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Everything posted by Kenny202

  1. Should have googled it first lol. I believe at the moment SMS / Whatsapp messages are some of the worst going. Not just scams trying to get your money but worm viruses that are effective just by opening the message. Really makes me wonder where all this will end....not well I imagine. Google and Facebook seem to know my every thought. Once upon a time your banking / personal information was either safely in your wallet or safe at home but now everything floating around in cyberspace. it is very concerning.
  2. Normally I delete and block these sort of messages immediately but this once came from +1 country code, USA. Says her name is Weeraya from Thai Job recruitment. Asked if she can send me more details. I know probably a stupid / gullible question but anyone else had a similar message?
  3. I was with a woman for three years had HIV for at least the amount of time I was with her, unbeknownst to me. I been there and done it sadly. For your benefit, I didn't actually contract it, nor did my son. I accompanied her to clinics 7 or 8 times and had to take my son for follow up tests. Why do you keep using the word "us" like you are speaking for everyone or everyone shares your opinions? And the Yes, your story may be true....really appreciate your validation
  4. I saw a lot of young kids like that in the HIV clinics. One sticks in my mind young monk cant of been much more than 18yo. Already had sores etc developing and skinny. Doctor was giving it to him he was smiling and just didn't seem to care or realize. Once upon a time once it got to proper AIDs stage (immunity level under 200?) I think back then it was a foregone conclusion. What are the survival chances now once it has gone the full course? I forget the term but it basically is how they measure your immunity. 1200 - 1500 was normal...Under 200 was classed as proper aids from memory.
  5. When I was dating out of maybe 10 girls I think I was asked if I had a condom once, and it still wasn't a problem. HIV / STD aside they don't even seem to consider falling pregnant. Working girls used to be maybe 50% didn't seem to care or could be talked out of it when doing the deal in the bar. Some would ask for more money
  6. What garbage? I thought we were discussing percentages of people tested.....not the overall population and known cases
  7. You have to take the Thailand factor into account when you are talking about awareness and adherence to regimes. Like I said I saw the doctor scolding endless amount of patients for not taking their meds. There are very few symptoms up until they are near the point of being at the too late stage (Aids). You know what Thais are like....no symptoms...no problem. The girl I knew went off her meds for at least 3 months during Covid. Not sure what the outcomes were. Started because her village was in lockdown for 3 weeks. Out of embarrassment she is registered out of province in another area and has to travel some distance to get them. She just didn't bother. I asked her to get on the phone maybe the hospital can send her the meds in the post or something but she just said never mind.
  8. They were similar figures I was told by a nurse in a village but it was closer to 10% from memory. And that is only the people tested and that is generally women at 3 months pregnancy. I don't know what the real figure would be including untested people but would have to be close to double the official figures
  9. Back when I had my brush with HIV there was no legal responsibility for a partner or medical staff to tell even a husband or wife their partner is infected. I found that incredible at the time but I guess there is an argument for both sides. You would be pretty p$$d off though if you contracted it and you were not warned. Used to be very sad several times I sat in a HIV clinic, very normal looking middle aged women with kids etc sitting there looking pitiful waiting for their appointment. Hubby I guess must have passed it on to her. At the time though an infected person had a legal responsibility to inform any sex partners they had the virus before sex, or so I was told. Very illegal to call someone out with HIV and very strong punishment apparently. I was told this was because so many well to do / Hiso had this secret. Not sure about now. Was one of the problems back 5 or 6 years ago was that particularly in rural areas....the hospitals had a special clinic / area for HIV. People had to wait outside for their appointment and you know how many local people you would bump into in a small community, and you know how rural people love to ask uncomfortable questions and gossip. I always thought that may have been a deterrent for people after being initially treated to come back for more meds / treatment. Or even just having to make an excuse for leaving the village for most of the day and travelling to the local hospital. They used to get their meds once a month....was about 3 different pills they had to take same time each night. Then they could get there meds every three months and now I believe 6 months and they only need take the one pill As far as drinking with retro virals, not sure on the effect of the meds but the effect on a person just taking the meds is nearly like being stoned but feeling sick, disorientated also. Very strong drug and in fact I read the drug long term maybe nearly as bad as the virus itself. Were signs of diminishing liver function over a long period of time from memory but not enough data at the time to be sure. Not sure if these side effects lessen over time but I can't imagine anyone wanting to drink after taking the meds. Meds may be completely different now but I remember if I had contracted it there was no way I could stay here. Meds were about 20k pre month back then for a foreigner. I had a one week wait to be tested at the regional hospital. Was a hellish week I had even convinced myself I gave it to her. Good village girls don't get up to any nonsense (). She had already been tested local clinic and had to have follow up / 2nd test provincial hospital which was when I would go test too. Was like when you wake up from a really bad nightmare and it takes you a few minutes to calm down and realize only a dream. Except I wasn't dreaming. The nurse confirmed the GF pos results then said something to me like would you stay with her if you were negative which didn't make sense in the moment, then the penny dropped and she told me my test result was negative. Which opened up so many questions of me living with her for 3 years and she had / and I didn't. She even admitted to sleeping with the young guy across the road while I was away....but it was only once and it was my fault because we had just had a fight on the phone and she got drunk and didn't know what she was doing. Confirmed many suspicions I had and I am sure it wasn't one time or even one guy.
