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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. I heard this story at least 10 times in Thailand. Usually a pre cursor to a request for money. I always say if you cant pay them how will you pay me? Chuckle and walk off. The request is usually accompanied by a fanciful tale of how me loaning them money will in someway benefit me lol
  2. I dont know if it is the media or the politicians in Thailand but reading the daily news here is an insult to your intelligence.
  3. "communities that identify as men who have sex with men" lol. Is it so wrong to just say the gay community? This WOKE cr@p totally gives me the shets. Just boring self righteous people looking for a cause or bandwagon to jump on and creating issues where there are none. I suspect many of the people they supposedly defend detest them. I have no problem or ill feelings towards gays, transgenders, ethnic groups etc and think about them no more than they would think about me, but I can't stand these <deleted>.
  4. I wouldnt jump to too many conclusions. Are we all sure this isn't another "it was all a misunderstanding" story. Taxi assaults are very bad for business
  5. What about some online bakery supply places?
  6. Been making multi grain for a while. Was buying a mix off Lazada but its not economical and I suspect its mostly broken wheat, oats anyway. Was wondering if anyone has ideas for locally sourced grains from markets or Makro? Already have broken wheat, pumpkin seeds, cornmeal and sesame seeds. Any thing else I could get to make up my own grain mix? This is multi grain I am doing, not wholemeal
  7. I remember when I first came here and built a house. Every single thing we would buy Mrs post straight away on Fakebook. Go on holidays etc. Just advertising you aren't home and possibly 500km away. Why Facebook is so huge here. Showing off and jealousy. In the end I had to tell her if we went away or left the house don't post until we are back home. I wonder if his missus was on FB fanning the Euro's out or with it displayed on a temple Xmas tree thing they so love showing off the money
  8. I doubt this was planned and executed by your average village yoyo. As usual, in Thailand, done by someone has had some training... not mentioning any names or organizations
  9. My first thought was how much did the wife owe the loan sharks? The second was did she set her brother up to do it. Call me negative but living ten years in Thailand does that to you. Whatever the case the poor husband probably oblivious to any wrong doing
  10. Get it to Kerry Express, have offices everywhere. Boxes to pack in if required. Cost you 200-400 baht per large box delivery one or 2 days and very safe. Take em in a cab from the airport. I doubt would be any further than a few km
  11. Trouble is, it is ingrained in many of them to cower down to anyone working for the govt so when an officer answers a question with a throw away "I dont care or I don't know and can't cant be bothered checking" answer they wont follow up. Very different experience going with a doctor or someone with position rather than a village girl
  12. I kinda laugh when I see stuff like this. Same could be said for here in some ways...villagers surviving on next to nothing eating rats and frogs and whatever they can forage. And that was before covid and Ukraine.
  13. Thats all well and good if you live close to the IO. And put no stock in what anyone in the IO tells you. Cost me 2 x 4 hour round trips a couple of years ago because of instruction I received from the IO boss. They would make no allowance for the fact it was their error either. Officer simply smiled and said she made many mistake. She transfer
  14. Sort of getting way off topic here. Thanks for helping with the side issues and my other questions but I am primarily interested to know if my stay until date looks correct in regards to my question having the under consideration / pick up time a month after the actual extension expiry. Is this the norm?
  15. I see guys on here debating this stuff everyday and the short answer is when dealing with IO, DMV, any government office here it is really up to them and they all seem to make their own rules. One thing can apply at your local last year and this year everything has changed because they have a new manager. I am on a parental extension which technically means I only need to show the 400k in the bank the day I apply, but my IO wont have a bar of that. 2 months before you apply and I think technically (though they have never checked) I think you are meant to show money in the bank again when you pick up the extension after the under consideration period.
  16. I actually think these days you can get your letter up to a week before, could be wrong. I know passbook needs updating the day you go. As you say all offices seem to have their own rules. I am Khon Kaen office
  17. That definitely rings a bell, I remember being annoyed about losing a month lol. Its a letter from the bank day before going to IO and passbook updated on the morning of visit right?
  18. Not sure if I am going mad but just sorting out my stuff for my O/A Parental extension and am a bit confused on the dates. You would think I'd know it have had 3 or 4 parental extensions. I was thinking my stay until date was September, but now I read the stamp properly it says stay until August 21, and report back 20 September to pick up extension approval stamp when I did it last year. (Photo attached) One of the reasons I may have become confused is I think I made my first O/A visa in September back in 2014 when I first came here and extended for retirement for a few years. I got a feeling I lost a month somehow when I changed over to a parental extension. So if my stay until date was August, is it normal to be under consideration for a month AFTER the current extension expires? Many thanks in advance
  19. There are actually some very good modern Thai movies....good story lines and excellent cinematography. Not all but a good many. Avoid the TV channel movies
  20. Dont forget talking to yourself / thinking out loud.....or the evil looks for the wife or office rival planning revenge (which always ends in their own demise) ????????????????
  21. If you just one one ot two you get a cinnamon stick, star anise and a frew other spices in the little 5 baht packs the sell at most village or city mom and pop shops.... people buy for soup, stews etc. Actually a chinese 5 spice mix. Ask your mrs, she'll know what it is. Available in supermarkets etc as well. Very common here
  22. Damage the name of Pattaya ???????????????? Google Pattaya and see what comes up lol
  23. Not sure mate, I have just stuck to loin. My wife uses it commercially in her restaurant and I don't want one kilo of streaky middle bacon to end up as 100 grams of crispy bacon and a 900 gram pool of fat on the griddle. Just bot commercially viable and too messy for us. Also very difficult to slice properly unless really dried out. If you want a bit more fat one end (thicker end) of the loin is fattier than the other end. Makro is great for that as they usually have 1kg pieces, just select the ones you want. Look for marbling or grain in the actual meat too (like Wagyu). Some of the pork here is just too lean. Not sure about collar but I can't see why not? Best way is to get a kilo or two and try it. I am sure it will still be nice. I think collar (neck) here is one of the most expensive cuts right? Where as back home would be one of the cheapest. Like chicken breast here. great for us foreigners who cook at home ????
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