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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. Yes, there is research strongly indicating that consumption of "diet" sugars is strongly associated with increasing obesity. Weird, but true. It's not just about the simple minded math of calories. Obesity is much more complex than that.

    Another example, fresh fruit has calories and has natural sugars but the sugars in fresh fruit (NOT JUICE!) are processed differently by the body.

    I'm sure "diet" stuff does have a correlation to obesity. Just like the "other day" WHO said that eating bacon causes cancer. Funnily enough there is a very strong correlation between NOT eating bacon and ending up blowing yourself and other humans up with a bomb.

  2. White sugar (99.9% sucrose) is a highly addictive drug. Don't think it's addictive? Try not eating any for one week. It has no nutritive value what-so-ever ... only empty calories.

    Added sugar is the only thing commonly found in food which the human body does not need at all.

    If you had written "carbohydrates" instead of sugars it would have been correct. A human being don't have to eat a single gram of carbohydrates in their entire life and still live a perfectly healthy life.

  3. It is not a revelation that sugar is bad and makes you fat.

    We westerners are the problem...look at all the fatties at the airport...all westerners !!!

    Thais shold not follow the same path, but too much money in it. Western foods are a prime example of a millenium of bad choices. We are plagued with dieseases that are just now reaching over to asia.

    Let us be a walking warning of changing to a fatty, sugary diet

    We should be studying their diet, 30 years ago..before western Foods contaminated asia.

    Sugar in it self doesn't make anyone fat. What makes people fat is that they eat too many calories compared to what they use.

  4. most Thais get their sugar from beverages such as soft drinks (9 teaspoons per serving), green tea (13 teaspoons),

    And yet the sugar free versions of those beverages are invisible in Thailand for most of the time

    Don't get fooled by that.

    Sugar free versions are worse than sugar containing and increase obesity rates - in particular, those containing Splenda, Aspartame, ACE-K, Neotame and Saccharin. Not only do they cause neuro-generative disease but they can cause cancer. Having said that, sugar is the leading cause of cancer and feeds the cancer once you have been afflicted by it.

    So you are saying that the human body just ignores the laws of physics and magically turn 0 calories into "very high calories"?

  5. There is a very good reason to why there is a distinction between "modern/western medicine" and "everything else".

    People can believe what they want but believing things like "avoiding certain people" will do you any good or bad is just plain ignorant. And i use ignorant lightly as stronger words aren't allowed on this forum.

    There is no such thing as "western medicine" - there are only 2 kinds of medicine - the type that works and the type that doesn't.

    Any medicine has to be shown to work - this is usually by peer reviewed trials. Good old fashioned evidence...... Science-based medicine.

    Can the "other" type be harmful? Yes, of course it can....... if people avoid efficacious treatment of a problem in favour of "traditional" or superstition-based treatment it is quite possible they will find their condition worsens or even becomes fatal.

    Maybe you should have a grasp of what is meant by "western medicine"[1] before you go on your SJW crusade?

    [1] http://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms?cdrid=454743

  6. Any time you use the physical characteristics of a person to describe that person- unless you are the police- it has nothing to do with political correctness, it has much to do with bias and the continued propagation of bias. Describing a person as white, black, brown etc; fat, slim; old, young, etc implies that there is a bias. Why would you need to describe a human being this way? What does it accomplish? The exception is when the police or authorities are trying to locate someone and the detailed description is needed.

    Being fat or slim is a choice. Being blck or white isn't. Besides, are you actually preaching that some shouldn't use some words because you don't like it?

  7. Boonseth also reportedly took his handgun out, aimed it at Thanin, then discharged it into the air seven times. Boonseth and his friends then got into a van and drove away.
    Thanin was taken to a hospital and admitted to intensive care. Medical workers described his condition as critical.
    Armed, drunken policeman in RCA Party Area.

    Shooting around, threatening people and beat them hospitalized.

    Who chooses that these imbeciles are actually be suitable for the police service?

    And those dimwits remain in the police service?

    Sir, I am sorry to bring to your notice that this type of scum exists EVERYWHERE!

    It is a pity that you know only the bad in the RTP.

    For example, just search Youtube for "California Highway Patrol Officer Beating Woman in the Head on Side of Road" and tell me if that is nice - you have NEVER EVER heard anything like that before?


    I could send you heaps of links to such incidents if you cant find any.

