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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. If you feel that you are in a situation overhere which you would consider " a lost cause ", remember that it is always worth fighting for, perhaps even worth dying for.


    Heard this a while ago and i hope it gives people in difficult situations another perspective. Giving up is easy, fighting for change is difficult and takes time.



  2. 4 hours ago, SiamSully said:

    Update: This matter has been settled. Initially, they signed a statement at the police station saying they were at fault and would pay all expenses related to the accident. When we presented the bill for 15,000 baht they suddenly had no money. We offered for them to pay 9,000. They countered with 2,000. Eight months later now and we accepted 5,000 baht and strongly suggested that the young Thai man take driving lessons (which we feel will never happen). We sincerely hope he learned something about driving more carefully after all this kerfuffel and not just about waiting the farang out

    Thanks Thai Visa peeps - it’s been a pleasure sharing this experience with y’all. See ... sometimes the farang doesn’t pay for all the accident expenses - just two thirds of em. 

    Love, peace and happiness.

    Pyrrhus victory.

  3. On 11/17/2017 at 7:50 AM, khunpa said:

    One of the first things I learnt, when I first arrived to Thailand, was that you have to forget about your normal understanding of “right” and “wrong”. 


    In fact, perusing the truth or “fair”  thing, can even bring you more problems, if you are unlucky.


    I learnt my lesson, not by an accident but by making a successful company here. All I got from that and doing everything right, was being harassed and attempted blackmailed by corrupt government officials. At that point I understood, that it has nothing to do with right or wrong here. It is all about money. I then moved my business out of Thailand. There is no social responsibility or fairness here. But the weather is nice :-)


    In a racist corrupt place like this, with no proper justice system, it’s best to walk away in a case like yours. And then just be grateful, that you can prove you were not wrong if ever needed.


    Regaridng the kid, he will never learn anyway. You can’t fix stupid. Don’t expect his parents to be any smarter than him.


    And then get a proper insurance instead and let them handle it next time.

    A sad post but truthfull. I am worried sometimes that my "luck" will run out 1 day. Life here can change in the spell of a minute. Seen it happening with a mate of mine. Warned him regularly that his missus is far from sincere and honest to him. It has just sunken in too late for him. The missus and her family destroyed him, and keep on doing it on a daily basis. He is an emotional wreck now while he cannot believe that evil thrives in his predicament. He walked all avenues but not a single sign of reciprocity from any thai government organization. Honesty, sincerity and the truth doesnt do it here. Told him that all lost causes are worth fighting for.

  4. On 12/7/2017 at 10:27 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    There was no one known by her or me at the office during my divorce. They did speak enough English to get by, but I don't recall being asked anything other than to sign on the line. All I recollect is that it was very easy.

    However, I had been to the office previously to find out exactly what documentation I needed.


    could be the Amphur boss.

    Not necessarily. Ours were the office staff.



    "Ours", finished but never forgotten:smile:

  5. 9 minutes ago, Scott said:

    A troll post has been removed.   If you are not interested in participating, you are under no obligation to do so.

    Touche mate :smile:.


    In that case, as i certainly want to participate in this interesting topic, i nominate Rc7202 as poster of the year.


    Reason being his knowledgeable opinions on a wide range of topics on this forum. 


    Please fellow members support him as well for this election :post-4641-1156694083:

  6. 1 hour ago, bazza73 said:

    If you want to keep attacking me on TV,  you'll have to do better than this. Bald I'll concede. My GF is very cute, as even your acolyte garryjohns will admit.

    Yes, I said you are up yourself - so far it's a miracle you have not disappeared.

    Give us proof so we can see the cuteness of your GF.



  7. 6 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Hey Rhodie...good to hear from you-I

    knew that you were still lurking out there somewhere!


    That means that most of the gang are still here which,after all the help you guys gave me,is a very good thing.


    I am 64 today.There was a time there when I did not think that I was gonna make it....

    God must have a plan for you.

  8. 5 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Wise Old Owl.


    I agree.There was a sense of comradeship-of something shared rather then a daily dollop of schadenfreude which (unfortunately) is often ones's lot there.


    Just to keep folks informed...you may recall that I mentioned an infection which was consuming what was left of my leg.


    It turns out to be MRSA and it is a hell of a thing to treat necessitating huge amounts of bed rest..so naturally I turn to see what my friends are doing on TV..


    Once that is cleared up then it is on to the heart..


    The Aussies are doing okay..altho' I wished they smiled more...


    THE BEER IS GOOD..lots of boutique breweries now and the wine's not bad either...

    Drinking alcohol while you have heartissues, not very smart.

  9. 2 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

    How do you see I have a Gmail account, as it only shows the senders Gmail address?


    Anyway, it was in my spam folder and that was why I noticed it only after 7 hours, which mean I probably have missed out on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

    When he is intoxicated, he sees things which are not there. Quite normal. In fact :sorry:

  10. 12 hours ago, tonray said:

    That's ridiculous...I have dated a couple of girls here long term, one was a nurse at a hospital who also worked contract hourly on her day off for extra cash and my current GF manages a store for a national chain...you guys want little dollies you get exactly that. Find a girl with an education, ambition and work ethic...believe me...it's worth giving up the  little dolly aspect to have a real partner and not a paid companion.


  11. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I realised some years ago that it's a woman's world in the west now. PC which they use to keep men subservient reigns supreme, and men are voluntarily submitting and assisting them- curse those feminist men!

    Western women are taking jobs that give them power in society, like lawyers and politicians, so they have control without having to do the dog work which men can do for them.

    They are generally smarter, more controlled, more dedicated to their chosen career path ( they have managed to convince men that children don't need a parent at home, so they can carry on working and career building ). They are also experts at using emotion to control the "enemy" ( men ).

    In organisations like the military they have been able to achieve high rank without ever going in harms way, though that is changing now, and have managed to get the physical requirements to join up reduced so they can qualify.

    Subtle propaganda is used on tv to brainwash men into believing they are stupid and inferior to god like wimmin, who are always the clever ones. Aussie tv is the worst I have seen for pro woman/ anti men shows, but it is always subtle, so one wouldn't notice if one wasn't looking for it.

    Movies are on the same path. Even Star Wars is about how great the woman is now, and the top selling blockbuster of the year was Wonderwoman. Male dominated films are usually about men blowing things up and killing everyone.


    However, I have yet to meet a man that thinks it's important to plaster his face with makeup for half an hour before going outside, though they are trying to change that.

    .....but it is always subtle, so one wouldn't notice if one wasn't looking for it. Therein stems the "problem", only a few can see it. Females have been very clever about avoiding a debate about emotional abuse. The "metoo campaign" in the west helps to keep the image of "only" men are the abusers. Not to say that real sexual abuse does not need to be punished ofcourse.


    What a world !

  12. Are you one ?


    What does being a good patriot mean according to to you, wise members on this forum ?


    If anyone cares if i am one. I am not. 


    Imho patriottism is blindness to an unknown and leads only to disasters. 


    I see though that this mindset of being a good patriot is still expected in this beautiful land. Bless them.

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