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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. I think that's the problem with Viber now...... your credit did used to last forever. I think 2c per minute to Australia. Simply top up when you need to. But now its a monthly thing. Still not that expensive I guess but when you buy credit only good for a month. After the month lose all your credit and payment renews automatically
  2. I was using Viber for a few years which only cost pennies but they have become a lot more expensive. Just top up $10 here and there and can talk for an hour for a few dollars. And often if calling a bank, company etc back home can be on hold for some time. I sometimes need to call back home, mainly companies or banks that only have normal phone numbers or don't have LINE or Messenger etc. Is there something like that not too expensive?
  3. I just don't think they go to hospital or get tested unless they really need to and that's probably how it should be. In other countries seems to be all about the numbers who are positive. Like the road toll tallies there. I'd be more interested in hospitalizations and deaths, and what number of those people were already old / sick. How are the numbers stacking up? Sounds like US in all sorts of trouble and son telling me hospitals in Australia are filling up? Is Omicron really milder than previous strains? Or are people just admitting themselves to hospital with mild symptoms just in case? I for one know I wouldn't want to test or go to hospital unless I was on deaths door. God knows what the medical bills would be even if you never got sick
  4. Unless the Thais have some natural immunity? Funny story.... my son and friend both recently had covid back in Australia. Wasn't determined if Omicron or Delta etc but both of them very mild symptoms.... I would say less than a bad flu. Both vaccinated and boosted. Soooooo...there are many ways of looking at this. How did they get covid when they had 2 vax and boosters? or is Covid not as bad as they say...only in specific cases (old, already sick etc) or would it have been a lot worse if they weren't vaxxed. What ever side of the debate you were on you would have a case lol! But back to Thailand....2 days after my friends wife from Thailand arrived in Australia, my friend was tested positive for covid. Living in a small Condo in Sydney together, you would think she was a certainty to get it. They both quarantined together in the same apartment, slept together, ate together. After 2 weeks she was still testing negative every day. He reckons it's all the horrible bacterial stuff she eats. Covid wont go near her 5555
  5. I found that out the hard way....it's up to them...even if there is a purchase receipt and declaration with the goods. We got taxed $40 on a small box of used baby clothes from Australia my mother sent over when we had our child. And back when I was using Ebay and Thai tax / duty already paid in the States through DHL (Apparently). DHL Thailand....."what Ebay?".....And it's If you don't like it bad luck, we keep your stuff. There is no arguing with them.
  6. As if the figures were real, with all the highly trafficked markets in every location of Thailand, dense housing etc. Australia had over 50k cases a day within weeks. Anyway, we all remember the last three times he said everything was under control ????????????
  7. Don't know of anyone casually going in and out of the country atm. Too many chances to have problems coming back in
  8. It would be coming in on road transport. Wont be bringing it personally unfortunately
  9. If you don't know why would you comment? Or u don't think I know I can buy guitars in Thailand? FYI it is a particularly rare model. And no comments please re the pitfalls and evils of buying secondhand Just interested in whether there are customs duties or not bringing an item like this in by road from Veintiene, just across the border into Thailand
  10. Thinking of buying a guitar just across the border in Laos. Kind of friend of a friend so know the guys legit. But he claims no tax to bring the guitar into Thailand and he has sent to before? I find that a little hard to believe or maybe he was just lucky before. I have bought guitars from Japan and customs 30%. Anyone have any experience or knowledge with this?
  11. You need to consider that everyone else in the world apart from yourself is not a complete idiot and possibly do have the ability to think for themselves....particularly where they have the full story and you are making an awful lot of assumptions based on very little information. Zip encryption is very easy and safe but in this application simply isn't suitable. I'm sorry but your reply appears condescending, sarcastic and demanding, particularly with your constant need to use exclamations !!!!!! Thanks to all the other repliers, I think I might have a solution
  12. Give her the encrypted USB, and a trusted mate or relative the password. Break in case of emergency. Can give her your passwords to bank accounts, wills, information etc. Your trusted friend relative wont have the Drive so he can't do anything, and your missus has the drive but doesn't have the password. In my case mate in Australia has the password. Seems extreme but have seen a couple of cases blokes gone to hospital or incapacitated and wife had no access to funds etc and big problem at the hospital, even refusing to admit.