    Thainess gang out in full force again...

    I have never ever heard of any cop in any civilized country (northern Europe) taking their service weapon with them when they go out drinking, not to meantion firing it. And to my knowledge cops in Sweden leave their guns at the station after ending their shift... so yeah... thainess gang defending stupid shit done by stupid thais.

  8. You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


    Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


    Pretty average looking.

    You need to open her mobile upload album. Plenty of beauty and nubile curves there.

    I did...

    Clairification: she isn't ugly but she isn't anything special, walking in any thai city mall you'll see plenty of "her kind".

  9. Since when is Syria a neighbouring country to Hungary? It's also not a human right to choose which country you apply asylum in.

    No one said that Syria Is a neighbour to Hungary as it's irrelevant - a straw man. Every refugee has a right to choose which country they want to end up in but their choice may not be met. (see Thailand - Uighers to China).

    I doubt that many of them want to stay in Hungary given that country's Natzi attitude but preventing them from transversing the country is pretty sick.

    BTW many of the Hungarian refugees from 1956 ended up in the USA, Canada and other non-neighbouring countries - their choice and accepted by their chosen destination.

    BTW2 The refugees come from mainly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan; Italy & Malta has had to deal with those from Libya, a country destroyed by NATO that the likes of Hungary is a member of.

    No, asylum seekers do not have the right to choose which country they should get asylum in. Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Its a rather strange remark that you say that asylum seekers do not have the right to choose which country they want to try to get asylum in. Who else than the refugee do you think "has the right" to make that choice?

    Nothing strange at all, a refugee does not have the luxury of picking the nation where they should get asylum in.


  10. What they very conveniently forget (& that applies on TV too) is that following the Hungarian uprising in 1956 and the ultimate Soviet troop invasion, over 200,000 Hungarian refugees fled the country to be taken in by neighbouring countries.

    Now, with the boot on the other foot, Hungary is behaving just like their Soviet overlords.

    Similarly the Czech uprising has been forgotten by the Czech Republic & Slovakia who are behaving similarly.

    Yes, it's not the local people who have the Nazi-style attitude but their governments.

    Since when is Syria a neighbouring country to Hungary? It's also not a human right to choose which country you apply asylum in.

    No one said that Syria Is a neighbour to Hungary as it's irrelevant - a straw man. Every refugee has a right to choose which country they want to end up in but their choice may not be met. (see Thailand - Uighers to China).

    I doubt that many of them want to stay in Hungary given that country's Natzi attitude but preventing them from transversing the country is pretty sick.

    BTW many of the Hungarian refugees from 1956 ended up in the USA, Canada and other non-neighbouring countries - their choice and accepted by their chosen destination.

    BTW2 The refugees come from mainly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan; Italy & Malta has had to deal with those from Libya, a country destroyed by NATO that the likes of Hungary is a member of.

    No, asylum seekers do not have the right to choose which country they should get asylum in. Obviously you have no idea what you are talking about.

  11. What they very conveniently forget (& that applies on TV too) is that following the Hungarian uprising in 1956 and the ultimate Soviet troop invasion, over 200,000 Hungarian refugees fled the country to be taken in by neighbouring countries.

    Now, with the boot on the other foot, Hungary is behaving just like their Soviet overlords.

    Similarly the Czech uprising has been forgotten by the Czech Republic & Slovakia who are behaving similarly.

    Yes, it's not the local people who have the Nazi-style attitude but their governments.

    Since when is Syria a neighbouring country to Hungary? It's also not a human right to choose which country you apply asylum in.

  12. I just saw a number of Muslims living in America being interviewed about the question "Would you consider Shariah law above the U.S. constitution?" An alarming number of them said "Yes, the law of Allah would ALWAYS supersede ANY laws created by man."

    This is a valid concern - if a Muslim became president, would he (she?) be able to put aside their religious convictions and rule objectively?

    A Christian like Mike Huckabee has proven he does consider Christian law above the US constituation.

    What? There is no "christian law" that even closely resembles sharia. And instead of wishing Huckabee said that give a link that proves he said it.

  13. I know one, a 23-year-old from Chiang Mai, who is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my 65 years and many years in Asia. So she gets off being in love with herself (she even admits it in several photo posts). She takes sexy pics of herself and has 4,500 followers and is a nasty piece of work. Works out hours a day to show off her six-pack abs and suggestive views of her bottom in tight panties.

