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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. Beware of Fake Foreigners with poor grammar to boot!

    Beware GENUINE foreign English teachers whose grasp of the language is tenuous at best. There are plenty posting on TV. They're the ones who don't know the difference between 'there', they're' and 'their', 'compare to' instead of 'compare with', any myriad other gross misuses of the language.

    And about 94.24% of thai people can't even correctly pronounce words like english. Your point?

  2. Ok. I will put myself in the firing line and say that whilst this is an enormous tragedy and that the man is entirely to blame for what he did, we should also consider the other side of the coin.

    This type of thing is happening in many countries and I believe that there is more to it than meets the eye.

    Any man that has ever been involved with a woman will know what can be done by them without remorse whatsoever.

    That the guy is an animal goes without saying but the psychology behind the event remains to be seen.

    I'll put myself on the firing line and call you a "khwai".

  3. I think some content with their lot and feel it's not needed....In other ways they are locked in and happy without sophistication.....They are not collectors/needers? in our western sense....In many ways more grounded.....

    Others shop at their local weekly markets and don't get too far beyond that....The local hardware store in most cases is not going to have a western toilet and the other type never break.....If they leak - who knows - there's water splashed everywhere - you'd have to hook up a water line for the flush which some might see as wasting water.....Cold water bathing is refreshing to them in hot weather....

    My IL's have one of the biggest houses in the area at about guess-timating 4,000sf - Sparse in furnishings....They had a western toilet but small & the ballcock/float had failed....We put in a new larger one both for them and to make our visits a bit more modern.....No hot water and they dip bathed keeping water in a large open topped 3'x7'x4' tank that they keep filled....We put a shower head in but FIL still uses the hand bucket.....They like the warm showers here but it's going to take an electrical upgrade to install one for them.....

    We bought a new stainless steel fridge + a stainless steel sink and counter which finished off an good functional indoor kitchen for them to use and the MIL loved the conveinience for years.....

    One nice step forward .....

    Well → almost.....

    Last time down the 3 point kitchen was history.....The stove and shelves/cupboards/utensils/supplies had all been moved to an un-enclosed outbuilding where they prepare/cook and eat while sitting on a platform - flies/dirt/weather/whatever.....The fridge - dining table/chairs & sink are still inside → with their bed/platform in between the fridge and sink....!?!?!?.....

    They semi moved their kitchen outside to make a kitchen/bedroom....

    Bear in mind the lower level is huge - one small TV - one wooden natural tree/couch that takes 4 of us to move - moveable wooden shelves and closets that constitute walls....I've seen well over 20 relatives sleep down there with enough room for another 20 - open like a dance floor.....Yet they moved a larger than kingsize platform to the "kitchen" to make a bedroom.....

    There's only the 2 of them there except when BIL and family/4 visit on the weekends to check in & socialize.....

    Sometimes I don't understand it either.....

    But - they are some of the most squared away and happiest people I've ever known.....

    One concept that might come into play....

    As my wife was growing up one lesson they taught her was → Don't spend/waste your money on big things - save it for food.....And - she is frugal.....

    Thais are very much "collectors/needers". I haven't meet a nation of people that have more cravings for "stuff" than thais have.

  4. Is it undemocratic?

    The executive arm of the the EU, the Commission, is not elected by the people, is not directly accountable to the people and cannot be voted out by the people. So, yes it is very undemocratic.

    This is the most powerful body of the EU we are talking about, not the local bridge club. It is very much in the driving seat for the EU and sets the agenda, for it then to be rubber stamped by the EU parliament.

    And not one citizen gets a say on who they are.

    This sounds very like a British cabinet. It is not elected by the people, it is not directly accountable to the people, and cannot be voted out by the people. Now, one may object that a British government can be voted out by the UK Parliament. Guess what? The EU Commission can be, and has been, voted out by the European Parliament.

    So something for the anti EU posters here, most of whom live in Thailand, to consider is Surinder Singh.

    If the UK does leave, then should you ever wish to return to the UK to live with your Thai family then you wont be able to use the Surinder Singh route, currently used by many ex pats returning home with their non EEA national family. Instead your family members will have to follow the UK immigration route, with it's exorbitant fees and stringent financial requirement.

    Also, whilst It is unlikely that Brexit would mean British citizens would suddenly need visas to holiday in other European countries; their non EEA national family members would, as they do now.

    Except while the UK is a member these visas are simple to obtain and free; that will not be the case after Brexit..

    One of the 'reforms' that Cameron wanted was the removal of the right of spouses of EEA citizens exercising the freedom of movement to join them in the EEA. I can see the additional right achieved by exercising freedom of movement as an abuse. I have a feeling this would definitely get Dutch and Danish support. What has become of this 'demand'?

    UK citizens get to vote in the government and its general policies, and vote them out if they are not satisfied. Far from perfect, as can be seen in the last election when UKIP got a third of the votes yet only one seat. For all its faults there is still a string of democracy, something from which greater democracy can grow.

