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Everything posted by pegman

  1. Well on the bright side maybe this will discourage another coup d' etat.
  2. I agree. It seems to me that the American Neo-Con's control of USA foreign policy is the root of what has taken place. How else can Vicky Nuland of the infamous Kagan Clan being placed into the #2 spot at the State Dept be explained? These are the same bunch that convinced so many about WMD in Iraq.
  3. Your preference would keep the junta parties governing. I think that is a worse situation than what is about to take place. I come from a country where 2\3's of voters are ctr\left. Thailand is the opposite. MF needs to make inroads in more cities to get to majority territory.
  4. What nonsense. Do you actually think people voted for PTP because they wanted another party to govern? I strongly support Move Forward but they were given the opportunity to form a coalition government but failed by reason of a rigged system. The best that can be hoped for under the circumstances is PTP forming a minority gov to get to next May. Once the relics in the senate are gone then reshuffle the deck. Any better ideas out there?
  5. I know who you are writing about. The guy is a complete air-head. What person in their right mind buys a heavy vehicle that needs to be manually reversed for an over weight woman in her 70's with mobility problems? Him and the wife live rent and board free with the in-laws up in Issan. Convinces mom to sell everything she owns then moves her to Asia. Sets her up 15 hours away next to friends that will in essence act as her free caregivers. His bragging about how great it was to retire early by getting others to pay for his major expenses drove me to stop watching. The worse was when Chucky outed his friend's wife out as a former Pattaya bargirl. The couple have 2 teenage sons going to school in the states. Saw right then what despicable character the goof has. I got the sense that mom and wifey are not on great terms.
  6. Hopefully this is only an interim solution and once those rascals in the Senate are turfed next May affairs can be properly sorted out.
  7. His father should explain to him that the landslide MFP did win was in Bangkok. They won all but one federal seat. Dad should update his CV because his prospects in the next election no longer look so good
  8. True. Anyone on this forum around May 2014 will well remember the majority of posters cheering on the coup. Couple years later when the scam embassy income letters were no longer accepted by the junta opinions changed quick.
  9. You got that number backwards. 72% of voters selected coalition party members
  10. The Russians control 22% of Ukraine. Including its industrial heartland. Explain to me why they would want to take Ukrainian speaking areas? Was one of those officers you worked for the former air marshal on Sky News last fall who stated that Ukraine had a advantage going into winter because they were the ones used to the harsh weather. After I heard that I checked the map and found Russia had not miraculously moved to the tropics. Fact is things are not going good for Ukraine. They're running out of artillery shells. Russia meanwhile has been launching 60,000 a day. It's a war of attrition and Russia unfortunately is much more equipped for this type of warfare. This guy from Google apparently didn't get the make believe all is good for Ukraine propaganda memo before this interview..
  11. Yes things are looking very positive on American intelligence community YouTube propaganda channels. Here is a British Air Marshal predicting the Russians will be done by Christmas. Last Christmas, 555!
  12. You are going on the assumption that this is a territorial war and not a war of attrition. Russia has captured the industrial heartland of Ukraine. This is where the Russian speakers are. It was ethnically cleansed of Ukrainians and Tartars years ago. The Donbas and Crimea were then filled with Russians. It would be stupid for Putin to try to control Ukrainian speaking areas. People don't seem to understand that this war has been going on since 2014. It only escalated in February 2022. If anything I downplayed how bad the situation is for Ukraine. But once again the sheep will continue believing the west;s propaganda media and their military industrial complex former militaryi officers who have no shame. Déjà vu of WMD in Iraq all over again. It's supposed to be fool me once shame on you but fool me twice shame on me.
  13. Obviously this old codger is for from being reliable but he supposedly has some sway. He gets into this subject matter @4:30mins. Sec State Blinken repeated the same thing on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell
  14. The Ukraine military is pretty much out of air defence munitions and 155mm shells. There has been little direct contact fighting between the sides from the start. They have been bombing the hell out of each other instead. A couple days ago the German English language service DW had a report from a hospital near the front. The Ukrainian doctor interviewed stated 2% of casualties were gunshot wounds. All the rest, 98%, caused by sharapnel. Ukraine is about done. Little wonder their leader tried so hard to get NATO directly involved. It was clearly out of desperation. Will Putin be satisfied with the Russian gains or continue on to Odesa and Kharkiv?
  15. There has been no images nor video of Prigozhin since his "coup" happened. My bet is he is long dead. Putin plays for keeps.
  16. Yeah, I was living there in May, 2014. People seemed to take it I stride. Might be about time to turn the response up a notch or two
  17. The Election Commission is appointed on the advice of the Senate so no surprise in this appalling decision. It will soon be time for the fight for democracy to be taken to the streets.
  18. My gut feeling is a sufficient number of senators will abstain so Pita will be elected as Prime Minister.
  19. Let's see if he. becomes the Prime Minister before calling Thailand a full democracy shall we
  20. You're not paying attention. It is not solely M.P.'s that select the Prime Minister. It is them plus 250. appointed Senators.
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