  13. I should have mentioned I would use the Bitlocker program in Windows but I have the home version of Windows 11 and it isn't included
  14. Yeah I could use a zip file I guess but prefer not too. I had a look at Veracrypt but maybe a little beyond my capabilities. Not really have much understanding of partitioning, containers etc.
  15. Hi all. Putting some files away on a flash drive for wife if worst comes to worst. Anyone know of a simple....preferably free program I can download to put a password on the drive? Something simple that wont corrupt everything easily. Doesn't necesarily have to have encrytption, just a lock so I can lock access to the flash drive without password
  16. I am up country, a long way from an Embassy or Australia govt office. It's just providing some updated details (Passport, Bank details) to my Superannuation company so don't really want to go all the way (400km) to Bkk
  17. I need to get some copy documents witnessed and certified as being true copies of originals for my Superannuation company. The requirement is as below... "A person authorized as a notary public in a foreign country" Does this mean a particular person who specializes in witnessing / verifying documents like a JP back in Australia? And is there such a thing in Thailand? Or is a Notary public a person of position such as Police, Lawyer, Doctor, teacher etc?
  18. Nah they are dreadful really and bad reviews all over the net. I have contacted Australian Super already ask them if I can authorize them to transfer my funds to their fund. I did that a few years ago was pretty easy hope its still the same. Also asked them if someone can contact me re options for the future. I did ask Colonial about that a couple of years ago and they told me that I should contact my own financial adviser
  19. Just checked mate it is actually Colonial First State. Did you withdraw any funds while you were overseas? I wonder if it's difficult to join with another super fund and let them do the transfer etc? I am guessing probably not. And then at a later date either withdraw from them or roll it over or have a look at my options. That's the next step don't have a clue what to do with my super re investing it or doing a draw down once I am eligible to receive it and I am guessing getting any advice in this area from CFS would be a joke
  20. Currently investigating my options re my Colonial Mutual super fund and its availability to me in the next couple of years. Have also had dealings with them before with terrible results. Reminds me of trying to make a claim with a dodgy insurance company back in the 80's 90's where they just kept fobbing you and hoped you went away. Apart from the fact their performance has been dreadful last 5 years. They seem like borderline scammers... Anyone else had any dealings with them? I am concerned as at some point in the future I will need to withdraw my funds and don't want to make an in person trip to Australia to do it. Should that become necessary I will not be responsible for my actions. Hard to believe a high profile company could be like this in this day and age with so much potential social media exposure
  21. Been going there 7 years never any problems. All have good attitudes. They have a rep as one of the best IO in the country. Always pleasantly surprised when I go there ????
  22. Without reading the entire posts, so not sure if already answered but I found my SCB debit card wouldn't even work on online purchases in Thailand a few days ago. Apparently on the 17th this month they made some change where you had to go into your settings and reset all of these things again, to say yes you want to be able to pay for domestic purchases, international purchases etc on your card. Was a typical Thai cock up, and must have happened to and confused a lot of people as we couldn't get through to their call center for 2 days. I had already checked the settings on the app and I couldn't find anything I could adjust. My missus ended up getting them to talk her through it over the phone and it was a convoluted process but sorted the problem. Just had to switch all these settings on again as their update turned them all off. I wouldn't bother going to the branch as in my experience they know jack shiz about anything, and usually just end up calling the help centre, and handing you back the phone
  23. Saying you can grow it and smoke it privately, but can't have plants with PCP (TCH?) or whatever it is. What would be the point? Am I missing something here or is everyone as confused as I am?
  24. That's pretty much my feeling too. I am at a stage of my life where I can't afford to gamble. I love living here, love the people but it's very important to me to maintain control of my life. And that means I rent a home, in my name.
  25. Really? I haven't met one yet who would even cook for herself let alone cook for me or even help do 20% of the chores around the house. Neither do any of my mates wives particularly do much. Slaves? Often? Not in the Thailand I live. I have asked a few of them what they are bringing to the relationship as I seem to be paying for everything and doing most of the work for both of us. Answer is usually something like "I live with you everyday". I always wonder how blokes go here who don't know how to take care of themselves.
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