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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Whats the deal with these vloggers and you tubers? Obviously there is some financial reward. I heard though not sure you start getting paid for views over 100k. Does anyone know how it works and how much u get paid?
  2. Cringeworthy footage. On both sides. The vlogger bloke absolute tosser, how anyone could subscribe to his videos. Both blokes a total embarrassment and everything I hate about Pattaya. Wouldn't be the first time I seen some wheezing diabetic loud mouthed brit lying on the street in a puddle of his own p$$ who got his ambitions mixed up with his abilities. Saw a bloke come out of a cubicle in the toilets Central Pattaya one day...pants around his ankles....mid cr@p I assume abusing the poor little cleaning woman because he didnt know you had to get tissue before you went in. I only hoped she didn't understand the fowl names he called her and that she had some cousins on the way with steel pipes. Scum of the earth.
  3. The problem with them if they are anything like the parasites up here at any attractions or swimming areas..is that they start to think they own the area. Very aggressively trying to foist stuff on you, being nasty when you wont buy off them....even trying to charge people for parking / swimming. Makes the whole experience unpleasant particularly to foreigners who aren't used to it. I love how in Thailand they give everyone a chance to make a buck without regulations and permits but generally these people are too much. Good riddance I say
  4. Mine was going really well even a year / year and a half into covid but last 6 months real decline. Down perhaps 50%. Since this Ukraine thing just awful. She has a smallish Western style food restaurant in the city that was previously doing well. There are other restaurants around her and they also seem to be in the same boat. So many businesses here have shut up shop. Anyone else seeing the same thing?
  5. Thanks buddy, did a bit more searching and sort of figured it was that...the next one micro USB and don't know what they are now. They still make equipment (not phones) with mini USB seemingly
  6. I ended up getting the one that clips on your rear view mirror. Not the ultimate thing to use / set up but pretty sure it should do the job. Tested some footage before and quite useable. One thing I didn't count on was I have a strip of very dark tinting about 6" from the top of the windscreen and even with the nozzle of the lens pointed down as far as it goes the screen / movie is still showing about 1/3rd black strip. No problems as it doesn't block out the traffic view only some of the sky but I have a feeling it is confusing the lens having daylight and a dark strip.....like maybe the camera is compensating for the dark patch by overexposing the rest of the view. The only adjustment I can see that may help a bit is White balance which can be set to Auto, cloudy or sunlight. I am guessing set to sunlight to maybe dim it down a bit or should it be the opposite? There is no contrast control etc and nothing I can think to do to aim the camera down a bit from the black tint strip. If I do that it will mess up my rear view mirror view. I am surprised the lens gimble doesn't have more adjustment, only about 5 degrees in either direction. Anyone have any ideas?
  7. Hello, have a couple of older things have the first size USB phone charger plug from 10 or 15 years ago. Not the USB end, the other end that plugged into your phone or accessory. They were the most popular plug back then, everything had them. Then they went to a slimmer one and now a rounded end type one. I think they do still use them on other equipment like to connect music gear etc to USB. Forgive me for the lame descriptions but the best way I can think to put it. Photos attached. Anyone know what you would call this lead / plug so I can order another from Lazada? Hope someone can help
  8. Yeah I saw a video on how to do that....under the headlining down the left hand A pillar and into the glove box. That's how I will do it I think. I know a lot of people say you get what you pay for etc but I have had some mind blowingly cheap good stuff from Lazada over the last 5 years and a lot of it maybe at a glance not as smooth and refined looking as the expensive things but certainly works a treat and for a long time with all the features. In parallel have had some bad experiences with top dollar / brand name stuff. I look for stuff with 100's / 1000's of positive reviews on Lazada and usually don't go wrong. The Thais LURV social media and word gets around about particular products and they just LURV value for money.
  9. I guess that could be a tick for one not wired in. In the event of something like that simply unplug it and get your wife to put it in her bag
  10. What a typical a$$ covering, ill conceived, ill thought out flip flopping c@ck up this has been. How they gonna roll this back? I see pick ups on the side of the road selling plants and even Big C has display stands selling bags of weed products lol. Now claiming no knowledge that people would use it for recreational 5555. Just insults your intelligence
  11. The idea of having it on when ignition off is to record anyone possibly breaking into your car or even to monitor outside the car....say pointing at your house or something else. Whether it is important to me...probably not but that's the general idea. You have probably seen on the news where they actual caught a perp from dashcam footage from a stationary car. Seeing you have had one that straps in front of the mirror, I will ask a few questions if I may.....One thing I don't understand is that you strap it across your existing mirror right? Back of the cam against the front of your existing mirror. But the cam has the lens protruding from it so its not going to sit flush against your existing mirror unless it is offset, off to one side? so the lens sits out beside you're existing mirror right? Looks like these have an inset screen. Does this interfere with your full screen mirror view? Or can you turn this little screen on and off? I so far have only seen this type and the type with a suction cup or sticky back, both which fall off on a hot day. I will have a look for one sits below the mirror, sounds like a great idea
  12. Do these things have an internal rechargeable battery guys? ie you just plug them in when recharging? Roughly how long does a charge last for?
