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Posts posted by ashacat

  1. Everytime I turn on my computer Windows flashes up 2 warning. They say:

    The instruction at "0x1000624c" referenced memory at "0x1000624c". The memory could not be "written".

    Click OK to terminate the program.

    Click cancel to debug the program.


    The instruction at "0x1ff640e" referenced memory at "0x01ff640e" could not be "written".

    Click OK to terminate the program.

    Click cancel to debug the program.

    I have tried clicking on both "cancel" and "OK" however the problem persists. Also I have noticed that this visus seems to slow down the booting up process.

    What can I do to get rid of this annoying problem? Please keep it simple as I am allergic to computers!!

    Thank you!

  2. I don't live in Ari, but it happens all the time in Bangkok. It's the electric "boxes" where the power cables converge outside condos, offices etc. someone with a bit more knowledge on the subject will know what they are called, capacitors, transformers... something like that.

    Strangely, I was stood on the balcony in my office only yesterday and I actually saw one blow up followed by a huge plume of smoke and no power for 20 mins.

    My last condo in Soi Soon Vijai was particularly vunerable to this. I think it happened about 15 times during my 2 year stay there.

  3. Been here quite a few years and I've only had mild food poisening once (from a beach BBQ).

    However when I first got here I suffered from continual tiredness, not sure why although diet and weather were probably the most likely culprits.

    As Kmart pointed out at certain times of the year flu/cold/throat infections are particularly rife and in my experience more severe and long lasting than their western equivilents.

  4. Accurately or otherwise, avatars always give me a mental idea of the personality/age etc. etc. of the poster who has chosen to adopt it as their graphic representation.

    So I would like to find out why people choose the avatars they do? Are they significant to you?

    For example, who is the bloke on Libyas avatar?

    Why is Bino a rat?

    Any significance to the mask cdnvik?

    So come on fess up, why did you choose your avatar? does it represent something about you/your life?

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