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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Incorrect, I just used mine successfully. All of the addresses cards and phone number on mine all Australian details and I still have my Australian phone number
  2. Hello, haven't used Paypal for several years. Had a major hack problem and cancelled linked cards but looks like I am going to need it again. I just logged onto my account and still active. I think the linked address is my sons address in Australia and the linked cards are still active Aussie bank accounts. Will be buying from an online auction in Japan through an agent in Thailand. It is the agent actually asking for a paypal or credit card account so even though they are in Thailand I assume they use Paypal. Anyone know what the deal is now or is it just people starting new Paypal accounts with a Thai address or Thai bank? BTW don't need any motherly advice on giving card / financial details etc. This is a major shipping company so as secure as it can get. Would appreciate replies from people know the current Paypal status in my circumstances
  3. I am not sure how old the copy I had was, since deleted but searched WS on my HD last night and junk with there name on it everywhere. Some of it I couldn't delete either as it runs on start up. The exe files I couldn't delete I renamed the extension so they wouldn't run, rebooted my PC and deleted them. Pretty scary world we are in now. As for the files and converting hmmm. I am starting to realize why camcorders aren't that popular anymore. Anything longer than 30 seconds on my camera is 50-100mb at full quality....and the clips are amazingly clear and good. But unless they are only for use at home on PC or TV, downsizing them to under 5mb for social media, emails, posting on the internet somewhere, transferring to someone else they are a pale comparison to the original quality. Even sharing on Google drive or FB the files are compressed by them...hence you may as well use a decent smart phone which probably has a better social media rendering anyway. I do like using the cam though. Does that sound like a fair assessment? How do websites broadcasting HD, 4K etc do it? I have attached the data / properties screen shots of both the original (.MTS) file and compressed MP4 file if you would like to comment. Interesting that the file says 25 FPS when the camera I believe is pretty much set at 50 FPS with no way to adjust it, only a setting that says something like lower the FPS rate to 25 fps automatically if needed. I imagine it would only automatically select a lower shutter speed in low light but we were out in daylight? Or maybe it also selects the lower shutter speed if it detects what it thinks is fast movement, sports or action? Anyway the bit rate on the MTS file.....17495 kbps MP4 file..... 3362 kbps Both files are 1920 x 1080 Thank you for your help ????
  4. By shady practices you mean installing worms, malware etc? I have had nothing but problems and bombarded with scam emails and adverts since installing it
  5. If any of you guys are still around, just wanting some info on Handbrake re converting MTS to mp4. I know how to use it and can convert successfully...watched a few tutorials but feel the compressed MP4 video about 10% less quality than the original MTS file (I think). The MTS file I was actually floored by the quality. The MP4 file I kinda went hmmm. Just a touch grainer maybe. I have fairly high quality settings based on the tutorials I have seen. One thing seems odd is that my camera predominantly shoots 50fps / 100fps...and this camera has very little you can do to over ride that (Panasonic HDC-HS60). There is a setting where the camera can auto adjust to 30fps if needed, I guess in low light but I was out in daylight shooting today. Anyway, in handbrake it automatically comes up suggesting conversion to 1080p, 30fps.....and I always select settings as same as source anyway. I know compressing video there I imagine will always be some loss but I think the end result should be better. Could I simply rename the MTS files to MP4? I thought an MTS file was already a compressed file. Any tips on what I can do possibly get a better video on conversion?
  6. And if you catch them once, you DIDN'T catch them 10 other times
  7. I didn't enjoy it at all lol, was a difficult read....my takeaway from that is that the 2 year rule applies providing you don't indicate you are only back to receive a pension....and that a minimum of 4 weeks a year you are allowed to be out of the country? Am I reading that right?
  8. Not the dark ones, not in my experience. Not in the same way a European women does anyway. They also don't develop that loose pouch in the tummy that sags down. Not the ones that I have met that have had a few kids anyway. Did meet a young white Thai / Chinese girl had stretch marks on her tummy and legs but she hadn't had any kids. Just lost a lot of weight quickly...or so she said
  9. Not in Thailand. Not the first woman I have met had more than 2 or 3 kids and body slim and pristine, as was hers. They are natural breeders.
