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Posts posted by z42

  1. "

    He explained that police could not overcharge the suspects otherwise they would be accused by the public of being biased or unprofessional. Some of the suspects told the police that they merely responded to a friend’s call for help and not call to kill the disabled man, he said."

    Call for help? Was the disabled man getting the better of the friend? Give me a break!

    Pathetic a***holes.

    Agreed, but even more confusing was why they didn't call the cops for help. As many of their dads were officers in the local station I'm sure they'd have been on the scene in a flash if they thought their sons were in danger from a man supposedly attacking them.

    Am pretty certain this question won't get asked in court, but it should for sure

  2. Ridiculous. I actually feel that the cops are trying to shield the killers as much as possible by watering down the charges and delaying the whole thing so the lightest possible punishments can be given down the line when most people have forgotten and a new scandal du jour is upon the population.
    If the B2 in koh tao got the death sentence for simply murder while drunk in a joint enterprise, then these guys and girls should get the same punishment. The self defence argument doesn't stack up when its 6 on 1 and the guy is very clearly disabled and actually fleeing in the video.

    Only a confession would commute the sentence, surely if they don't confess they get the maximum sentence, if not its the watered down sentence which should be 15 years to life. Either way they should be all over. Lets hope a harsh judge gets his / her teeth into this case

  3. Very disconcerting when officials talk about giving "fair treatment" for people who are unequivocally implicated in the brutal murder of a disabled man.

    I smell another fix up / cover up in the making. Disgraceful

    Ridiculous distortion of the statement by police.

    Acting metro police chief Lt.Gen. Sanit Mahatavorn said at a press conference Monday afternoon that although four of the six suspects are related to police officers, the case will proceed with fair treatment


    Behave yourself sunshine.

    Just what exactly do you think the spokesman is getting at?

    Experience has shown that when police bigwigs start talking about fair treatment in cases involving vip's and connected people. The case grinds to a halt and becomes intentionally over complicated.

    Or are you going to predict these guys will go through a swift trial with death sentences meted out

  4. Speechlesss that some people here are still rationalizing the perp's behaviour. Disgraceful.

    The leaked video could have acted as a catalyst for the authorities to show just how swiftly and harshly they dealt with the attackers. Instead they are publicly orchestrating a witch hunt and bleating that a chance at covering the whole episode up failed and exposed the authorities as incompetent and disingenuous to say the least.

    I hope the person who leaked it becomes known then at least he / she will avoid private persecution

  5. It must be said that Thaksin is a genius when it comes to spin and corrupting people, obviously these are abhorrent character traits that no human being should ever wish to harbour.
    Prayuth just looks like an uneducated oaf in comparison, he has shown his true colours (although anyone with an ounce of intelligence knew already what his true colours were before the coup) . The 3rd hand that could seriously shake things up remains very well hidden. One can only wonder at what point it will be introduced. As much as I loathe the man (Thaksin(, Thaksin is routing Prayuth currently, Prayuth's heavy handedness and scandal ridden regime is slowly but surely showing just how ineffective it is in everything it does.

    How long until it all erupts into something uncontrollable I wonder, it's inevitable I would have thought.

  6. You have to be a special kind of scum / stupid when even Thaksin has the moral high ground over you. I can't help but feel that when it does all come crashing down (and it will) that many will have suffered greatly and the country will likely still not be any closer to progression. Someone in the NCPO needs to gag the head honcho just for the sake of credibility if nothing else (And yes i'm aware they were hardly ever credible before now)

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