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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. 43 minutes ago, jeab1980 said:

    Suggest you actually open your eyes and look around you. Parenting skills here are not just confined to mom and dad its a family thing from sisters/brothers to aunty/uncle to grandparent's. As this does not or very rarley happens in Western countries, people can sometimes miss understand and form an opinion on what they percive to be bad parenting.

    Yes, and all of them, together, still do a bad job. Overhere a village is needed to raise, if in the Thai context that is a proper word ?, a child. I strongely suggest you start to look beyond the facade so you can truly educate yourself. If not, keep sprouting nonsense on here.

  2. 29 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    A successful bargirl, i.e. one who gets lots of ladydrinks and barfines, can easily make 100,000 a month.

    At 1st glance I laughed when I read your comment. However when doing the maths, its possible. One needs to add that only a very few girls, with discipline and high motivation, would be able to do it. She needs to be in the looksdepartment too.


    The deceitful ones would probably be able to make between 150 and 200k a month with various ignorant sponsors abroad. Who do not know the game and each other ofcourse.

  3. 45 minutes ago, catman20 said:

    Im curious have any of you had a situation similar to this?

    I met her online, and now she wants to come to BKK and stay with me for a week. I have work so there would be days where I wouldnt be home ( im not okay with that). Im also curious in why just meeting me online she feels ready to just come live with me for a week.




    MONEY ??????





















    The negativity :post-4641-1156693976:

  4. On 8/2/2017 at 0:18 PM, piersbeckett said:

    Sure, it's dangerous on Thai roads but for me (as the driver of a pick-up), the most danger is at night; several times over the years I've been driving here, I've had to swerve to avoid either a group of pedestrians, a single pedestrian or a pedestrian pulling a trailer or a bicycle or motorbike with no lights crossing the highway, this mostly on dual or triple carriageways which are not sufficiently lit.


    Crossing these roads at night for pedestrians is very dangerous but just the wearing of a hi-viz vest or jacket would make it a lot safer.  


    I suffered on these occasions, a sort of reverse road-rage, a feeling of experiencing a near miss, envisaging the horror of what could have so easily happened.  Driving carefully, unintoxicated and alert as I do is not enough here, a constant expectation of the unexpected is also required!

    You forgot one thing, shame on you ; sleeping dogs on the road at night time.

  5. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

    I still don't understand your comment regarding the non English speaking countries.  But I agree that most Thai women in Thailand can't speak English fluently.  Which means that if you want a Thai woman to fall in love with you, you'd pretty much have to speak Thai.


    The thing is, there are plenty of desperate Thai women who can't properly communicate with a foreigner but would be willing to date and marry one.  That's not "love" but more like having someone "take care." 

    You stated in your initial comment that one must speak 2  languages to "love each other". Hence my comment about men originating from non english speaking countries. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

    You're not making any sense.  Are you suggesting that Thai women only speak Thai or English?  Seriously?



    In all my years overhere I am happy if a thai person I encounter can speak reasonable english. Rarely I have come across somebody who could speak english fluently. Once, when in hospital, I heard a thai woman speaking Russian.


    The average thai, my experiences, only speaks thai and one can get lucky if somebody can speak some english. So where are those people who speak more languages than thai or english ?

  7. 2 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

    Some would say that you're the cheap one having to come to Thailand to be able to afford sexy women.

    Decades as a dustman didn't end in a glorious pension, then, I take it?

    No mate. Am not a pensioner. 


    Good to read that you look down on working class people. Dustman.


    You must be a highroller yourself then to make such a pathetic comment.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Rc2702 said:

    Been there and done what may I ask. I'd like to learn exactly what life experiences you have gained. Were you a traffic warden for 25 years or something because I have never seen such a bitter individual. I'm trying to find some positives. Has your life screwed up so bad that you take joy in trying to diminish whatever you see? Oh that's right I forgot I know your other username. Explains everything. 

    Sorry :shock1:.


    Think you smoke too much pot. Makes you confused I see.


    26 years.

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