  10. How do you know I didn't spend time with her family, respect her / them, I am impatient or didn't get to know her? Or you just assume you are a bit smarter than everyone else with your motherly advice? How do you roll back any of the few (not all) horror stories I mentioned? Did you not read I lived with her 2 years before coming here to live. We cant all be the big bwana of the village (lol), respected and adored by all. I am surprised you didn't throw in a few Thai words and mention learning the language sure helps
  11. No, I see your point and have considered that. It is a bit hard to discuss with them what qualifies as portability after 2 years if you are on the other hand trying to convince them you are returning as a full resident with no intention of going back to live overseas. Still far away for me atm but am interested in any feedback on this. Or do you mean you need a proper residential address to apply for the dole / pension in the first instance? Seems odd they would expect you to have a fully rented / owned residence for someone really down on their luck when you are trying to live on the paltry pension which wouldn't allow you to live in a normal rented place. I believe you can use a son or daughters address or think I have read it here? Any feedback or personal experience welcome
  12. Well as I found out more about her history after I got here it was apparent she had already had a roller coaster of horror story of a life. 3 other abandoned kids I didn't know about to different fathers failed marriages (she was 28 yo) And I am not the trusting naive type either. Just impossible to do full due diligence when you don't speak Thai and someone is a habitual, professional liar. One of the causes of instability once I got here and lived in her village. She had too many skeletons / bad stories kicking around and was constantly ill at ease. I could tell immediately she wasn't well liked or respected by anyone. She had lost face long ago and was ashamed alright.... but had nothing to do with me. And what caused the behavioral issues? I would say a feeling there was no need for the act any more
  13. I think there are even Thai websites / agents that will bid on your behalf...arrange shipping, give estimate tax / delivery costs etc Would appreciate any info. My ex missus used to buy stuff this way for her used baby goods shop, but I never found out how or where she was doing it
  14. I had the idea that if I do go back (in 5-7 years time) I would long term rent a caravan / cabin on the beach or river somewhere in a holiday town on the east coast. The beach and fishing will keep me busy. Not even sure if you can do this anymore or if the rents are even cheap? I been away for 10 years.
  15. She was a total psycho as well lol. I really hit the jackpot...and funny had known her a year then lived with her a year back home no real problems at all. Trouble all started the day I came to live in Thailand. I often read guys horror stories on hear and think to myself mine is the mother of all horror stories. It taught me no matter how long you know them they can turn on you at anytime. I would never invest on one or put any area of my life in a Thai woman's hands again
  16. My first one got preggas 3 months HIV test she was positive...I thought I must have given it to her, innocent little village thing she was. Week later I tested negative. She was banging the guy accross the road while I was away. I got to know someone in the clinic and apparently rife in the area and most people don't know until its too far gone. Thai village women seem to have very little concern for contraception or safe sex. The hospital or infected person are also under no legal obligation to inform partners / spouses. She has been working in bars last 4 years. No fecks given. There is a darker side to infidellity apart from hurt feelings and probably a lot worse diseases than HIV these days which is more treatable than some. If I would have contracted it I would have had to leave Thailand. At the time the meds were around 20k a month
  17. It means uncle and is a mark of respect. Think yourself lucky. My missus calls me ouen (fatso)
  18. Paypal are the worst of the lot for internal fraud. I spent a long worrying week trying to get $3000 back off them. Hadn't used Paylal or ebay for 2 years. Was an internal issue, woman even admitted it. What is concerning is how nearly impossible it is to contact these faceless companies during a crisis
  19. If it comes by Thai post, Flash etc driver wont let you open the package before you pay...or have you had a different experience?
