talk of that happening in the USA which is turning into the new Cuba.
  8. Our company pension has the age provision. The survivor's benefit deminishes each year after 10. A female union staff member coined it the "Trophy Wife clause". Our bargaining committee got a good chuckle out of that.
  9. I was thinking more in line with Ghana being a developing country. It's median wealth per adult ranks in at #123. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_per_adult
  10. Strongly disagree. The tax cuts which are in the main going to the rich were not necessary nor predicted. What was predictable was the pound sterling tanking once these measures were announced. There is near total consensus among financial experts that they will lead to much higher inflation. The Telegraph is overjoyed so that should tell you who benefits. These American commentators seemed incredulous as to why the UK government would do such a thing. Even referencing it causing a £ crisis.
  11. £ now down $.05 in the last week. We are watching a train wreck happen in real time. This finance minister seems set on making the UK economy equivalent to that of his parent's Ghana. Pity the UK expat
  12. So uncontrolled inflation and a crashing £ it is with a Tory reverse Robin Hood mini-budget. Take from poor pensioners to give to super rich banksters. Well at least the poor Brexiteer Con voters amongst them can rejoice in the fact that there will be fewer Poles around to share the misery. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/mini-budget-today-kwasi-kwarteng-stamp-duty-truss-latest-b2173590.html
  13. Give his chances of being released somewhere in between zero and none
  14. Not the time for war but a good time to buy cheaper Putin oil that helps his war effort.
  15. As I remember the right-wing block couldn't put together a governing coalition last election. Just as likely to have the same outcome this time. The four right wing parties got half a percentage point more of the popular vote than the left block. Not exactly a landslide. The left Social Democrats are still the party with the most popular vote and seats both of which increased this election. Far right Sweden Democrats do not lead in any demographic.
  16. So the 2 who actually went to war for their country will wear suits while the rest will be in uniform. Sounds like a lot of fake valour going on to me.
  17. Does seem that way doesn't it. At this point I view the USA criminal justice system about on par with that of Thailand
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