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Everything posted by Reigntax

  1. The parents were sedate considering they are facing their child’s murderer for the first time. I’m not sure many people could resist being more physical given the situation
  2. He is only a wanted criminal because a dictator and treasonistic military says so. I suspect any successful political group or person that threatens access to the trough will also become a criminal not long after being elected. Old dogs and new tricks!!! I know its an insult to the intelligence of dogs.
  3. Surprise!!!! The nutters come out of the woodwork whenever Thaksins name is mentioned
  4. Just like a durian shell she will soon be surrounded by little pricks probably wanting to eat her
  5. Now he can watch his time fly by in jail !!
  6. That’s just the natural result of having recharged beer goggles
  7. Most people don’t take a gun to a wedding
  8. Because if you removed the “e” off the end we know his name would be a lie !!
  9. Yes it will be a copy but with extras… extra noise and rattles. It should make so much noise that even the Thai navy can’t lose it!!!
  10. It’s hard to take a serial killer story seriously when many paragraphs contain a “big joke”.
  11. Yes. They should be stripped immediately
  12. Different type of dust on the condenser compared to the evaporator and wall mounted splits generally have low static pressure fans which are affected by filter blockage. Evaporator filter dust is oily and mostly skin particles and the filters generally poorly stop bypass resulting in partial evaporator contamination and heat transfer loss.
  13. Or an incorrect meter reading or they missed a monthly reading and this represents 2 months
  14. I think you are confusing w and wh or kw and kWh in this case. The former post stated 5000 units which I assume to be kWh. the 5000 represents a 24 hr consumption so the average hourly load is about 200kwh which by itself seems high unless it was a say a 75 room hotel thus allowing 2kw input power per room (24 hrs a day)and say 50kw for the remainder of the premises. 2kw input per room is probably high considering at least a COP of 3 giving 6kw refrig output. Effective solar output of say 6hrs with ongrid feedin unit credits (or onsite storage) equals about 800kw of panels. Or 1,600, 500w panels to cover 100% load.
  15. Except that you signed a false declaration which in any civilised country is a criminal offence.
  16. Sounds like his sex doll is two timing him when he leaves the room… or someone else is popping her balloon!?
  17. Can someone please confirm that these charges are fines for illegal modification to supply meters? or are they installation meter costs?
  18. Logarithmic I think you mean
  19. That’s because a mag 4.6 is only about 1/500,000th the energy released from the 9.2, 2004 earthquake.
  20. By the time the contents of the envelope filter down, he will be charged with receiving B100k and because it was such a minor amount, we will never hear about it again
  21. Obviously added 50 to his IQ to get that number. Or got some help to count that high
  22. Looks like the tourists copped a good hammering
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