  20. Having two school aged kids and experiencing the Thai govt education system first hand, I can't imagine it could get worse. Apart from the 1950s curriculum....I would say the most corrupt fiefdom of all. Teachers generally uncaring and arrogant. Unmanned crossings outside primary schools...impossible to walk on sidewalks anywhere near schools due to people selling junk food candy and toys, who I imagine are kicking up rent to someone. Teachers themselves sometimes have their own little set ups in the classroom selling kids crap. Newly graduated teachers need to pay a huge "tuition" fee to pass the govt teachers exam and work in a govt school. And like someone said...look at the end result. It is beyond belief
  21. My Thai friend who is pretty IT savvy says the biggest source of fraud in Thailand ATM is QR code scanning. best avoided if possible unless a large company...say when checking out at Big C, Makro etc. Never scan a QR code with a private seller or such....these are the big cases where peoples accounts are instantly drained. Thailand initiating some big case against FB atm moment saying there were 10 billion baht of fraud cases per year in Thailand due to lack of checks and balances
  22. I don't think a trader on Lazada would have access to your card details unless you paid direct with them. All details of the transaction are done through Lazada themselves. I hate using my phone for any transactions like this and would much prefer to use a computer for online banking, purchases etc....but many of these entities (particularly banks) now are deleting their online trading functions saying computers are less secure than smartphones and encouraging you to install their apps. May or may not be the case but I do know once you install their app you are bombarded with spam and advertising everyday. I recently bought a new TV and same deal...told I needed to install their app to register the product and receive extended warranty. Turns out my model doesn't qualify for ext warranty but I now get 3 emails and notifications a day. I guess it is cheap and direct advertising for them. Like I said, I think all this will get worse before it gets better and seems to be coming less and less regulated. I noticed it got worse during covid, like the world was looking the other way and it was a free for all. Re COD be careful....Biggest red flag for me. These are the predominant online sales scams for the last couple of years...even on Lazada. I been caught twice now. Once I received a box of rags and the other a box of rusty old bolts. Online private sellers on FB marketplace etc it is rife but you find it on Lazada and co also. The supplier says in their advert COD. What they do is accept your payment on Lazada then do a refund. Then they send the product....or usually a pale shadow of what you wanted. You cant ask for a refund off Lazada as you already received a refund. And if you go back to do a bad review etc the seller has already cancelled that product / account and created a new one. Many people don't realize when you receive a COD item, you don't get to inspect the goods first. You simply hand over the money and receive your parcel. Driver drives off...you open your box and you realize you were done. Often you do receive "a product" similar to what you ordered but not the real / correct thing, which would be around 2-5% the value of the actual thing you ordered. This is so if there is any backlash they can simply say they made a mistake. Usually item under 2000 baht so not worth filing a report, as if anything would happen anyway. My Mrs did make a police report once on a private marketplace seller got us for 3000 baht. They told us her bank accounts would be frozen and she would be blacklisted from any govt offices etc. She did indeed have her bank accounts frozen as she sent us a message asking us to reverse the charge. Usual BS story...sick child in hospital, no hab choi...Anyway, we never received the money back and seemingly was never followed up. The bank did have a copy of the police report and did freeze her account but I suspect she talked her way out of it somehow
  23. What's more concerning is how whomever it was got enough of your details to do the purchase or withdrawal. Was only saying to the mrs this morning back in the day any personal details you had were either in your wallet or safely at home. These days have google, FB and co sucking your every detail and thought and its all out there floating around in some imaginary world. And while these large cyber companies say they are to be trusted, how can they guarantee the integrity of their 1000's of employees. I fear it will get much worse before it will get better. Its strange they took such a paltry amount unless it was a first run tester? Doesn't really make sense
  24. I am not saying that at all, or trying to use anything as a defense. I am saying most people who had decent retirement funds and were cashed up wouldn't suffer the inconvenience of going back to Australia to live for 2 years so they could get a pittance of a pension every month. Most returnees I imagine would just about be out of money and maybe just enough to get through the 2 years. Who is going to have a bottomless pit of money or the inclination to live in Australia for further time and fight legal cases if their intention all along was so they could come back and live on their pension in Thailand? From what I understand as long as you don't say / do anything stupid their should be no problem getting portability after 2 years. As usual plenty of dooms dayers on here (misery loves company) trying to spread fear and then they become the savior
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