    However, with the EU there is nothing. The people get to decide nothing about the direction the EU is going or any of its policies. As an EU citizen you can do nothing to influence policy. You can't vote in a left wing Commision, a right wing Commision, a Liberal Commsion, a Nationalist Commission or a Communist Commission. It's all decided for you behind closed doors.

    You can vote in the rubber stamping committee ( the EU parliament) but you get no vote on the driving committee (the Commission).

    That's the thing, EU is run and ruled by a 28 member oligarchy who know VERY well that they are untouchable.

  5. POOR people dont buy Coke and if they do they arent poor, many of the "poor" arent really, just substitute " poor" for "bone idle"

    Coke and Pepsi are the cheapest drinks available in Thailand at around 20bht/l.

    If they aren't for the poor, then who are they for?

    Wiiiiilllddddddd quess... for anyone who like to drink them?

  6. Of course the UK will and should stay in

    Read the FT or Economist if you don't understand why

    Even Boris is back on side

    The "it's economy stupid" reason for staying in EU just that: dumb. I don't see any economic issues for Norway or Switzerland and they aren't in the EU.

    "'Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one."

  7. Make a decision for goodness sake. I'm not a Cameron supporter but lets have the referendum and live by the results. Britain signed up to the club but doesn't want to obey its rules…signed the Lisbon Treaty but doesn't want to abide by it. If you want to be in the club abide by its rules, if not then leave.

    The youngest person alive in the UK, who had anything to say about membership in EU, is like 55? years now.

  8. Am I right in thinking that one has to show prof that one has relinquished you former citizenship before obtaining Thai citizenship? And if so why would anyone wish to do this as it would create many problems when you want to travel abroad?

    Maybe you would loose your pension and free medical care if your country has any, I know a Denmark man who has thai citizenship many years and he needs visa to go to Denmark.

    If i were you i would tell my danish friend that he have until 21th august 2020[1] to get back his danish citizenship[2] and also, to my knowledge, keep his thai citizenship. They made this possible in Denmark just a few months ago.

    [1] http://www.oresunddirekt.se/samhaelle/pass-medborgarskap/dubbelt-medborgarskap-i-danmark-och-sverige

    [2] http://www.statsforvaltningen.dk/site.aspx?p=7313

  9. And if he'd been white...? (coffee1.gif hmm, nice coffee)

    More likely that he'd still be alive if he was white.

    That's another reason I'm against the death penalty for less than spectacularly heinous crimes.

    The U.S. "justice" system tends to punish minorities more harshly.

    It isn't an explicit policy, per se, it just works out that way.

    It also of course punishes the poor in general more harshly, of any race, for obvious reasons. They can't afford good lawyers.

    Exactly why one shouldn't judge an entire system based upon ignorant assumptions fed by projections of one' sown internal struggles.

    More whites have been executed than blacks over the last 49 years at a nearly 2 to 1 clip. The potential racial bias has little to do with punishing blacks more harshly. Prosecutors, however, do appear less inclined to seek the death penalty for black on black murders,.

    I worked on a state Supreme Court reviewing death penalty cases. They are subjected to unbelievably high scrutiny focusing on evidence to meet the enhancement factors. Race had zero to do with these reviews. In fact, I can only recall white defendants in the death penalty cases we reviewed.

    Felony murder can be enhancement that makes a crime death legible.. I believe that felony murders are particularly heinous, senseless killings that need to be deterred.

    The killing of innocent store clerks during commission of a robbery of a few bucks to eliminate the clerk as a witness to me is much worse than a premeditated murder of someone because of a personal dispute between the two. Think about it. Your child or liege done was killed while working in a store for minimum wage so they could not later ID the robber that stole $59 or $100 bucks. That is about as depraived as it gets.

    Florida has executed 84 people since the Supreme Court announced the modern death penalty regime in 1976. Zero of them are white people sentenced to death for killing an African American. Indeed, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, “no white person has ever been executed for killing an African American” in the state of Florida.

    Not really interested in sitting an hour digging for statistics but i would bet a bottle of Chang that it's because far less white people murder blacks compared to black murder white.

  10. This is a racist article. A very SMALL percentage of Thai people believe in gooman thong. It is not a look into the THAI mind.

    It is like me writing an article about the KKK saying a look into the American mind.

    So you are also saying that almost no thai believe in ghosts, some kind of reincarnation, karma etc?

    And you are the racist for believing this is a racist article.

    Hardly worth a reply but....

    I never said anything about ghosts, or reincarnation. Incidentally, both of which I firmly believe in as do most of the world's population.

    Your second sentence is just weird.

    Hey, you have my sympathy. That poor guy seemed to get a bit, well, can't and shouldn't really say it on here. I hope he's getting some rest. Still feel his fear.

    Didn't take your medicine? Aww, well, you do have my sympathy, mental disorders are not that easy to handle.

  11. More likely that he'd still be alive if he was white.

    That's another reason I'm against the death penalty for less than spectacularly heinous crimes.

    The U.S. "justice" system tends to punish minorities more harshly.

    It isn't an explicit policy, per se, it just works out that way.

