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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. 44 minutes ago, swissie said:

    The poor woman have found out that there is "more opportunity" in Tourist-Spots as opposed to stomp around in Rice-Paddies.

    The TAT has layed out the plan: Future Quality-Tourists will be Temple-Hoppers, non smoking Beach-Lizards (garbage resistant types), spending massive amounts of money on imported goods from China (that don't cost more in their home-countries, amazingly).
    No doubt, this convincing new concept will enable the "poor woman" to quickly integrate into this new concept, them working as bank-clerks, multi-lingual call-center agents, hotel managers, immigration officers etc, etc....
    - No more needing to wait for "whities".     Rice-paddies only a distant memory.
    A new dawn for Thailand. Only problem is, if the Thai-Educational System remains unreformed, nothing will ever change.

    Leaving plenty of "poor woman", hoping that not all visitors will turn into "temple-hoppers" and non-smoking, garbage loving "beach-lizards". A nightmarish though for those "poor woman", depending on "whities" for their livelyhood.
    So it is and will remain so for the forseeable future, due to the lack of other opportunites.
    - PS: By engaging a "poor woman", waiting for a "whitie" will be more beneficial to her and the economy in general.
    Far better than give the same amount to some NGO,  (helping poor woman), where 80 % of the donations will be invested in lavish (european) salaries plus expensive 4x4 vehicles to desperately find "poor woman", that consider themselves not really as "poor woman", compared to their sisters, still working the rice-fields back home.
    Note: A "poor woman" in Pattaya is far better off than her sister, stomping around in a rice-paddy and looking out for Papa's buffaloes. 

    Your comment suggests that prostitution is the only way out for the farmgirls.


    I do not agree. Because decent education is severely lacking on almost all levels, the lack of civilization, morals, ethics, compassion, selfcentredness, misplaced nationalism and the shameless greed a.o. is the real reason we "whities" have no problems finding a nice thai slapper. The people in charge of this beautiful land know that too ofcourse.



  2. 2 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    to Thais it does and it is their country.!  They don't have to appeal or pander to farangs, or follow western logic as seen through western eyes, .  

    Yes, they only need to make sure that the poor women remain available for all those whities.

  3. 3 hours ago, sambum said:

    We have "communicated" before and I am quite aware of your views on smoking, but it would be nice if you took it in context with the other points that I have mentioned.

    Reading his reply, :sorry: but you asked to much from this s.....e soul.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Gregster said:


    Thanks. I suggested the exact same thing - given he’s in Thailand and his daughter is overseas.

    But doing that will involve him having to tell many lies to his daughter and others. And WHEN she eventually finds him out he will may lose a lot of credibility with most other family members and friends who, unlike his daughter, have no problem with him having a much younger Thai GF.


    To learn how to tell lies, he is in the right place for that.

  5. 10 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

    I would say that if there was no warning given, and the shutters were lowered as you (sorry, your "friend") passed underneath, the store would be liable - unless, of course, it could be shown that you (your "friend") were acting recklessly or with a dishonest intent.


    I think there is a reasonable expectation, when entering a shop, that the door will not be slammed in your face nor the shutters will drop on your head.


    Dishonest intent. Jeeezzz halve the country would be in jail.

  6. 55 minutes ago, offset said:

    You should only listen to people that have been there 


    I found them very efficient, they seem to have the Childs welfare at heart and did not favour the mother by trying to ask me some difficult questions


    They seemed to want to know who had the best means to look after my child and what money I had to look after my child


    The Judge must of taken note of the Welfares report because he did not ask me any questions and just sighed over my child to me


    This  was the second time that I have dealt with the welfare and never had any problems with them

    Thanks for the confirmation.


    Good on you though that your case was handled in your favour.

  7. 3 hours ago, offset said:

    They also take the advise from the Children's welfare who would interview both parents and sometimes the child as well

    From topucs earlier in the year on this forum, Childwelfare in LOS is a joke. Dont count on them.