  10. There is a very low risk. I know, I was living with a woman for several years who the doctor estimated by her low viral load she had been HIV pos for 3-5 years. The doctor said it was a miracle I didn't get it and I said yes but its hard for a man to catch it from a woman right? He said statistically yes...but you only have to catch it once and you got it for life. A roll of the dice. On retrovirals nearly zero chance of contracting it in any way but I have sat in clinics listening to the doctor admonishing one patient after the other for not taking their meds. She knew because their VL had spiked. And I believe once a person is on antivirals should they go off them the condition can be even worse than if they never started them
  11. I know personally a women with HIV was and probably still working in a bar / bars Pattaya. Cared not a jot. Would be many more too who know or don't know they are infected. Retro virals do reduce near to zero virus levels but even on retrovirals it can spike during sickness or stress. I lived with a village nurse for a while and for a small population they had an alarmingly high amount of people infected. Most of those know cases were only due to the mandatory 3 month HIV test in pregnancy. What is the most typical thing about this story in Thailand is the way the woman excuses herself. You would nearly feel sorry for her hienous careless selfish actions. She became a hooker as a coping mechanism for her broken heart 🤣🤣 How to polish a turd 101
  12. I think they display and promote what Netflix think your usual preferences are. I often dig up some gems by accident, even when searching for similar genres. And many Thai movies are incredible....the cinematography alone is amazing. A lot of talent here in that regard as many Hollywood films are shot or partly shot here. I even watch some Thai drama series. Mainly historical. Unfortunately they usually tend to run off the rails somewhere and lose the plot at some point. There are some incredibly talented, creative Thai film makers and in awe of some of the musicians / artists. Thai film / drama isn't all bell and whistle slapstick these days and they have some quite sophisticated soul / fusion music. Both usually my preference these days
  13. There are heaps of foreign films. We mainly watch Thai movies....unsurprisingly hundreds of them as well as many other nations movies
  14. Found most of them here with a few exceptions to be the one aspect of the relationship they do take care of dilligently. But like most women around the workd....the hotter they are in the sack the crazier they are to live with lol. One of Gods cruel ironies. As normal blokes I am sure most of us as my grandmother would say would be happy with full bellies and empty b@ll$....a nice smile and pleasant demeanor a bonus too. Then who cares about the housework etc. Unfortunately I need a little more substance having a child that will need taking care of in the future.
