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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. 1 hour ago, moose7117 said:

    i am sure you don't voice this opinion in public as you can still type and haven't had your head kicked in yet.



    I approach everybody who i see has a tattoo.


    Life is good indoors !

  2. 5 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    Surely it says more about the person who has a problem with what other people do with their bodies, than the actual person with the tattoos. Shouldn't they be looking within themselves? Why have they let life get to a point where they let  an image or another person get to them? 

    Many countries in the world do not discriminate against people with tattoos in the workforce, as if they do, it can end up in a civil matter. 

    Its just ugly mate and really out of hand where on the body they put their tattoos.


    I have to look at it, in total amazement often.

  3. 9 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    "They should look more within themselves instead of trying to seek solace"

    who are you to judge others?

    Been there done that, is my name. And i can judge who i want to on a respectful manner.



  4. Its really getting out of hand now. Seems that many nowadays can only communicate with themselves via some ugly stickers.


    They should look more within themselves instead of trying to seek solace and express themselves on this manner.


    Where is the human race heading to ?

  5. 14 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    Always have Australian/NZ beef steaks and lamb chops in the freezer, bought from Makro. Eat lamb at least once a week. Wife occasionally buys a lamb leg sliced into steaks. Very tasty. I won't buy a steak in a restaurant here.

    I didn't retire here to eat just pork ribs and old rooster legs for the rest of my days.

    For the ladies then :post-4641-1156694572:

  6. 4 minutes ago, transam said:

    Weeeell, when it came to going to court to sort the finances out she was given a "Penal Notice" by the judge for telling lies...I just could not believe what was said and her barrister was well pissed off and gave her the sack...So she did try and con me and the court for financial gain which totally backfired cos l did my homework...

    Okay, apart from what you wrote before there must have been more detailed signs during the relationship that she was a person as how she showed herself at the end. Maybe you ignored those signs because of whatever reason. I dont believe people become moneygrabbing liars out of the blue. 


    Am not having a go at you but am just interested in finding out other peoples experiences. 


    Anyway, thanks for commenting honestly.

  7. 6 minutes ago, transam said:

    In my case with all honesty is we had a great relationship except for 2 days every month, l knew that from the beginning and was no problem, after all we are all human and must deal with what our bodies do..


    Anyhooo, during our time together she had a few operations on her women's bits to sort problems out cos she couldn't conceive, plus other stuff . After about 20 years the 2 days got longer and longer until it became a problem that she could not control and talking about it was a no-no...So that was that..:sad:


    Must admit I was heart broken,  just couldn't understand the change in her personality, and nor did her family who still talk to me...Such is life l suppose...

    Sorry to read this but it doesnt look like she "conned" you.

  8. 26 minutes ago, transam said:

    Nobody knows what's round the corner regarding relationships. We all change with age so perhaps those changes will make a difference...

    I have the T-shirt regarding my UK ex after 20+ years...sad-face.gif.a9520de50d7ffbb57456f138b1bf5b3b.gif

    The reason i started this topic is to know from people like yourself, who have been there and done it, to know the early, or later developed, signs in the relationship that caused the split. Surely you must have thought alot about why and when it went wrong. Honest reflection. 

  9. 1 hour ago, swissie said:

    A talented "con-artist" can and will play the "long-con" for years if necessary. Exclaiming "game over" only after having reached their financial goal. This can be after 1 year or after 10 years.

    Warning signs? Obviously, if the financial demands become inflationary (never ending) or the relationship "cools-off" (one sided).

    But that is just the problem: A talented and goal oriented con-artist will not make such blunt mistakes.

    But even as some con artists display surprising "stamina", a Farang married to a Thai Lady for 10 years or more, is somewhat "on the safe side". I think. I hope. I pray.

    Not a convincing last paragraph, if i might say.

  10. 17 minutes ago, fordguy61mi said:

    I always see these questions. Is she just out for your money? The women could ask a similar question. Is he just out for sex with a younger woman? If both people are getting their needs met, then no one is being taken advantage of.

    Agree but it never ends well.

  11. A couple of posters on another thread asked how one can notice, early on in the relationship, that the other halve plays that game.


    Your experienced suggestions and wisdom are truly appreciated.



  12. 4 hours ago, NickJ said:

    Hard to figure most women out. I do know that I have a hard time trusting any of them. Even my current one. I have been with her four years now and never a money issue. I'm back in the US for awhile banking big money. Here five or so months so far. Planning on being there soon for six weeks and she doesn't want me to bring her much at all. Maybe she sees the big picture. The long con. Maybe she is really a good choice. I just have twenty five years of living there full time under my belt and have become very pessimistic towards them.

    The long con can be noticed early on in a relationship with a thai person. Pay attention to the details and trust your instincts.

  13. 2 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    Obviously, it is a major factor initially, simply because of the way life is out here.  But as the relationship develops then normal motives come in to play.


    I think one has to be honest and say that in a perfect world, many young woman would not choose to be with a man past his prime for the same reason most men prefer a younger woman over a more mature one.



    I strongly disagree with your last sentence. Personally i prefer mature women over young women who look good. More sustainable in my opinion.

  14. 17 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    The OP has not specifically mentioned Thai women, so how is this topic even Thailand related? In-fact this is rather derogatory against women. Why not ask, does your husband treat you like a servant and only want`s you for sex. 

    Good idea for a next topic. Coming up soon on your forum :signthaivisa:

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