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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. I am more than willing to concede that the OP descended from apes - and might be even a step higher.....

    For the rest of us (including TV & all human beings) in the real world - we have a higher calling.....

    But - with a little practice you will get there.....keep up the good work/progress...

    We humans do not have any "calling" at all... we are so insignificant in the universe that it's basicly impossible to understand how insignificant we are.

  2. If you lived in Egypt instead Thailand ... would you still have the same attitute (meh, not my problem) about mutilation of girls? Lets face it, most things done "the thai way" are way worse than how it "should" be done. For instance thai people have no clue what they are doing behind a steering wheel.

    Inefficiency in the thai society is just as rampant as corruption is... why is there a need for 6 waitresses in a small coffee shop with 12 tables? Why does Tesco Lotus (atleast in Ubon) have staff standing beside check out counters where they "direct" people to different counters... surely people have eyes (atleast most) and can themself choose which counter is the least busy? How come you need a calculator to do the math "items cost 47 baht and he gave me a 100 baht bill"?

  3. So is gravity... a THEORY.

    Yep its a theory,

    Until the dark matter or MoND dispute is settled.

    I guess you don't know anything about that though?

    Not sure what me knowing or not knowing something about dark matter has anything to do with evolution. I couldn't do the math regarding gravity if my life depended on it but it sure as hell does not mean it does not exist or is false. And it doesn't matter what we will eventually find out about dark matter as it will still be a theory.

    That's the beauty with science, "we" are all the time questioning and studying something and when we eventuall find out that "something" is false then "we" scrap that idea entirely and start again on something else.

    Of course, I can do the math regarding gravity, which is where Dark Matter Vs Modified Newtonian Dynamics enter the equation.

    The beauty with science is you have to be bright to do it.

    The problem with science, is that stupid people don't understand they don't understand.

    I wouldn't call it directly stupid if someone doesn't understand something "immediatelly". To understand, even a little, a subject you have never done any "digging" into it will take time for your brain to start thinking differently. This is why something extremely trivial such as "null" in the computer world is initially "hard" for people to understand. I still can't grasp the idea of "something from nothing" that Lawrence Krauss is on about but then again... i haven't yet tried to understand it even the slightest.

  4. Had to try with my gf and the response were, why do i care. I said that maybe you ever thought about where we come from. The answer were , india ,japan etc.

    Sometimes i feel lonely intelectually in Thailand. But i hope she doesnt challenge me on Thai tv drama. I know she knows all about that.

    I feel exactly the same and i have come to the conclusion that the only reason for that is that thai school aren't places where you learn to think critically, it's all about rote learning. If you never ask questions or critically analyze "something" you can't really expect a nation to be booming with intellect.

    Just yesterday i asked an university student out of curiousty "what do you think will happen when you die?" (mind you, she can speak english quite well). The answer was "shhhhh, don't talk about that, it's not good to talk about that".

  5. The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

    So is gravity... a THEORY.

    Yep its a theory,

    Until the dark matter or MoND dispute is settled.

    I guess you don't know anything about that though?

    Not sure what me knowing or not knowing something about dark matter has anything to do with evolution. I couldn't do the math regarding gravity if my life depended on it but it sure as hell does not mean it does not exist or is false. And it doesn't matter what we will eventually find out about dark matter as it will still be a theory.

    That's the beauty with science, "we" are all the time questioning and studying something and when we eventuall find out that "something" is false then "we" scrap that idea entirely and start again on something else.

  6. The OP has a problem if he is preaching Darwinism to anyone... The linch-pin of Darwinism is the infamous "missing link", which has never been found, leaving a gap of hundreds of thousands of years in the genetics of the ape and homo sapiens... Darwin's evolution of the species is a theory and nothing more... Nice try, but no cigar...

    So is gravity... a THEORY.

    You are correct an science cannot explain it, just like Darwin's THEORY of EVOLUTION... See how that works?

    Ehhhh, you obvisouly don't understand what the word "science" mean.

  7. Maybe it is because buddhism here is so much in our face, that we tend to be critical of unbuddhist behavior?

    Comparable to: Nobody would criticize the average European politician for being unchristian, but many will have a go at Blair or Bush.


    Only educated people will, to some extent, understand the absurdity in religion of any color. And no, just because you go to school does not mean you are educated, Thailand is a prime example of that.

    How you like to generalize and condescend and does it ever occur to you that life itself may well be absurd ?

    The Khmer Rouge leaders were all well educated in France and look at the barbarity they inflicted on their homeland with their destruction of any Buddhist values.

    Yes, life on this planet can be absurd sometimes... or did you mean the very existens of life on this planet?

    Yes Khmer rouge did some pretty damn nasty things but what does that have anything to do with believing in after life, ghosts, karma or an invisible bearded white guy in the sky?