  15. Distressing an understatement...the full story would make your hair curl lol. New lady last 4 years who also has a son the same age as mine. Wonderful little guy couldn't say enough about him. Spent his first couple of years living hard in a village and appreciates every single thing he has. He is smart, super caring, helpful and wants to learn everything and learns fast too. Most responsible kid I have ever come across and my son and him as close as any real brothers could be. He is what you would expect from a village girl that has had a hard life and appreciative of a new life, good family and security in her life. If only my girl was 50% the same! 5555. She is a good person, not greedy or too selfish. Both mom and dad passed and no real close family so no hangers on. But there is a moody, entitled, hormonal 12yo girl lurking in there. Probably as good as it gets here and that's not saying much really. I do 90% of everything including taking care of the kids and paying for everything of course. In reality she is like having an extra kid. If I didn't have my son I would see no reason to have a relationship here...in fact I liken it to tying a wet bag of cement around your neck, dragging it behind you and paying for the privilege as well. The village type girls I have come across .....putting all the entitled ness, greedy family stuff, moodiness etc aside....at best bring very little to the table. In fairness / some ways they just aren't capable....they don't have the life experience, education and lets face it there is an evolution lag in the mix there somewhere. Most have little or no initiative, interests....ability to develop and grow outside of social media or the latest kiddy games. Finding a proper life partner, who was interested in the growth, development, prosperity of her general family (husband, kids etc) rather than trying to only increase her own wealth with as little effort as possible or extracting from someone else (Us) IMO needle in a haystack stuff. I know Thai families here (Thai husband / Wife) where the wife does take control of these things, works tirelessly to put her kids through Uni, better her family etc. The demographic we seem to attract might be good looking or whatever but in real terms the bottom of society looking for a free ride, easy money. I have had relationships with professionals and more educated women and in some ways better but really the only difference is higher debts / outstanding loans and a greater need for money. Older women you would think better but seeing some of my mates relationships they seem to be the worse particularly for gambling...and gambling the house and assets a way. A very familiar story in Isaan. Anyway, it is what it is and you have to accept it if you want a younger good looking woman. An old guy said to me once, no good complaining they are stupid or lazy....Think yourself lucky....if they weren't this way they wouldn't be interested in us old codgers 🤣
  16. Took me 5 years, got shod of her 5 years ago. Still ghosting me today....but only when she is in the shet of course lol. Left me with a 3 month old son. One of 4 kids she abandoned to others. Lied to me about everything before I came here. Only found out she had 3 other kids when I saw her Tabien baan. She couldn't tell me because she knew I wouldn't accept it...like it was kinda my fault as they do 😂 last I heard she had HIV and working in a bar in Pattaya. Anyway, no regrets as bitter as I must sound. Been an interesting ride and have enjoyed every minute of watching my son grow.
  17. That was long ago in another life lol. She was definitely entitled. I live in the city now, as much as I loved the village I lived in I don't do villages or temples anymore
  18. The disparity for me is never so obvious as when you see them bowing, scraping.....kob jai phee......nong......poor jai ....maximum respect to someone they don't know let alone who has ever done anything for them.....or worse a cement ooger booger statue in front of a temple they believe will make them lucky.....and just this morning you did yours and her washing....cooked for yourself and cleaned the house. Not only did she not help even clean up for herself looked down on you as if it were your job anyway lol. I refuse to play that game anymore 🙂 Often said if you think all you need to bring to the table is your pu$$y, guess again. There is plenty of that available anywhere in Thailand in fact I was doing better on that front when I was single. Unfortunately the only thing that makes them realize they had it good is after you have split up and already moved on. Then the next 6 months to 2 years trying to get back what they had and took for granted all along
  19. I been here ten years and I don't think once I felt any gifts or acts of kindness were appreciated either to partners or locals. In fact usually left with the feeling that its ok but doesn't measure up to someone else's Facebook (un) reality, and perhaps I should have bought a more expensive home, motorcycle, car.....or heavier baht weight gold. Small gifts or thought fullness is only ever measured in the value of the gift..not the thought. And the laughable thing the people judging the gift bearer have probably never given anything or done anything kind or spontaneous....particularly if it involves more than 5 baht of their own money. Most ungrateful people I have ever come across. Never worked it out either. Possibly another one of their weird self defense mechanisms where showing gratitude means lessening yourself or leaving themself open for a reciprocal request ala The Godfather. A Thai guy told me once Asians generally don't understand acts of kindness. They think you are either stupid or want something in return in other words eyed with suspicion or a fool who is easily separated from his money. I remember when I first came to live in a village anything