Well of course kissing in Thailand is generally a sniff kiss. So I guess that gives some clue as to their feelings about mouth to mouth. As for foreplay and proper passionate sex had some of my best and most boring experiences here. In my experience, sadly the more balanced....quieter, better educated, better personality women here seem to be the biggest duds. Govt workers, teachers etc. Only in my experience of course, yours may be different. Had quiet a few who see it more as a duty.
If you want an out of control, super hot performer the crazier the woman the better lol. One of life's cruel ironies and perhaps why the Thai guys have mia noi's. The reliable, quiet agreeable wife to take care of the home and kids and the other for fun. Most of the village type country girls I have had off the charts. Even P4P girls here seem to can't get enough and you can't beat experience. Had a few duds with them too but most I find aren't jaded at all. I asked a bar girl once if she didn't get bored with sex and she said no...it same eat. Only boring if get same same every day. I think they actually get addicted to it on some level. As far as older unattractive guys doesn't seem to phase them. I am sure they would much prefer to have some hot young fit Thai guy but sex seems to be more a physical sort of thing for theses women where for us perhaps more cerebral, thinking all sorts of dirty thoughts lol...where as they are "you rub this feel good". Like I said though one of Gods cruel ironies. Usually good performers don't make good life partners.