  8. I got laughed at by a Fillipino teacher for talking about evolution. "Oh Nik, you really believe we come from monkeys."

    This coming from an educated woman who believed we come from Adam and Eve and Noah built a bloody big boat.

    I met a Fillipino teacher and he was amazed by Hitler and how he tried to breed the perfect human in his breeding program....He had detailed scientific knowledge.....strange these Fillipino teachers....

    Well, not defending "Mr. Funny Mustache" at all but in theory, although very hard, it could be possible to "open" dormant genes in humans... or that alteast according to Dawkins.

  9. Maybe it is because buddhism here is so much in our face, that we tend to be critical of unbuddhist behavior?

    Comparable to: Nobody would criticize the average European politician for being unchristian, but many will have a go at Blair or Bush.


    Only educated people will, to some extent, understand the absurdity in religion of any color. And no, just because you go to school does not mean you are educated, Thailand is a prime example of that.

  10. Stockholm has changed A LOT, I used to like it years ago, not any more. The arrogance of many africans/arabs because they get a special treatment from authorities and other swedes, it's just sickening.

    Many feel exactly like that but trying to explain it to people like on this forum who have never been in Sweden let alone in Stockholm nor even northern Europe for that matter is like talking with a 3 year old about quantum physics.

  11. For those against the refugees in Europe, you maybe should ask yourselves WHY they come here and WHO is mainly responsible of the Sh.t in the middle east. Iraq war anyone? Libya war? Syrian war?.....

    Certainly not Europe and USA, as they are really not into taking the oil resources of the countries, right? right?...mmm coffee1.gif

    And certainly most of those here who are not real expatriates (in the sense that no company asked you to come here to work for them) are not kind of refugees neither ( refugee of love, money, sadness, emptiness,....)

    Which kind of tin-foil hat do you like?

  12. So many seem to consider laws apply to others, not themselves.Its not just the major crimes (felonies) but traffic laws, petty theft, overcharging, false advertising, selling copies as orginal, etc It seems they really believe the LOS stands for the land of scams.

    They are and will contine to discourage future touist arrivals as the enforment of law and the punishment handed down in many cases are laughable by real world standards.

    As a wise man said '' you will reap what you sow'' I doubt he had rape in mind when he made this statement

    Ehh... Thailand is the land of scams.... from the first "smile" you get to the last "smile" and everything else in between.

  13. Here is a telling anecdote as to what has become of Swedish society. An article about 'female safety' that gets praise seeing as it omits all mention of the elephant in the room.


    “I really scared a girl tonight on my run when I came around a corner and accidentally shone my head light straight in her face,” he wrote.

    “Of course I stopped and asked why, and then she explained how the events of recent weeks meant that she barely ventured out on the running track for fear that she’ll be the next victim, which is very sad because she, like me, loves night runs. I offered to follow her around her route and we had a nice conversation the rest of the way.”

    Rosenqvist’s experience led him to reflect on women’s security in Sweden today.

    Nah, all lies! Mass media is currently pumping out that Sweden has never ever been as safe as it is now!

    (cough, cough...)

  14. What's the point with a roundabout then? That is my question... surely the meaning of having a roundabout is so that the traffic can flow without traffic lights?

    Can you imagine Victory Monument roundabout in Bangkok without lights........it has about 8/10 junctions and would be absolute and total chaos biggrin.png

    Can't see what's so complicated about this: https://goo.gl/mFYW4o

    That is if all (most) people behind the steering wheel actually were thought how to drive in a roundabout.

    Which is why one dimensional diagrams are so limiting - drive round it and then tell me the same.........

    As to your last comment - are you sure you are not trolling?

    Trolling about what?

  15. OP Quote "doesn't traffic lights defeat the entire purpose of a roundabout?"


    I have been round this roundabout many many times (bike & car) and never had a problem. The lights work, and drivers respect the red light, and stop for the most part. You still get the odd light jumper, but most drivers expect the unexpected there, and accidents are usually avoided.

    However...I have only been round the roundabout in Chewang on Koh Samui several times and almost been t-boned, run off the road, beeped at profusely, and almost hit head on, all by arrogant drivers who don't give way to anybody coming from the right. This roundabout has NO TRAFFIC LIGHTS.

    I would definitely say yes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roundabout (read the second paragraph)

  16. Many many Traffic Roundabouts in the UK have Traffic lights.

    Its really very common.

    What's the point with a roundabout then? That is my question... surely the meaning of having a roundabout is so that the traffic can flow without traffic lights?

    Can you imagine Victory Monument roundabout in Bangkok without lights........it has about 8/10 junctions and would be absolute and total chaos biggrin.png

    Can't see what's so complicated about this: https://goo.gl/mFYW4o

    That is if all (most) people behind the steering wheel actually were thought how to drive in a roundabout.

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