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Been there done that

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Posts posted by Been there done that

  1. 9 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    I've been coming to Thailand since '86, have lived in a small village in central Thailand for 14 years, have 23 years of Thai language study under my belt, and have traveled to every region of Thailand, so your preachy comment that I need to get out into the "real" Thailand was woefully misaimed at me.


    The idea that as soon as you cross some provincial borderline  or if you travel the back roads of Thailand long enough, you will eventually stumble upon Tamboon "We No Lie" (Rao No Gohok :smile:) is just silly. People circulate throughout Thailand constantly, so these lines of demarcation are increasingly blurred. Many, if not most, rural people do stints in large metropolitan and tourist areas not only for work (taxi and transport drivers, construction, restaurant,  hotel, factory, and  retail  workers, etc.)  but also to pursue their educational goals. Ask anybody on the streets of Bangkok where they were born, and chances are it wasn't Bangkok. As for your putdown about Isaan (note spelling), many, including many Thais as well as me, think that Isaan is Thailand's cultural heart (especially musically).


    In my experience, the idea that you are going to encounter more trustworthy people out in Thailand's rural heartland is very questionable.  More down to earth, more laid back, less jaded by influxes of tourists? Sure. But more honest? Not so sure about that. In fact, quite the opposite may be the case. In rural Thailand, the level of poverty is high (contributing to a hardscrabble 'You do what you gotta do' mentality). The quality of government schools is quite low (meaning the quality of education both academicallty as well as morally is quite poor) , the quality of parenting often leaves a lot to be desired (kids dumped off with granny for years on end while the parents  go to Bangkok for work, or the parents  are incarcerated for drug offenses, have died prematurely from alcoholism, drug abuse or automobile accidents, or abandon the children through divorce) all of which contributes to poor moral guidance from either schools, religious institutions or parents. And don't forget the "brain drain" throughout rural Thailand where just about everyone with any aptitude splits to the big city to  pursue their goals, leaving behind a dearth of academic and character role models for kids to emmulate.


    As I pointed out earlier, bar culture is in no way restricted to just sex-tourism epicenters. These girls often marry and settle down in the same rural areas they came from. Yes, some of these relationships are solid, but some of them are strictly mercenary, and the whole village knows what is going on when this is the case and take their cues from the Thai wife. If she's taking advantage of her husband, oftentimes everyone wants to get in on the act. The wayward bargirl/wife sets the tone about the extent to which their foreign hubby can be taken advantage of, and sadly, in many cases the message is its a free for all.


    I'm not just basing my comments on my personal experience. I talk to Thais all the time about how they perceive foreigners. I also talk to Thais about how they perceive other Thais. I've been around long enough in my village where I know people who can't be trusted. I've often double-checked with Thai neighbors and fellow villagers how they perceive another Thai, and I have generally almost always found that if I don't trust a person, most other Thais don't as well. So I have a fair degree of confidence about my perceptions on this subject.






    It certainly seems that after a long while posting on this forum that you have opened your eyes. Well done !

  2. 7 hours ago, samsensam said:


    Ok, I can explain.  The Thais that most farangs associate with are not representative of Thais in Thailand.  Especially the women.  The majority of Thais--and I'm thinking 90% or so--don't deal with farangs at all on a day-to-day basis.  So how can farangs have any idea how the "typical" Thai thinks or behaves?  Unless you speak fluent Thai, you really have no idea.


    absolutely right, the vast majority of foreigners here associate with lower class under educated thais. plus they know their partner well but how many other locals can they truly call a friend?


    my thai friends are all well educated, professionals, they speak good english and most have attended western universities and/or have travelled abroad.


    the view many foreigners have of thais and thailand bears very little resemblance to the true nature of the people and culture.


    get out there, away from the bars, away from the lower class uneducated, make some friends with the locals and you will be pleasantly surprised.

    In fact you say following; the majority of thais are educated so why try to find the needles in the haystack by associating with the lower class and uneducated thais. :post-4641-1156694572:


    Get real mate, as if education, class and wealth has got all to do with lieing or not. You do realise that the overwhelming part of the population is uneducated and is conditioned into Thainess.

  3. 5 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    "Scratch a liar find a thief." I think that cliche runs true in Thailand.


    I think Thai culture in general has some "trust" issues. My theory is that because Thailand has for so long had an extended family based social structure,  and many Thais mainly associate with people they have known for a long time, everyone else is fair game, exploitable if the opportunity arises, in much the same way tribes roaming through the countryside and forest viewed other tribes with initial distrust and suspicion. Foreigners are especially viewed as easily victimized because they are (accurately) perceived as being outsiders, transitory, and politically and socially disconnected from Thai mainstream society. Originating (no doubt) in the bars, the mentality that it is OK to lie to and rip off foreigners, is widespread in Thai society. Sorry but this is my honest opinion.


