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Posts posted by Asheron

  1. So a thai person get upset about the truth (as usual)...

    Does this "me no tink" person understand that Youtube is literally full of video clips from Thailand that range from "innocent" clips where a person is filming and just walking straight through some "entertainment" soi to clips that is softcore in the same "entertainment" sois?

  2. I find this whole saga rather depressing. Having lived in Thailand 35 years and now seeing grown people discuss in government board room meetings about whether a plastic toy is a passenger or baggage on an airline; it makes me realize I will never understand this country and whether the past 35 years have all been futile?

    It's like going back in time 500 years or more. We modern people would not understand ancient tribes people. The only reason we *think* we can understand Thais is because they do a pretty good job of dressing up and pretending to be modern humans.


  3. I am a farang, I am a foreigner. What is the difference its just a word. If anything is ridiculous its people getting their nickers in a twist over such trivial things

    The term Farang is used a lot on this forum and i fail to understand why. The reason i say this is that it is quite obvious that there are a significant number of posters who (rightly or wrongly) think it either unsuitable or offensive. Think of it as if you were giving a formal talk to 100 people and you said something that upset 1 or 2 people you may not change your approach the next time. However if your comment or choice of wording upset 30, 40 or 50 of the 100 people then i think you would choose not to use the same again on your next talk.

    There are plenty of suitable alternatives so why not use them instead?

    So you want self censorship? Do you realize how bizarre talking such a thing would eventually lead to?

    People are butthurt for anything and everything nowadays... i see that as a reason to use words like "negro" just to piss them off. Most people that i get entertainment out of while talking like that are too dumb to understand that so i get even more enjoyment of using words like that.

  4. This is justice porn at its best. A+++

    Road rage driver in his rice rocket is rammed off the road by what appears to be much larger vehicle. Then he's named and shamed and loses his job.

    It's like a real-life version of this commercial:

    So they want to teach you to stop for cars coming out of their drive way which even has a white lane that is not "dotted" (don't know the term in english)... but then again, this is Thailand and well... yeah....

  5. Bangkok: King Palace: 4.000 Baht

    Ocean World: 3.500 Baht

    Dinner River Cruise: 10.000 Baht

    Muay Thai Fight: 2.000 Baht

    Wat Pho Bangkok: 400 Baht

    1 hour Bangkok longtail boot canal tour: 2.000 Baht

    Baiyoke Sky Tower: 1.600 Baht

    been coming here since late 90s. never visited any of these except for 1x lumpini stadium (2009) where i paid 300thb (under table) and was let in through some side entrance whistling.gif

    No visit the King Palace?

    No enjoyed the views from Baiyoke Tower?

    You should do it.

    It is nice, but pricy.

    What my friend has visited, are the typical "first timer" tourist attractions,

    as done so far by millions of tourists.

    Guess, you're not the flagship Tourist, of which the TAT dreams.

    Paying 1600 baht to see a polluted stinking town from a high rise? I would rather google images and drink beer with that money. Or why not burn it up, would still be more fun and enjoyable.

  6. --" I even heard one such bellicose buffoon say, “Have you ever heard of a Thai inventing anything?” (You insult an insulter? Mature.)

    "Crusty, old assistant"

    Impressed by a cleaning lady who runs a cart, and comes in to clean when you leave?

    Impressed by bamboo scaffolding?

    Impressed by Thai intelligence?

    Ok, Im done here.....this was just too much.

    I don't see why people are critical of bamboo scaffolding. It's quick, it's safe, it's cheap.

    Why would you not use it, if you could?

    Some people think that their way is the only way, and they don't have the excuse of having been educated in a Thai school


    Are you actually saying that bamboo scaffolding is just a safe and good as the metal scaffolding used in the western world?

  7. I feel sorry for them. Merkel rolled out the red carpet and promised a new life and prosperity to those who simply wanted it enough. Too many people turned up and now she is doing her utmost to renage on the deal in order to save her own political skin and at their expense, having led them on. Our fury should be directed at her and her pals, not those who took up the offer.


    it is simply that the West turned out to be very different from the cornucopia imagined by the masses in Iraq and other poor countries.

    just look at how many Thais get depressed when they have to live in Europe, LOL. Most want to go back to Thailand.

    But doesn't Merkel share the responsibility for giving them the impression that Europe is the land of milk and honey? Surely it is not just down to the traffickers they think this way?

    You are mistaking Merkel for Hitler, she doesn't have any authority to open or close Germany for anyone. And it's extremely naive to think Merkel has anything to do with the colonizers entering Europe... they have friends or relatives already living in Germany, Sweden etc etc etc that call them and tell them what they will get for free and so on when they eventually get to nation X. And i wouldn't be at all surprised if the money they use for getting smuggled into Europe was sent from Europe to them by their friedns/relatives.

  8. Apples and oranges.

    The foreign population of UAE are migrant guest workers who can be and indeed have been sacked, detained and expelled at any time. Their permission to stay in the country can be rescinded at any time and their original permission to enter was tied to their job. They absolutely have no say in the political process and there is no pathway to citizenship.

    There is no similarity or comparison to what is occurring in Europe. None.

    Sure, I can see that, but aren't those enforcing the law foreigners too? What about the army? I can't imagine the Emiratis wanting to get their hands dirty doing such jobs.

    Genuine questions by the way. I haven't a clue how the UAE works.

    No, the police are Emirati.

    As I have explained above, there is absolutely no comparison at all with what is happening in Europe.