  8. 2 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    I think Thailand is like any other place and maybe even more so in Thailand. Without a good education nobody is going to give them a good job.That is how and why they end up working in the Bar as a WG in the first place. That is the first problem you will encounter. 


    The second problem is the a Bar Girl Life is a pretty exciting one compared to a Parking Lot Attendent, sitting in some booth all day everyday and bored to death for little money. So even if she does find a job like that, the chances of her staying long is very little. Easier for her to go back to a bar.


    Of course there is the option of setting up a small business for her, but that to is a big mistake. With no experience in this field of work she is bound to fail at this also. So you will just see your money fly out the window as fast as you put it in. 


    Of course if she was really serious she could go back to school. She seems like she is quite young still. Then continue on through University. But even then you still run the risk of the second problem and she still might end up back in the Bar. 


    I know many men have found a WG and have enjoyed many years together as husband and wife. Then there is many more where it all went the other way. There is no easy answer for the solution you need.    

    Its not a positive picture you paint above :sad:

  9. 2 hours ago, hdkane said:

    in bkk, there are plenty of sports bars/english pubs that employ servers...the girls do not engage in bar fines, etc...there's an american sports bar near the nana bts, as i recall, called the game...start there, as the manager is farang, and does a very good job of actually training the staff...keep in mind that "real" jobs require "real" work...so your gf may not want to actually work...

    Your last sentence was in my mind already. Hence Orchard Road in Sings.

  10. 3 hours ago, jose34 said:

    Any gigs around Pattaya like hooters or other 'respectable' establishments for pretty girls? Beer chang/promo girl something above board....no red lights, no bar fines and no numbered badges


    Difficult to find in the worlds biggest open air brothel but plenty must exist


    Once adain any help will be greatly appreciated 



    Orchard Road in Sings, have a look there for her.

  11. 3 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    i'd add that if you intent to lie here then take the time to learn some of the language so at least you can communicate in a calm and respectful way instead of using slang to offend and potentially antagonise someone.


    imaginefor a moment you are back home, you are not wealthy but you have a small business that with your hard work manages to provide you with a living. some foreigner comes along, parks in front of your business which may negatively affect your business, this person does not speak or understand english except for some basic slang. how would you feel?



    3003, It seems though that neither of the 2 could understand each other. Nothing new overhere. Miscommunication is the ongoing name of the game in this beautiful land.

  12. 7 minutes ago, varun said:

    Idiotic, stubborn old geezer.

    Nobody gives a hoot that you are a US Army Vet - nor does that entitle you to anything.

    Keep doing what you're doing though - you seem to have a death wish and at the rate you're going,

    it may just come true.


    Yes, life insurance companies dont pay out with death by suicide. The OP though needs to up the ante for that to happen. :smile:

  13. 7 hours ago, blackcab said:

    Step 1: Report passport lost to Thai police and obtain a written report.


    Step 2: Report the loss to the Irish Embassy. They will issue an Emergency Travel Document.


    Step 3: Attend immigration with evidence of the entry to Thailand. They will stamp the Emergency Travel Document with everything necessary to exit Thailand.

    A simple mind could have the easy solution :saai:

  14. You did not write about her/her families financial wealth. You really need to know/understand why she wants to keep the child there and does not want a financial settlement.


    The fact that you want your child to grow up in your country and care for him, should be enough for the mother to let him stay with you.


    Try to locate the pu yai baan and let him do the talking with the mother. Give him an incentive to come up for you. Money ofcourse.


    You need to act quickly and regain total control of the child. Be decisive and act with accepting all consequenses.


    Embassies need, based on my limited knowledge, the father and mother to make a passport.


    Which country are you from ?


    8 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    I only know 4 of the posters here!


    It might be a good idea to post some of the nominees great posts, you get an idea of their worth.


    Rather depressing when someone who does 1 sentence replies, complaining about everything gets a mention, and votes.


    So nominees please give us an example of one of your posts!

    There is only 1 poster deserving the title of POTY.





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