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Posts posted by ashacat

  1. I do believe the old 5500Z has problems with the new (Kingston) memory!

    Anyway the 5500Z uses DDR 400 or 533 while the 4720 uses DDR2 667 Memory.

    Try to use the both new memory in the 5500Z, if they not works is an incompatibility with he new memory!

    Oh right, so they use different types of RAM even tho the shape of the ciruit board is the same, how annoying!

    I can't take the other RAM out of the new computer because it is still under warrenty (I had it upgraded at the Acer shop and they let me keep the old RAM).

    So it doesn't look like it's gonna work :D Mai pen rai.

    Many thanks for all your kind help everyone, it would have taken me hours of internet trawling to discover this!!


  2. I got one done in T-Tee in MBK about 4 years ago. There are 3 artists there and they all seem to be pretty capable. The first price they quoted me was ridiculous, after bartering I got it down to something like 25% of what they said!! The work was good and they designed an original design for me based on my ideas. I had to go back after about 4 weeks for a touch up which they carried out with no questions.

  3. I've got to agree with "Ispeakthetruth" here, the DoW has a boring/bad atmosphere IMHO. There are many bars in BKK that are far superior in terms of atmosphere, quality of food and service. Strange place to recommend...

  4. Don't say you've never laughed before at violent humour? Three Stooges; Road Runner; Young Ones; etc?

    I see where your coming from, but I think that it is a very tenuous link between reinacted slapstick humour and a real life savage beating.

  5. Hi,

    I was driving down Ekamai yesterday and I saw what looked like a pretty huge nightclub called "Cream". I am assuming that it is not affiliated with it's UK namesake, however does anyone know anything about it? is it any good?


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