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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. To me it's just a really bizarre bit of behaviour - i very much doubt if the OP would ever do anything like this a t home...it's just a "white superiority" thing.

    I assume your ridiculous posts are tongue in cheek. If not feel sorry for you.

    It's not "tongue in check", he really is that special kind of stupid.

  2. I was thinking about helping, wasting 20 mins of my life which I'll never get back, but have decided against it....

    Moronic posters and an OP who wouldn't know good advice for the life of him...

    So you just felt like including yourself in the first part of your second sentence?

  3. OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

    So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

    And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

  4. Do you need further advice or have you wasted everyone's time enough?

    Op, this one needs closing

    It's going nowhere fast

    The op has more than enough info to write a report on this one!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You are wasting everyones time as you don't even seem to be able to hold one thought in your head without imagining a "truth" in your head and at the same time miss that i am the OP.

    So please, do me a favour and stop posting in this thread and it will surely get somewhere.

  5. We hope your boy doesn't get picked!

    It's not his son.

    He's asking about a friend of a friend of a friend

    I.e someone he has never nor will ever meet

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Seriously, you need to go take your medicine smile.png

    He's back with nothing again

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Just advicing you that it's bad to stop taking the medication your doctor gave you.

  6. I wasn't in special forces but as stated RN.

    What is your relationship to this person?

    Tell us, please.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    My realtionship to this person has no relevance to the question.

    Is this person living in Thailand?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


  7. If the person is not registered in Thailand with an ID card, or in a blue book, He/she does not exist if he has another nationality passport they will class him as a citysen from that Country, However if he wants to be Thai, He can go to the Area of where he was born ,If known and ask around to see if anyone remembers his family, If they do they can go to the Local Amphur and vouch for him.Then he can get an ID card and go from there, But If he is a duel National, Thai and whatever he will have to do national Service, If he does not then he maybe arrested on entry into Thailand .

    This person has dual citizenship. What are you talking about?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    When some one has two passports , from diffrent Country's, The person in Question on this post ids not registered as a Thai although born there,

    Yes he is as he has thai passport, tabien baan and ID card.

  8. Thopon you are 100%

    Pay someone else, and people say my post was stupid.

    Tell the boy to man up & see if he's selected, if so, go & serve your country as you want the passport but don't want to give anything back

    People like the op's make me sick

    They're takers but when it comes to the less glamorous things they think bribery or other ways is acceptable. Disgusts me.

    Before anyone starts on me I volunteered in the Royal Navy at 17 & served 22 yrs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Good for you that you VOLUNTEERED.

    And did you miss the part that he doesn't have an issue with "doing his part voluntarily in the EU country", he has actually mentioned it several times to me about volunteering... what he does object to is the "doing his part in a shitty backwards redneck corrupt third world nations armed forces".

    But he wants to keep his passport for this, as you say 'shitty backwards redneck third world nation'???

    Why would that be?

    Your argument is totally flawed!!!

    Re read what you've said and see if it's credible

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    How convinient of you to leave out the "armed forces" part. Don't know about you but i bet most people do not like corporal punishment and other shit that goes on in the Thai armed forces.

  9. To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

    I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

    Rubbish, I love video games and have a Master's degree.

    a masters degree in video games?.....lucky you.

    One of the biggest industries in the world...

    If he actually had a Masters in "video games" i would gladly buy him a beer and congratulate him on a well selected education.

  10. Thopon you are 100%

    Pay someone else, and people say my post was stupid.

    Tell the boy to man up & see if he's selected, if so, go & serve your country as you want the passport but don't want to give anything back

    People like the op's make me sick

    They're takers but when it comes to the less glamorous things they think bribery or other ways is acceptable. Disgusts me.

    Before anyone starts on me I volunteered in the Royal Navy at 17 & served 22 yrs.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Good for you that you VOLUNTEERED.

    And did you miss the part that he doesn't have an issue with "doing his part voluntarily in the EU country", he has actually mentioned it several times to me about volunteering... what he does object to is the "doing his part in a shitty backwards redneck corrupt third world nations armed forces".

  11. Albeit Thailand is known for its sex industry. This guy needs to be behind bars. Seeing kids is a crime no matter where it is done. The fact that he is a teacher makes it all the worse. Good thing the U.S. recognises this and will hold him accountable. Let's see how he likes being someone's bitch once he is in prison.

    It's not a crime everywhere in the world. For instance in Sweden any 15 year old girl/boy can have sex with anyone 15 years or older.

  12. i decide that i won't ever drink any more alcohol ever...... Don't ask me a reason..There is none...i just intend to be really serious on that matter.....

    Thai love to drink..and with my experience they won't take it so good to see me refuse a drink ....

    everyone i know in thai do drink .... at least two beer a day seem to be the minimal .....esarn zone ..south zone..or even BKK .....

    Personally i find this challenge very exciting and i would like to have some opinion from you on the subject

    Were you in that situation ? how did you handle the situation with the local ?

    Just you know the wrong Thai people. What you stated is absolutely wrong, there are millions of Thai who don't drink, don't smoke and don't go to bars. So many farangs, live in bubble of their own universe they spend their time in bars and meeting people who are exactly like them. This produce prejudices and ignorance where they start generalizing. No one is shocked if you politely refuse a drink. It's only in your mind.

    There are millions of thais that do drink, smoke and go to bars. Your point?

    And you do know that generalization does NOT mean 100% of X?

  13. To me, video games are the hallmark of a very small mind.

    I have a nephew that loves GTA. He's completely worthless in all aspects of life.

    Rubbish, I love video games and have a Master's degree.

    Only have bachelor degree in computer science and i love computer games as well but i would bet that most people against "computer games" barely made it ouf of junior high school and struggle with their shoe laces.

  14. I have always believed this, desensitizes the knuckleheads, what game did they learn kicking someone's head in by 6 or more, even the girls are using this tactic, by some of the videos on FB, a Disgrace, should be Banned these games, sure some can handle it without acting out, but u have these imbeciles who cannot control themselves...

    You didn't really think through what you wrote, not very uncommon on TV.

  15. If a person has two citizenships (EU country and Thailand) and decide to do the voluntary military service (like 4? months) in the EU country can that person then entirely avoid/skip the draft in Thailand? This person is in the tabien baan as he was born in Thailand and does have an valid ID card and thai passport so the advice, the very bad one, of not getting ID yadda yadda wouldn't work. The person does speak thai but can barely read and write in Thai but is fluent in his second language and english.

  16. First time i went there was on a tour of 15 people in 1994. After a brief look round 13 of them went to the travel agents and booked to go somewhere else for the next 10 days. I was one that stayed thinking i's give it a go, I always wished i had gone somewhere else, it was a ghastly hell hole then and still is. I know i'm in Pattaya when i'd rather be anywhere else.

    If it's such a hell hole... why do you go there (last sentence)?

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