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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Oh I'm not worried safety wise. A few liters, outside and away from anything. I am more worried about my machine. When I bought the strimmer guy there sold me a 10l gas container. It was grey so I was wary of it but he told me was fine for gasolene and it was a small engine shop. I cursed the strimmer for 5 years. Always hard to start and ran like a dog. Turns out the plastic inside the fuel container was melting into the fuel blocking the carb up. I guess there is a special plastic for fuel. I could check if the oil container made of the same stuff
  2. Mrs out before and asked her to get me a red 5L gasolene tank / plastic jerry can. She came home with a 5L plastic oil bottle has had engine oil or something in it. It's clean inside and they clean them out to sell them for people to put gasolene in. Its to store a few liters of 2 stroke fuel for my lawn strimmer. Would sound like a stupid question but hard to buy the proper red plastic fuel containers where I live apart from Lazada. If this one will do the trick will save me the trouble and expense.
  3. Great story as usual. No details..no outcomes...no point
  4. If you give them less than they asked they won't be happy anyway. Better save your money. This is them testing u out. Best sort it out and nip it in the bud now. Your gonna have siblings, uncles etc all.with their hand out for a "loan" and you are going to be the solution when any family member has financial issues...real or fictional. You worked hard for your money and they'll only pess it up the wall gambling and such and come back for more.
  5. Thaw in the fridge overnight rather than leave out or in the wave. Reheat on a lower power setting 300-450. Takes a little longer (usually double normal time) but will ensure your food reheats evenly rather than cooks it further and heats unevenly. Give it a stir halfway through heating
  6. I have never met a Thai I would trust to give 100 baht back, let alone a mill. Put sin sod on the table, photos taken. Be very hard to get back if they can't resist the opportunity / temptation
  7. Just doing something monetarilly so it doesn't p$$ off the parents will be the biggest mistake of your life. Mill baht is serious money...what do you think the next request and following requests will be? Sinsod for a 40yo gay man? Thais themselves would be rolling around on the floor laughing and the parents and ur bf seem to be in on the joke. Maybe parents are trying to test your IQ see if u really are that stoopid? Simply tell them sorry, no. Its not your belief to do so and you would not feel good about "buying" their son. End of story. Just because they were teachers by the way doesn't mean they are well off. More than likely in debt up to their necks. This is not an anti gay post by the way. I've lived here over 10 years. Simply the facts of life here. Sinsot would not even be paid for a 40yo woman. Their next request will be 500k for the wedding party. Nip it in the bud now or they will run u into the ground. Its simply wrong. If they don't like it stiff cheese
  8. I know a lot of guys living in sufferance here. Only because they are on a pension, home is in the Mrs name and they have no where else to go. And those women are probably the best of a bad bunch. The others just boot hubby out on the street, he loses everything and his tow choices back home to eek out a miserable existence on a pittance of a pension or join the Pattaya skydiving club. The dangers of trusting your lifelong assets to someone with the maturity, temperament and intelligence of a 12yo
  9. Why I think dark skinned Thai woman are the perfect fit for me. Beautiful Asian face / features with a black woman's a$$. And the silkiest smooth skin you will ever find ????
  10. There are a lot of genuine beautiful women in Vietnam. IMO a lot more intelligent, reliable and loyal than Thai women. But be prepared to let them rule the roost. I found many of them super interesting, smart and decent English...good sense of humor etc but very bossy. It is generally the culture in Vietnam that the woman is the boss.
  11. Most of the friends I known who have had issues with Thai women, or been cleaned out / rinsed were actually older women....usually from gambling. They were as greedy / more greedy / devious than even bargirls. First mistake was building a home and large assets (in her name) in her home village were there are all sorts of temptations awaiting her including knowing all the gambling hotspots and possibly old beaus. Most were unattractive older village women who had zero prospects / future...even with a low class Thai man. Because the common conception amongst these sort of people is snagging a farang the equivalent of winning the lottery 5 times over....and they are entitled and expect to be renumerated. They never once look at what they are bringing to the table which is usually zero apart from a lot of baggage, debts and problems. The guy assumes he will buy the house, new cars....her a a bit of gold and a nice holiday and after that cruise mode and live on a sensible but comfortable budget. She should be happy right? She had zilch when you met her living in poverty. As soon as you start to put the brakes on her spending / showing off the trouble will start. Not all like that of course but have seen many go down that path...in fact in ten years seen a much larger percentage of disastrous relationships rather than good ones. Of course it is the guy who always gets shafted.
  12. I wouldn't feel too bad. Many of these girls even if they do meet another foreigner...younger or older end up on a rollercoaster ride of broken relationships and disappointments and right back where they started. Penniless...single and hopeless in a village. Most of my ex girlfriends went down this path and still struggling to this day. Every now and then they might meet a guy and go on a holiday.....a few FB selfies etc. The guy just wanted a holiday GF. Most of them have too much baggage for anyone to consider them for a long term relationship. A few are lucky. At least your girl has had stability and security....possibly you have taken care of her kids and family...set her up financially for after you pass and this maybe that is more important to her than you know. It's a 2 way street ????