kind I did for anyone usually left me disgusted. Buy a couple of kids with no parents an ice cream in a shop and the grandmother asking why I didn't "take care" of her, she is older than the kids. Or the time I offered to pay for a gravel road into the temple through the rice fields for the old ladies. I assumed if I paid for the materials couple of the guys with tractors would spread it....some of their mothers used to walk through the muddy track to the temple. Nope..... a total greed fest every one with there hand out. Or someone is jealous or offended in some other way. The self satisfaction to me of doing a good deed or making someone happy would be enough for me, no thanks required but when all it does is stir up bad feeling and jealousy why do anything. I don't bother anymore. It's just a waste of money and their is no thanks in it, usually the opposite. Most relationships I have had here were finished by me after weighing up the ledger sheet of what I was giving and receiving in return. Usually in my estimation 95% / 5% ratio... if that. We kid ourselves its "cultural" and all that stuff but IMO people here tend to respect people who treat them harshly and look down on those who are the kindest to them. A mate of mine with a Thai wife told me before coming here....the hardest thing is teaching them not to bite the hand that feeds them. IMO never truer words spoken. Met a lot of good people here too, really good people but there are an awful lot of the latter
  20. This forum gets more disturbingly bizarre every day
  21. Sounds like a pretty A typical farang / Thai women (village born?) relationship to me. Lazy, entitled, selfish, greedy etc....Probably the full seven deadly sins all in one package. Even without their 11yo attitude / intellect / anger issues they usually have very little to bring to the table apart from usually kids, needy family and a lot of issues / debts. No world / real life experience, no initiative. So even if they were happy thoughtful, agreeable, helpful with their husband / kids they would still be next to useless, though most of us would be happy with someone that at least tried to contribute. Not act like everyone owes them something. They wont do anything by themselves and hate being asked to do anything. No interest in learning or personal growth. Hobbies include scrolling through Facebook liking posts and reading other peoples comments, various other social media, watching inane drama shows and sleeping. As far as cleaning, cooking or helping in anyway I assume you are probably doing that yourself including most of the children's care and paying for everything of course. Yet she still walks around with a shetty look on her face and an attitude like she is the down trodden one lol. I hear you and I think just about all the friends I have in Thailand are in similar relationships to some degree. Most of them stuck there and tolerating it because they are on the pension and house in her name... As for your dilemma only you can work that out for yourself. What about the financial situation in Germany? Does she have the rights to half or more of everything you own like in most countries? Can you afford to bare that loss and start again? In any case sounds like you are in an intolerable situation and she has no interest in doing anything to make amends. By the way not all Thais / Thai women are like this by any stretch. Got some really good Thai friends and they live very much like we would. Tidy homes, structure in their life, have goals, work as a team together etc. The women we seem to be attracted to and indeed seek foreigners out are usually as you describe....bottom of the barrel, at the end of their road and looking for a free ride. These traits aren't cultural to Thailand....they are traits of a typical type of person found all around the world. The kids well, I guess you wouldn't be comfortable with her taking care of them....nor should you be by the sounds of it. She probably doesn't even want them but will play on that for sure. I would try and find out what it is she actually wants....if it is just exit stage left and leave the kids with you, and not suck you dry probably your best option. I got left with 4 kids in Australia and the first two weeks was hectic then it all worked itself out. You have to make the decision first that you are really going to finish it up with her, then start taking steps. It gets easier after you start moving. You didn't mention if she is working or solely dependent on you? Will be a lot of things possibly that can come into play even if she seems ammeniable to separating....one of which is her friends getting in her ears as to the financial possibilities. And you can bet they have their own forum in Germany with plenty or women giving out free (often ill informed) advice just like Asean now. I know it is not in our play book to use kids as pawns etc but they have no such qualms. I got left with a child here, very similar situation to yours but in Thailand. She had me dancing around on a string for three months manipulating me with my child. In the end I suggested to her she may be the one that gets "left holding the baby". That straightened her up 5000% and her whole attitude changed. They use your concern / love for the child actually against you...as they have no such feelings themselves.
  22. They call it "go fast"lol
  23. Thais thin all paints Don't listen to them. The last thing on their mind is a good result. 1stly thinned out its easier to apply, secondly cheaper as the paint goes further. In their mind win win. But like many buildings here the paint will be see through in 6 months and peeling off in a year. Thailand...the hub of cheap.and nasty
  24. Prefer a place has a bit of western / Thai style.....not just Isaan or Thai. Reasonably priced ???? Thanks in advance
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