    You should provide a link, so we can judge for ourselves.


    Very well! My pleasure. If you ask her out, make sure it's something expensive. Make sure to open her mobile uploads album to get the sexy pics.


    Pretty average looking.

  14. A Thai lady I know posted a picture of a milk jug and cereals on her page, with the comment, my son says he doesn't like it but when adding a lot of sugar he want double portion.

    She got 83 likes for it.

    Another one posted pictures from a fruit market.

    She got 278 likes for it

    I guess we are too stupid to understand the importance of all this facebook thing.

    I actually watched a few thais on FB with their smartphones... they press "like" for everything without even looking at the picture or message.

  15. The arrogance of thinking you're so interesting and enigmatic that Thais should be falling over themselves to find out more about you is breathtaking.

    It's just one more example of the neo-colonial self-importance that afflicts far too many foreigners here - most of whom can be easily described with one word . . . UNREMARKABLE

    You're not pioneers, explorers or men of vision in khakis roaming the new frontier bringing civilization to the "barbarians"

    You're economic migrants and sex refugees and, with the proliferation of the internet and social media, the Thais KNOW it

    I doubt anyone is thinking they are in anyway special or important.

    But i do know that most thais know jackshit about the world.

  16. "some European countries are offering 10 years legal residence to illegal asylum seekers from Syria with very generous welfare benefits"

    Which countries ?

    Links to this important information please.


    Belgium, France, Sweden and Germany.


    Sweden is actually giving permanent residence permits to any and all syrians. And when they get it they are entitled to the same benefits as anyone else. And in some cases the benefits are higher and better than working.

  17. Willy, many factors involved.

    One common thing that I see is that these are obviously angry people. Thai people have a pretty strong innate 6th sense. They are sensitive to anger and tend not to like it. And yes, many can sense it before a word is even spoken. And so, these angry people are far more likely to not have many of the good experiences that others have...

    But, yes, it is odd that people come to another culture and even though Thai bend to meet their needs, they still have very little idea of the depth of meaning o r understanding that it is another culture and people eat, think and do things differently.

    For a thai person "anger" can be that you slightly criticize them.

    If you criticize them for being Thai and having Thai ways, Thai language or Thai customs, it is sort of like going into KFC and criticizing them for serving chicken…

    If "being thai" and "driving like a moron" is the same thing according to you... that's then entirely up to you.

  18. So, you are suggesting it's all right to employ Thais, to pay taxes here, to support a family here (possibly an extended one, for some), but one shouldn't criticise anything about the country or the people, not even the driving, the taxi drivers, the RTP, the scams, etc. - themes that are the subject of many comments from foreign visitors and residents? You must be kidding. Carping for its own sake is one thing; valid criticism quite another.

    It's the "thainess gang" on TV that sees any and all criticize as "thai bashing" no matter how valid.

  19. Willy, many factors involved.

    One common thing that I see is that these are obviously angry people. Thai people have a pretty strong innate 6th sense. They are sensitive to anger and tend not to like it. And yes, many can sense it before a word is even spoken. And so, these angry people are far more likely to not have many of the good experiences that others have...

    But, yes, it is odd that people come to another culture and even though Thai bend to meet their needs, they still have very little idea of the depth of meaning o r understanding that it is another culture and people eat, think and do things differently.

    For a thai person "anger" can be that you slightly criticize them.

  20. Why would anyone destroy the ceiling of a new car because of a dumb belief that it would actually protect them?

    Dumb belief says you. Millions of Thais may disagree with your assumption that their belief is stupid. Whether we believe or not isn't the issue. My lady believes, everyone around us believes. Going on a long trip, we always replace the flower on mirror 20 baht, Sometimes I'm the one who initiates the flower purchase.

    I can see it now. I will not hang flowers in my truck because your religion is stupid. Having my visor and surrounding area tattoed is no big deal, kinda looks good.

    It is dumb to think that painting the ceiling will protect you or anything else for that matter. It's just as dumb to believe that for instance the alignment of stars and planets somehow affect your life. Or that praying to a "God(s)" will affect anything. Only difference between say me as an atheist and a religious person is that i just go a few more God(s) further... because i'm sure a religious person believes just as little in fairies, trolls and orcs as i do.

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