  13. You guys getting them wired in or just plug in?
  14. So they are rechargeable normally? Only plug them in to charge the battery like a phone?
  15. Did you wire them in or just plug them in or...
  16. Started driving the kids to school morning rush time. Absolute brainless lunatics on the road so I think a dashcam is required. I don't really want to mess around hard wiring one in and local shops her quoting 2500+ for installation and an extra 1500 for rear camera. I don't believe you always have to spend top dollar to get a decent product either. I got a couple of stand alone IP CCTV cameras have had for over 3 years now cost me 400 baht each. Neve failed. Full remote rotation, movement activation, alarm and auto push warnings. Outside undercover with all the bugs etc too. I see a lot of dashcams under 1000 baht on Lazada and many have 100's of positive reviews. Looks like most you can just plug into your cigarette lighter or USB. One in particular looks like a rear view mirror that clips onto your review mirror. Anyone have any insight? Is there any benefit to hardwiring? Like for eg cigarette lighter power wont be active unless ignition on. Any advice appreciated
  17. Yeah I had an old bar owner here tell me in his estimation 95% of bar girl relationships fail. I been here 10 years and in my experience with many friends and acquaintances I would say I no of none that were ultimately successful. And it usually included a lot of heartache, havoc and expense along the way. And without fail even the ones that stole houses and the blokes life savings...the girls all seem to end up penniless back in a village or usually back to the bar.
  18. I agree 100%, if she has an attitude in the bar its only gonna get worse back home. But I have seen guys insist go go girls go with them, complain to mamasan etc even when its clear she doesn't want to go with the guy.
  19. Pretty sure many of the bars the girls aren't supposed to refuse a customer. Particularly farang owned bars. I mean the girl may still try it on but I have had a few bar girls tell me that. They aren't mean to pick and choose. that doesn't stop them from being disinterested and distant though. Bars in Soi Nana, particularly one big group management don't seem to care how the girls treat the customers. Many borderline abusive
  20. Brother.... I don't know where you are living but you are obviously thinking about another country. 22,000 may be be the actual average wage but I can tell you your average Thai working an unskilled job will be on 8000-12000 baht per month. And no its not easy to live on but they do. I am not saying its a great life but its not poverty either. And they certainly do have a choice re working in bars. Why they usually live with someone else and share expenses. 22000 baht most low / middle income Thais could live on reasonably comfortably and be envious of anyone who got that. So what are you arguing? The minimum wage or unemployment rate? Thailand's unemployment rate was 0.72%. I need to research lol? You continue to make a public fool of yourself.
  21. I am not comparing cultures...I am comparing hookers. And they don't have to go on the game here in anyway. What makes you think "they have no choi" because they told you that? lol. The unemployment rate here is one of the lowest in the world. That's where you are deluding yourself. Is it a better life style for them as a hooker or is it preferable to working in a factory? that would be up to the person. And this is where I am not making judgements. It would certainly be preferable to working on a farm.
  22. A delusional person who probably doesn't live in Thailand....certainly never lived in a village and will perhaps learn the hard way. You my friend are the sort of guy they target. The knights in shining armor thinking they are saving the girl, when the last thing she wants is to be saved,,,,,even though that's not what she said. I would have agreed with you 10 years ago. Poor little things putting up with those horrible sweaty old men. How is it different back home lol? You think there aren't people grow up in broken homes, bad backgrounds and live in or near poverty wherever you come from? They are not judgements by the way, they are facts.
  23. It is not exactly like that. And not making any judgements here as not to sure if I was a good looking girl with little hope living in poverty if I wouldn't be doing the same thing. There is plenty of work for them in factories etc and that's what normal girls do. Can earn up to 15-20k per month with OT. Very, very small percentage of Isaan girls become hookers and the ones that do are no different from the hookers back home. Lazy, broken. Attraction of what seems like an easy glamorous life and easy money. They aren't generally good human beings toiling away and being exploited to send money back to their families. Normal deal is they leave a kid in the village....mum or grandma looks after the kid and girls sends back around 2000-3000 baht a month for the kids upkeep....which the grandparents normally p$$ up the wall on gambling or grog. The rest the girl p$$es up the wall herself. Everyone happy. The kid grows up with abandonment issues, broken in some way and thus the cycle continues
  24. I think those stories are fantasy. A hot looking girl with her head screwed on its possible but generally from what I have heard first hand 20-30k a month.....at best. They are out of action for at least a few days of the month, then they are sick here and there and like most Thais have a win or get a big tip and have a few days off. Then the cost of living in these areas isn't cheap. Not to mention they pi$$ it away on gambling etc as fast as they make it. None of them I have ever met usually have more than a few changes of underwear and that is girls working for at least a few years. Have a look at the cheap clothes, phones and bags they have. Never usually have even a motorbike. I am not saying it's not possible for the smart sharp ones to make some coin but its not the norm in my experience. Having lived in villages I can see how at first they may think its glamorous but it's not a good life for them. very dog eat dog particularly with their co workers. Ever seen them fighting in the soi? Then every night or most nights they are back to a room with a stranger. That has to be scary on some level. they must see some attraction in it though as that's where most of them seem to end up again, even after marrying a decent bloke and having a family.
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