    It also of course punishes the poor in general more harshly, of any race, for obvious reasons. They can't afford good lawyers.

    No he wouldn't, he would still be dead.

    And stop spreading lies about minorities (and you mean black) getting harsher penalties "because they are black"... reason is that black people commit about half of all homicides in the US all the while only are about 13% of the entire population.

    I am sure JT is right...

    Racism is still endemic in America particularly those states that practice the death penalty...

    And by racism you mean exclusively white on black?

  12. Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

    How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

    Fact is, you don't.

    You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

    What a constricted worldview.

    God created everything in the universe one week ago, that is wednesday 27th of january 2016. All your memories aren't really your memories, God implanted them into you and all history you think you know was also implanted. Everything else either sopken, written, dream and so on are implanted into your and everyoen else head. All the light coming from far away stars are really illusions and not real and so on.


    The fact is, you don't know if the things i wrote are true, don't you?

    Such a constricted worldview you got RikDao.

    Hmmm, a little nervous? I think you meant "do you?"

    But as to your question, yeah, I do know. It's baloney. That's what "the fact is."

    And son, if you wanna hang with the alpha pseudo-intellectuals, at least learn to write coherently. If you do, your credibility will go WAY up. Of course, most on here couldn't care less; in fact, correct writing is cause for suspicion, I'm sure.

    Aww, how cute of you to be a grammar nazi. Well anyway english is my third language, i bet you are monolingual and we all know what monolinguals are right?

    Anyhow, no you don't know. And the reason is clear from your earlier posts in this thread. Hint: lack of something somewhere.

    So, grandpa, take your medication and head to bed.

  13. Good this a step in the right direction. Many other countries have woman pilots flying fighter jets.

    A stout figure and more mass in the legs makes for an improved ability to deal with high G forces. Thus a woman in general is more suited to being a fighter pilot or astronaut.

    Great news this, as my now 13yr old daughter is interested in the military, but most armed forces academies are male only. She could become a pilot :-).

    On what planet does an average woman in general have more mass in the legs compared to average man? Because it's not earth. Not an expert but i would assume it's the muscle mass that determine how well you can handle G-forces, not fat.

  14. African American, he was ... coffee1.gif

    And if he'd been white...? (coffee1.gif hmm, nice coffee)

    More likely that he'd still be alive if he was white.

    That's another reason I'm against the death penalty for less than spectacularly heinous crimes.

    The U.S. "justice" system tends to punish minorities more harshly.

    It isn't an explicit policy, per se, it just works out that way.

    It also of course punishes the poor in general more harshly, of any race, for obvious reasons. They can't afford good lawyers.

    No he wouldn't, he would still be dead.

    And stop spreading lies about minorities (and you mean black) getting harsher penalties "because they are black"... reason is that black people commit about half of all homicides in the US all the while only are about 13% of the entire population.

  15. Whatever happened to reserving the death penalty to more spectacularly heinous cases, such as serial killers, child murderers, etc.? I'm generally anti- death penalty but not strongly so, especially in really heinous cases. Some states in the U.S. aren't doing all that much better than Iran in overdoing the death penalty.

    Ah yes because some states in the US, according to you, have public hangings of gays. Gotcha.

  16. Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

    How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

    Fact is, you don't.

    You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

    What a constricted worldview.

    God created everything in the universe one week ago, that is wednesday 27th of january 2016. All your memories aren't really your memories, God implanted them into you and all history you think you know was also implanted. Everything else either sopken, written, dream and so on are implanted into your and everyoen else head. All the light coming from far away stars are really illusions and not real and so on.


    The fact is, you don't know if the things i wrote are true, don't you?

    Such a constricted worldview you got RikDao.

  17. Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

    The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

    Ah yeah right, and Jesus went around healing (just a few people) and this is taken so seriously that public holidays in the farang world for his birth and death, Santa Claus is real, Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and of course the big one "God" which is used in law courts to make sure that people are telling the truth. Swearing on the "bible", a book that was made up 400 years after Jesus had died and with the current day version hardly similar to the original. And Mary wasn't playing up with her gik, God got her pregnant! And Joseph believed her!

    All totally believable and based on scientific evidence? Priests and nuns devoting there lives to it. The farang logic.

    Now, do you care to also write same text about the second largest religion in the world?

  18. Superstitious , that's being kind. Every one of those little houses you see everywhere, the ones where they put a little food out everyday and some incense and have a little prayer...that's got nothing to do with Buddhism, that's just to make happy the spirits that occupy that block of land or dwelling....yes, they are extremely superstitious people....and it does them no favors.

    Does anyone realize how superstitious Westerners are?

    You need something to believe in, something unquestionable, otherwise you run mad in a state of sensory overload.

    Please enlighten us all how westerners are superstitious... especially compared to thai.

  19. Not only can you have dual citizenship... my children have three citizenships without an issue (swedish, finnish and thai).

    Furthermore, only way to lose your swedish citizenship is if you (the citizen) actually sign a form designed specifically for that and send it in. So it doesn't matter who sends or calls any swedish embassy anywhere in the world.

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