    Europeans migrants entered illegally.

    They are there to stay permanently.

    They will set up permanent communities.

    They want the host country to feed, house, give them money and free world-class medical treatment.

    The host country does this.

    They do not want to work.

    They want full political rights including the right to vote and hold government and political positions.

    They will resist repatriation.

    Their home countries will not co-operate in repatriation.

    They want to molest women (and men) sexually from their host country.

    They will have far higher rates of street robbery and drug-dealing.

    They want to be above the law.

    Remarkably, the host country authorities comply in this by suppressing news and playing down their crimes.

    They demand full tolerance for their religion and its practices.

    They will be intolerant of other religions.

    Here are some of the key differences between migrant workers in UAE and European migrants (above).

    Your making some outrageous statements here on the general mind set of a refugee, don't want to work, above the law, molest women, and one or two more, your in la la land and belong back in colonial times.

    The US, Australia most of Sth America are multicultural, the current issues isn't what you say it's Religion, people in the west are god dam shit scared of Islam, just as Christianity left its controlling hold on its members as the world in the west became educated and wealthier you will find and we're seeing it in Australia that practicing Moslems would rather be busy earning and buying that second or third house, growing a business living a better life than picking up arms to fight over some far off desert in the Middle East.

    It's quite easy to check if a very large majority of muslims are peaceful or not: you just say that their so called prophet was a psychopathic massmurderer and paedophile (which he was). If the muslim asked is smarter than average he or she will not react to it but as most people on earth regardless of religion or ethnicity are "dumb" they would react violently or in an aggressive way.

    Australia was only 50 years ago whiter than winter time in Lappland in Sweden. But then again, exact like Sweden was 50 years ago.

  9. The question is too simplistic; as already said by others; what is meant by 'assets?'

    If refugees/asylum seekers/migrants, call them what you will, have access to sufficient cash then obviously they should use that to support themselves and not receive any state aid.

    But seizing wedding rings, family heirlooms and similar, as has been suggested? Definitely not.

    An earlier poster said that asylum seekers should be treated the same as nationals of the host country; no European country would force a national to sell these items before they could claim any benefits.

    As the results from Switzerland show, whilst causing great anguish to people who have lost their homes and fled for their lives, the money raised would be insignificant.

    Migrant crisis: Switzerland defends asset seizure law

    Assets were reportedly seized in just over 100 cases in Switzerland last year out of almost 30,000 asylum applications........

    The authorities collected a total of 210,000 Swiss francs ($210,000; €200,000) from 112 people in 2015 under the regulation

    I have to wonder how much it cost the Swiss government to administer the system; more that 210,000 Swiss francs, I bet!

    Yes they do, in Sweden you do not get a single öre from the social security office if you have any kind of material things to sell so you can have food on the table. They even make you sell your car worth like 500 USD and you have to use that money before you get anything. Doesn't matter if it is "heirloom" or not, if it's worth something you have to sell it. But then again, if you are quiet about that heirloom you don't have to sell it.

  10. Kon tang chaat.

    That is the proper Thai word for foreigner.

    When will ignorant people stop perpetuating this xenophobic bigotry with that dismissive gutter term; "farang"?

    A very very old theme.

    The word has become part of the language and will not go away anytime soon. So we might as well accept it and stop getting upset.

    However I do wish that it would consistently be capitalised in accordance with English usage, "Farang".


    Why shouldn't we say that? I mean, it was part of the english language for centuries. So stop getting so upset if someone says negro.

  11. <snip>

    Plus, if the "refugees" don't have all their documents, how will the host country know who is family and who isn't?

    If refugees are unable to establish their identity they are not permitted asylum status, nor family reunion permitted

    Don't know about the rest of the world but i know for a fact that you incorrect when it comes to Sweden regarding this thing.

    Foolish to permit entry without establishing ID. Hasn't the Swedish gov't now passed legislation or about to do so to refuse entry for those without verifiable ID., plus cut back asylum seeker intake

    Yes, there are ID controls now when you travel by train from/to Sweden from Denmark. But there are no ID controls if you take lets say a taxi over the bridge to Sweden. So it's just a bad theatrical comedy. Sure, the amount of "refuges" coming to Sweden has dropped a lot but that's because the information about how to get to Sweden hasn't spread yet and lets not forget that it's winter now so the amount has dropped by "natural" reasons.

    I'm only wishing that the entire EUSSR will collapse and we finally get back our independence. Because that's what EU is: a dictatorial oligarchic system where very few non-elected bureaucrats make the laws.

  12. Give me a break; like they don' know what's happening and the consequences of it.

    They won't do anything. Its all part of the plan.

    I too suspect there is a deliberate plan to flood Europe with Muslim migrants. However I cannot for the life of me think why anyone in the ruling classes (other than Muslims) would want this.

    Is it to drive European govts to the right so welfare can be curbed?

    It appears insane that govts in Europe are actively participating in destroying the world's leading culture and planting populations in Europe's midst that will never integrate and have been shown to be economically non-productive, hostile to the host population, morally deviant particularly with regards to women and consistently intolerant and discriminatory towards other groups which is taught to their children as a "religion".

    A few dotted around fine, but hundreds of thousands, as we have seen, makes no sense at all. Geno-suicide.

    And Sweden is on steroids when it comes to this... around 2050-2055, with current immigration (pre 2015 mass flooding), Sweden will have a minority ethnic swede population.

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