    Many Thais, outside of their immediate families and a very tight circle of people they have known for a long time, don't especially trust one another. Further, I believe this trust deficit, which inhibits cooperative and team effort, is holding back Thailand's economic development.



    Families, the root of all evil here. Run and operated by the female specie. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Pungdo said:

    My wife couldn't lie straight in bed, she tells me so many lies, that I can't tell what is true and what is a lie, mostly about money I might add.

    She hit me up last week for money to pay Land Taxes on her properties upcountry, I told her that I wouldn't give her anything until she told me exactly to the satang just how much it was, so she supposedly caught the bus up there and rang me the next morning to tell me how much, later that day she sent me a hand written receipt without anything official looking about it for that amount, looks like she wrote it out herself and she was back home that night.

    I now suspect that she never even went upcountry at all as she has never been up there and back that quickly, around 30 hours, normally a 12 hour trip both ways and gone the best part of 2 days, but I can't shake her off her story which I normally can do.

    You married a true gem :sad:

  5. On 10/18/2017 at 9:22 AM, oldhippy said:

    Actually, I stopped long ago giving my wife a weekly amount for buying food.

    It stopped when her daughter's bf turned up to ask more.... I didn't even know that part of the money was going to her daughter. Ever since then my wife has to ask for money every time she goes to the market, and in the supermarket I go with her.

    So 19th centurry..... but stupid people are not going to outsmarten me again.

    As for her son. A trip to Nepal sealed his fate. When we came back he had finished all my European food in the freeze, and let the garden go wild (I had given him money for Xmas + money for taking care of the garden).

    I stay for our beautifull big jungle garden, our mini swimming pool and admittedly the sex - can't be too choosy at 66.

    Family First is what causes the breakdown of many marriages here.



    Your last sentence; this should be mandatory information at any embassy here when the man/woman goes there to get papers legalized in order to get married with a thai. 

  6. 19 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    You will obviously never know what being poor really is...probably because you lived a sheltered life in a nanny state.


    I'm not attacking you....I am genuinely curious why so many like to bash the country they come from? Perhaps that's why Thais are "winning" as we Farangs don't even have respect for ourselves.

    Your last sentence could not be closer to the truth. The moment we respect ourselves, interprete that how you desire, we see the true nature of the the thai people we deal with in day to day life. Towards us. A plenty like the farang to be an ignoramus.

  7. 24 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:

    Getting back to the topic. As long as people have a realistic approach and not a fantasy approach that they see on television, I think the country has a lot to offer. 


    Coming from a country with warm weather anyway, the weather here is a non issue but I can see it being a wonderful thing for many. The laid back lifestyle can be enjoyable if that suits you. And there is a lot of flexibility to have things your own way. One thing I do enjoy over back home. The other is the police not bothering you all that much on the roads and no restrictions on dog breeds that I want to own. 

    If not for the women, its only the beaches which are attractive. But not worth a 12 hour flight !

  8. 6 hours ago, smotherb said:

    You are the one who claimed to be the victim and said, " . . . she is only suffering what thousands of her countrywomen have done to thousands of western men, including myself"


    I made no personal attack. I did ask, " She deserves it because some woman took you, eh?" Reread my post. I made a general statement about the Thai women who take advantage of Western men--the poor little babies--were, in great part in buyer-supplier relationships with those men.  So many farangs fall in love with a retail product and claim foul, shame on them.

    Maybe you should write a book/blog about why you are so succesfull in dealing with all, yes all, your exes.


    Title; The secret of my success  !

  9. 20 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Not sure what that has to do with my original post or what was hypocritical about my original post, As the topic or my post was not about currencies, pensions or rural Thai living.


    The thread is about "accepting or changing" Thai morals ethics etc. I made a coment that many try to change things.


    If you want to troll or bait, best to stay on topic or at least address my post.



    No, this thread is not about changing thai morals/ethics. 

  10. 19 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    You may find yourself on a remote and deserted beach and decide to go for a swim with no clothes on, in the nanny state there is a sign forbidding this, and a guy jumps out from behind a sand dune and writes you a ticket.

    Ohhh, here they will put you in jail because of disrespecting this beautiful culture. Nothing a few 1.000 bht cannot solve though.


    Please give a better example next time, makes you look smarter:smile:

  11. 21 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    Lets try this again professor.


    If old age is respected here as you claim reading this literature, can you please explain why Thailand doesn't have any social programs that "respects" these old people, but rather relies on their daughters to provide for them?



    Good question.


    Simple answer; they dont give a ratts ass. Brainwashing and faulty conditioning makes certain that a society can not move forward. All this a.o. typical thai cultural traits. 

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