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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. I have never met one that thought she was lucky to get a better life and a caring husband unless it was a Hollywood lifestyle where she was showered in real estate and gold. I honestly think they believe they are downgrading getting a farang and expect to be renumerated for it. Different story if its an old guy and a sexy young girl, and more power to you if you can afford it but an older lady that is probably bringing nothing to the table apart from a lot of baggage and future problems....nup. have some self respect / self worth and have some expectations of your own. After you have lived here some time you will reallise there is a queue of women 30-50yo wanting to meet you from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. If it doesn't work out...nnnnext. If she seems like a nice woman give her a try. But dont commit to anything and don't invest any more than you would in a GF back home, particularly at the start. And I wouldn't automatically fire her just because she asks for money. Her friends (who have never even spoken to a farang) will be coaching her on what to expect and egging her on. Set her straight and give her one chance. The real test comes later when her jealous friends are asking where is her gold and new Louis bag? And why haven't you built her a home? Its all about face, showing off, embarrassment. Which monkey has the most bananas. If shes strong enough to push all that off and be realistic u may be on a winner
  2. In context I don"t see theres anything wrong with her saying her family will want money. We all know it would be true. All your new best friends sitting there like drooling mongrels waiting for a hand out. Maybe she feels embarrassed about it. On the other hand if you feel she is hinting that you will need to grease them up if you want the pleasure of her families company that's a huge red flag but a very typical and common one if they are from a poor / village back ground. I used to wonder how these girls became so entitled and expectant of going from the outhouse to the penthouse but there never seems to be any shortage of fresh meat queuing up for the slaughter
  3. If hes as naive as he appears how would he know at this point? They are all angels until you have transferred all your wealth to them in houses, land vehicles....in her name. Then the best you can hope for is she will continue to let you live in HER home, when you are penniless and trying to explain to her you are on a pension and need to live modestly. And she will be thinking this sap was easy to find, he's no use to me now I'll go find another
  4. Showing gold or handing over sums of money at a wedding ceremony to a 50yo village woman would only bring ridicule on yourself as well as advertising yourself as an easy mark. And she wasnt lying when she said her family want money. She may even be protecting you. Judging by a guy I know's ordeals with his 50yo wife and her gambling issues, loans etc Id say you'd be safer with an ex bar girl. At least short term you'll have more fun
  5. They ought to go check Tesco (CP and co). Pork prices dearest Ive seen so far 2 days ago at 240 to 280 baht, a day after seeing 180 baht in Big C. No surprise as they seem to own everything now
  6. Mrs got one. We just call it a side car
  7. Thanks for all the advice guys. Git a few things from the pharmacy last night to try but of course its gone now, so wont know until it happens the next time lol. I saw the liquid Gaviscon on Lazada, double strength about 600 baht plus I think. Thanks again, if I have any luck will report back but it sounds like different things work / not work for different people
  8. I am not scared of it, I don't think Zantac / Ranidine available in any form now is it? I believe there are no known cases of anyone getting cancer from Ranidine / Zantac, its only that someone realized it contains a small amount of something believed to be carconagenic. I mean I would take one pill once every three to six months so not going to hurt me. Have you purchased it recently?
  9. I googled them and they're Tumeric pills apparently. Do you get instant relief with them or only take them with meals as a preventative?
  10. Yeah don't eat chocolate much, nor do I drink and eat oats. I tried the Bi carb in warm water a couple of times didn't work for me at all. My problem is as I said only get it once every three to 6 months and usually in the middle of the night so taking a preventative or something preemptive wont help me. Its usually gone by morning, I just need something to sort it out fast then and there so i can get back to sleep. Zantac used to work usually within 5 to 10 minutes
  11. Only Gaviscon tablets. They are just antacid pills I think. Is there another type of Gaviscon? No I don't need a check up for something I've had 35 years and get twice a year, but thanks
  12. Thank you but I think Omiprazol needs to be taken for 1-3 days before it reduces symptoms. Like I said may only get this once every 3 to 6 months so not something I am going to change my life over, just want something to relieve symptoms quickly. Zantac used to work a treat, and even though there are no known cases of it causing cancer or death, some brainiac found it contained something that may be carcenogenic so off the shelf they go. If I was getting it chronically / regularly I would definitely look for some permanent solutions or meds but just a couple of times a year thing. I think everyone experiences it to some degree at sometime
  13. I rarely get it but when I do a shocker. I don't mean acid in the throat I mean where it feels like you have food stuck in your throat and recurring gas / pain coming up in your chest / throat. Used to take a Zantac, worked really fast but I believe they have been banned. I got some Gaviscon antacid pills and the white milky amalgam stuff you buy but it's very slow and not particularly effective. As I said its not a recurring thing, usually happens if I eat too late. very crusty bread, coconut and charred meat seem to always be culprits. I have been checked out before and its not a heart issue, ulcer or other horrible thing. Simple indigestion and as I say only get it once in a blue moon so not looking for possible underlying causes or recommendations to the doctors, just an effective medication or even home remedy. Anybody have the same issue or can suggest something readily available here, perhaps a Zantac alternative
  14. I dont think at anytime there was a problem flying from Khon Kaen to Bkk. It was flying from Bkk to KK and being admitted, as Bkk was a dark red zone and KK red zone. I believe they have a new set of coloring pencils now. Best to check with the carrier I would suggest
  15. I like everyone else have had issues over the last 4 or 5 years. I did work out though last year or two that it pays to keep trying. Got the "contact your IO" message but tried again a few times later and successful. I found it never worked for me on weekends or out of office hours.