  13. In a similar situation....actually feeling sorry for mine. Know exactly what you are saying
  14. Try a thing called Shompoo Shern. Available in Lazada 350 baht per 10. Mate of mine put me onto them. I was a bit turned off he said they were herbal but man they are dynamite and no spaced out feeling, red face or side effects. Usually one pill good for 2 days. Bit slower working than Cialis, Kamagra etc....maybe 2 hours but best thing I have tried. Apparently available in a lot of pharmacies as the Thais know their value
  15. Been there done that, took all my furniture, appliances etc and moved in....nearly lost the lot. I will never lose control of my living circumstances again. All they have to do is say the stuff is there's if it is in their house and you have very little chance of recovering it should they refuse to give it back
  16. I think that really underlines it. Doesn't really matter...the most important thing is you meet the one that is right for you and makes you happy. Younger girls may be more attractive but gets old if they are laying there like a brick or playing with their phone while you are doing the business. If it is someone you are going to live with everyday happiness and eager performance to me is much better than stunning looks ???? I have a young child here so I need a partner as a back up. I am pretty lucky to have found one who is very easy going and suitable. But if I were single without a child I doubt I would be looking for Mrs right or someone to live with again. Even if they are nice for the first few months you meet them, they can change at any time. then almost impossible to get rid of once without major dramas once they cross the threshold. A word to the wise for some of you guys who have been through or going through psycho / instablility or emotional issues with your girl....get her off the pill. made a huge difference to mine. A nurse here told me Thai woman already very high hormones and the pill just messes them up badly.
  17. Agree 100%. An older woman here wont be into current or past music / movies outside of Thailand....current affairs etc. I find if anything I have more in common with 20-30yo as far as conversation etc albeit still limited. Thailand to me has always been about 50 years behind the times compared to home (Australia). And I actually mean this in a nice way...That's why I live here. Like the good old days. So a 20-30yo girl will be closer to being on the same page as a 50-60yo. Well not in any great way but a lot more than an older women IMO Where I find the problems lie even with an older woman is most of us guys have done it all, been there done that and in cruise mode...or planning the last part of their life. Usually the girls we meet will have come from nothing or very little and want to go everywhere, do everything and buy everything. As someone once told me people who have nothing NEED EVERYTHING!
  18. My experience here you can have as much trouble here with an older woman (sometimes more!) than a younger woman. If you got plenty of money and after happiness get whatever you fancy. If she doesn't work out boot her and get another one. And don't expect more maturity or better conversation with an older woman either. If you want someone for a partner rather than fun....good education and upbringing what you look for. May not be as much fun as a young, dumb village girl tho ????
  19. I thought tourism was on the wane here before covid. Many of the older hotels have not been well maintained. Lobby etc lovely but behind the facade, rooms from the 90s. I can only. Imagine things have got worse with hotel owners having no capital to do any maintenance. We went away about 5 times just before Covid, high season and any hotels we stayed at estimate 30% full. Were some super cheap deals too. Went to Koh Chang a year ago and things had really gone downhill. Their advertised free buffet breakfast had been downgraded to ordering off a menu with.a scabby selection. Went away last weekend particularluly because this hotel has a pool, pool green and out of service. Another hotel we used to go to regularly had filled their pool in and made a garden but still advertising they had a pool. That sort of crep won't fly with international tourists. Anyone I know (non mongers) came here last 10 years were fairly unimpressed with Thailand and won't be coming back
  20. I installed AVG antivirus software last week. Computer was clean but everyday getting suggestions and advice from AVG why I should buy their premium package. I see tonight came up with a message saying I have a potentially harmful internet tracker on my PC (no details given) that could be farming my website browser tp sell to advertising companies etc. I thought Facebook / Google and co were already doing this? Seem to get pop ups everyday wanting me to buy stuff I havent searched but was thinking of lol....like they are monitoring a microphone or my thought waves..... Anyway, is it anything to worry about? They didn't supply any details or name of said tracker
  21. They really have their cake and eat it here. I read 5 posts a day with the TAT blaming Chinas ailing economy for the massive drop in Chinese tourist numbers. Now China is booming and going to save the day? ???????????? You couldn't make up the shet that goes on in Lieland
  22. Haven't been to China for 15 years. But before that went 4 or 5 times. Apart from the unfriendliness of the people, general awful asthetics of the place, lack of trees and greenery, surveillance towers with mirrored windows everywhere and generally horrible food....felt intimidated the whole time I was there. Never felt like they were fond of Westerners
  23. What about CJ More? They have been opening new stores everywhere here in the NE
  24. Hard to.look at 10 or 12 of these ridiculous headlines everyday. They must be incentivized on projections rather than results. I notice its a Thai trait to claim credit and kudos for things that haven't occured yet
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