  16. Never nice seeing someone hurt but that comical little scene I would have enjoyed
  17. I got mine in 2 hours and received an email notification that it was approved also
  18. Well all good this morning, got my approval back 2 hours. Happy days ????
  19. Just got the old one sorted after 4 years of difficulty and they changed it again lol. Looks like maybe for the better though. Has everyone had better luck with the new system? I put my application in and says successful. The last year or so they were automatically being approved, I figured with the covid situation. What's the deal now? Is it your local IO approves them or they are approved HO level? Was always a problem before as we used to need to call them to ask them go and check, sometimes not approved for a week. Often would get someone obviously too lazy to go check and say "system down" or not working and hang up. How are things working now?
  20. Yeah its not the culture or their culture is different etc. I get it....but can you picture a Thai going to a foreign country. Hey, we're going out to dinner tonight. You wont understand anyone nor will I make any effort to make you feel comfortable...and by the they'll be ordering the most expensive things on the menu and enough to take home for tomorrow as well. And at the end of the night no one will thank you, let alone say goodnight. I can't picture it all Reminds me of a GF I had used to religiously forget my birthday, not that I cared but I did note that this and many other things weren't important when it was happening to others...but was completely different when it involved them. Birthday not Thai culture. It was her culture when it was her birthday and was expecting an expensive gift.
  21. Yeah I gotta say I hear these stories and think huh. I know or have known at least 30 farang guys in my time here and none seem to have wonderful relationships with either their wife or families. As a matter of fact mine far from perfect but one of the better ones I have known about. These family aren't money grubbers like some I have met, nor that expectant to be honest. Maybe ambivalent? or in my culture unappreciative but maybe that's a lack of understanding or something on my part. Maybe it's shyness on their part? But I have travelled a lot of the world and a lot of the stuff here gets passed off as culture doesn't seem to occur ad nauseum elsewhere. My missus is an accountant by the way, not a bar girl. Poorer village upbringing though and the poorer they are the more entitled they seem to be in my experience. I have quite a few educated middle / upper class Thai friends in Bangkok / Chiang Mai and they are a completely different kettle of fish. Very kind thoughtful people who wouldn't dream of asking for a loan etc. true friends where you can just spend time with them for the pleasure of their company. From what I gather a woman of that class wouldn't generally want to be with a foreigner, particularly an older one. I genuinely don't think they see having a farang as an upgrade or a step up, in fact I believe its the opposite...for whatever reason. Some will accept the downgrade to farang if there is wealth and bragging rights involved. I have lived with a wonderful Thai extended family, where they all really did pitch in and play a part but it is the only one I have seen. I have had relationships with bar girls, Govt workers, teachers, nurses....a doctor.....and to be honest there are pros and cons for both. Usually in my experience the ones that have positions have bigger debts and therefore higher monetary expectations. And usually why they are targeting foreigners. A lot easier to converse with and a lot more balanced in their temperament though. I have always made an effort to get involved, try to get to know people and sometimes it works other times it doesn't. Usually when family visits now I am welcoming and willing to take them here and there but I do realize as foreigners we are never going to be Thai, or think like a Thai or even close to it. I leave them to it. Most of the time they seem to want to do nothing more than play with their phones, eat or take selfies anyway and that's fine by me. I let em have at it.
  22. Mrs brother and wife just came to visit for a few days. Nice enough people but as usual an odd experience sharing your home with people you have zero in common with. I think they are actually scared of me. And you never seem to be included in anything really and no one seems to want to make you feel included like you would expect your family to say make your Thai wife feel included back home. Mrs doesn't seem to make much of an effort with them. I cook my own food but they always order food, rarely cook. Like cooking is beneath them. And when it arrives its every man for themselves so I usually feel uncomfortable like should be taking care of the guests. Mind you muggins pays for it all of course. They can't speak English at all and don't understand my attempts at Thai (no ones fault really). I am the chauffer as well running everyone around, keeping them entertained. The strangest thing I find hard to come to grips with is there is never a thank you? Not even an acknowledgement lol. More like a quiet entitledness like it was expected I would pay all along, and maybe I could do a bit better next time. Like I have been here sometime now and I know it seems to be the norm with Thai / farang relationships here in Isaan. But I don't think I will ever get really used to it. Was only thinking before....if a Thai went to Australia, and their spouse told them ok we are having family over this weekend and you are expected to pay the bill and taxi them around at will etc. I am telling them all to make no effort to converse with you or include you, in fact sit in the corner and be as transparent as possible....until the cheque comes. I am guessing that would be a different story. It's only funny until it happens to you lol. I am harked back more and more lately to something a long time expat told me when I first came here. the sooner you accept we have absolutely zero in common with them, the easier it is to live here
  23. Not sure if you need to go to hospital these days to quarantine if you got covid. Seems like some do and some don't. Im guessing guaranteed if Omicron. Knew a couple of mates didnt have symptoms early in the piece but went and got tested....positive. Both spent a brain numbing 2 weeks in hospital, never got any symptoms. Only a 100-200k bill at the end of it. Id be saying nothing and isolating unless I was at deaths door
  24. Yeah realize that, and sucks a big one too. Hardly worth investing in anything here and interest rates wouldn't buy you lunch. Not sure what I am going to do with it
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